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Cornelius Desmond O'Dwyer's Press Release

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Postby Svetlana » Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:38 am

What strikes me is that we have people here condeming Connor for racist remarks, who have splattered CF with racist comments for years.

There seems a sad deteriation in standards on CF, any critisism of Cyprus or the way things are done in Cyprus is met with abuse of the poster - and increasingly irrelevant responses. If I say, 'the roads in Cyprus are bad', I will immediately be told, 'your roads are worse', 'your Police are corrupt' etc. rather than 'this is the erason the roads are bad' or whatever.

This is a Cyprus Forum and the presumption is that most topics will be about Cyprus and life in Cyprus. CF prides itself on Free Speech, but more and more comment and observation is now being met with abuse and personal insults. So members here are trying to surpress Free Speech; it cannot be allowed to happen, so leave out the bad mouthing.

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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Oct 31, 2010 8:21 am

Sotos wrote:Many "developers" are not people to be trusted. They can do nasty things and take advantage of loopholes in the law. But just because he has some issue with a developer this doesn't mean he can bad mouth the whole of Cyprus.

Re palavi oli sas....i dont believe you people and you people i mean Cypriots, why would this man need all this time to get justice and thankfully he did....we sit here complaining that turkey invaded our island and that it was unjust but when Cypriots are the ones passing out justice it takes them 3-12 years to do so......and Sotos he is badmouthing Cyprus because the so called authorities have known about this problem and have done nothing about it.......Honduras has better property rights then Cyprus
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:16 pm

Have you ever met O'Dwyer? Do you have one shred of objective evidence to support any of your arguments that he has defamed the company? As to sdefaming the government, the government managed to do enough damaage to ist reputation through a number of issues with the legal system, in particular the way that the case took so long to hear - 4 years! Justified delayed is justice denied.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:19 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Gasman wrote:The Brits certainly aren’t buying anymore...

Well halleluiah! :roll:

I’ll be very blunt with you Gasman, I just can’t stand you snotty Brits anymore!

Here’s hoping you’ll all go back to the shithole you came from and never return!

You’ve been nothing but a nuisance to this country! Actually, make that EVERY country you've ever set foot on!

Purveyor of shite since 1571…

Get Real: you are are all that is bad about this forum.

If it was not for us Brits you would problay still be under complete Turkish domination.

As for being a shit-hole, when I see all the dumped fridges, etc, littering what was beautiful countryside, I think of the phrase about "shitting on your own doorstep".

O'Dwyer got a bum deal from his developer - he got a bum deal from the Justice system, which took nearly four years to hear the case - justice delayed is justice denied.

What has he otherwise saied about either the developer or the government that is either untrue or not an honest opinion? Chapert and verse please, with objective evidence, not the straight foward abuse that seems to be all you are capbale of.

Hundreds of other property buyers have been ripped of by developers, who have signed a contract then taken out a mortage on the property - an issue which in most places would be considered as fraudulent - an issue which the government has blatently failed to address either under existing criminal laws or, if these laws are ineffectiive by new laws to make it clear criminal offence to sell a property wiithout free and clear title.

Is it that the government is too in thrall to vested interests i.e. property developers and bankers , and the lawyers who are involved in such activites - and where it only takes on rotten apple to spoil the barrel?

As it is, your political leadesrs managed to f*ck-up the state within three years of independance with the Acritas Plan - that was a home-made f*ck by Big Mak, Papadop, et al andwithout British intervention: It was only the intervention of others that stopped the Turks invaqding in 1963 -it was Cypriots who aided what Big mak termed the Greek Invasion who gave them the excuse they finally needed in 1974, so stop trying to blame others for the state of affiars you find youself in, and recognise that as Country you have big probelms, of which people like you are a part.

You sir, you too are rotten apple. A Racist Bigot! May you and others like you be consigned to the dustbin, where you belong.
Last edited by supporttheunderdog on Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Gasman » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:43 pm

Shithole? I came here from beautiful South Hams in Devon between Dartmoor and the coast. Before that I lived in Newlyn, Cornwall. There is NOWHERE in Cyprus to rival that sort of beautiful countryside. But then you think the Tourist Areas here are areas of outstanding natural beauty and special scientific interest lol!

You defend fly tipping and littering everywhere on the island. You think the concrete hulks they have smothered the coastline with here in the South are somehow proof of how 'well South Cyprus has done' in the last 30 odd years.

You don't know the meaning of the word 'unspoilt'.

Wanna see some photos of REAL shitholes? I have a whole album of them! Even one of the only truly scenic places here - Troodos - has been bespoiled by Cypriot Litterbugs.

*They are planting their old cookers, fridges and oildrums the wrong way up I reckon - none of them seem to be growing very well.
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Postby Gasman » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:56 pm

Left the occupied north to defame the south for richer pickings, you foulmouthed racist anti-Greek, ousted Brit! Very Happy

The predictable smiley at the end of what is A COMPLETE AND UTTER FABRICATION. You really shouldn't be allowed to continue to post your lies on this forum. You have no foundation for them, other than your desire to get others on board your hate wagon for TCs, Turks and Brits.

I moved to the RoC from the UK and have lived in the RoC ever since. I make no secret of my 'visiting' the North and I am breaking no laws by doing so. And if I did live there - I would make no secret of that either.

But I don't and never have.

You are a disgrace to Cypriots and to Cyprus. And what possible use you are to the UK or anyone you have in the UK is a mystery to me - as you spend all your time there posting on this forum ranting against the UK and spouting fantasies about being Greek.

Ever thought of getting a job to keep you occupied? I doubt you'd be able to find one where you got paid to do what you do all day now - but it would perhaps take your mind off dwelling on what happened when you were barely out of nappies and spending your every minute blaming the Turks, the Brits and the TCs for it!
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Postby Sotos » Sun Oct 31, 2010 12:59 pm

Svetlana wrote:What strikes me is that we have people here condeming Connor for racist remarks, who have splattered CF with racist comments for years.

You mean against the Turks? We are in war with them because they invaded us and they occupy our country. Racist remarks is the least we can do against them.

There seems a sad deteriation in standards on CF, any critisism of Cyprus or the way things are done in Cyprus is met with abuse of the poster - and increasingly irrelevant responses. If I say, 'the roads in Cyprus are bad', I will immediately be told, 'your roads are worse', 'your Police are corrupt' etc. rather than 'this is the erason the roads are bad' or whatever.

This is a Cyprus Forum and the presumption is that most topics will be about Cyprus and life in Cyprus. CF prides itself on Free Speech, but more and more comment and observation is now being met with abuse and personal insults. So members here are trying to surpress Free Speech; it cannot be allowed to happen, so leave out the bad mouthing.


This forum is about Cyprus not against Cyprus. Every place has its positive and negative things. No place is perfect. But what certain people do is post just to bitch against Cyprus and pretend that their own countries are better.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:00 pm

Sotos wrote:
Svetlana wrote:What strikes me is that we have people here condeming Connor for racist remarks, who have splattered CF with racist comments for years.

You mean against the Turks? We are in war with them because they invaded us and they occupy our country. Racist remarks is the least we can do against them.

There seems a sad deteriation in standards on CF, any critisism of Cyprus or the way things are done in Cyprus is met with abuse of the poster - and increasingly irrelevant responses. If I say, 'the roads in Cyprus are bad', I will immediately be told, 'your roads are worse', 'your Police are corrupt' etc. rather than 'this is the erason the roads are bad' or whatever.

This is a Cyprus Forum and the presumption is that most topics will be about Cyprus and life in Cyprus. CF prides itself on Free Speech, but more and more comment and observation is now being met with abuse and personal insults. So members here are trying to surpress Free Speech; it cannot be allowed to happen, so leave out the bad mouthing.


This forum is about Cyprus not against Cyprus. Every place has its positive and negative things. No place is perfect. But what certain people do is post just to bitch against Cyprus and pretend that their own countries are better.

Sotos: The Turkish Invasion did not take place in Isolation of other events: it arose out of distrust of Greece (and the war in the 1920's) and the Greek Invasion, a it was called by Big Mak himself, in the UN, in June 1974. cwertain GC elements have never understood that under no circustances was Turkey going to allow Enosis.

FYI I think that theTurkish Army should withdraw andsubject to certan very limited exceptions full restoartion of property to the 1963/74 ownership, for both GC and TC interests.
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Postby Milo » Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:48 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Milo,
Have you ever met O'Dwyer? Do you have one shred of objective evidence to support any of your arguments that he has defamed the company? As to sdefaming the government, the government managed to do enough damaage to ist reputation through a number of issues with the legal system, in particular the way that the case took so long to hear - 4 years! Justified delayed is justice denied.

You need to read back thru the posts, I,m on the side of good not evil. Therefore IF those lying Developers don,t get a lengthy sentence then the campaign will continue. It was,nt me that said it :?
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:00 pm

For as long as the expats politicize their commercial disputes/problems via the Cyprus Mail you can be sure that I’ll be coming after you lot big time!

For every corrupt Cypriot you guys dig up I’ll shove 100 corrupt Brits right in your faces and rub it good!

So fasten your seatbelts because Unkie GR is mobilizing and coming after YOU!

Every single secondary school, college, and university student will hear about your attacks against Cyprus and see your double standards once they learn of your corrupt politicians and solicitors, your animal cruelty, your War Crimes, and your disgraceful human rights record!

You want war? I’ll give you war you British wankers! :evil:
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