Partition petition signed by Ismail Veli (Embargoed active senior member)
Mr Veli is pictured below on Embargoed website:
Embargoed's 'official' position to the public:
Human rights is everybody's right!
We use all possible channels to mobilise non-violent action and support for our campaign. We will continue to lobby governments, political parties, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, and other related groups to end the unjust isolation imposed on the people of North Cyprus.
Although Embargoed! is committed to championing Turkish Cypriot rights, we do not believe this should be at the expense of Greek Cypriot rights. During the course of our campaign, we have tried to increase understanding, respect and dignity between the two sides in Cyprus, challenging intolerance where it exists and at the same time breaking down barriers. As a group, we do not endorse any particular political end solution in Cyprus - we believe this should be left to the democratic free will of the two sides. However, we are committed to helping Greek and Turkish Cypriots reconcile their past and present differences.