DANGAMAN wrote:Joining the EU has many positive sides.
I fully understand that prices have shot up, I am sure that would be the case anyway.
I also believe that the Cyprus pound would have dropped quiet a bit during the recent crisis. Do you know it is one only currency in the world that has survived the less years?
Tax on many items has dropped including vehicles and other items (from EU countries)
Just take it with a pinch of salt, try seeing the glass half full than half empty... thats what I try to do.
Since I have been here VAT has increased from 10% to 15%. Dictated by the EU.
Diesel has increased from CY£0.13 to €1.06 - 80% of it tax. Dictated by the EU.
Everything is more expensive because of joining the EU and only in a limited number of cases (cars as you rightly say) have tax harmonisation benefited the consumer.
Most of the laws that do or will affect us are created by unelected Eurocrats.
The EU wastes billions of our taxes - they haven't managed to get their accounts approved for years.
They move the HQ every month FFS!