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Christofyas confesting

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

The fact remains....

Postby cymart » Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:28 pm

That Christophias does not speak sufficient English to make coherent speeches at important venues and whoever is in charge of his office should have known that and arranged for his speech to be read by an interpreter,rather than let him be humiliated!Mind you,other people have made similar mistakes and Jimmy Carter was one when he took Zbigniew Brzezinski to Poland on an official trip-despite the guys obvious Polish origin,his command of the language was elementary and he made some really embarrassing gaffs!
No doubt he will start talking in Russian to Medevdyev on Thursday because he does know that language much better than he knows English,although I hope he doesn't start on about the Soviet Union again,which as we all know went politically and economically bankrupt!!-no wonder the poor guy is only staying here for 24 hours and some of those will be spent sleeping!
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:56 pm

insan wrote:
humanist wrote:It's time for Britain to do the right thing and release the bases back to the RoC, pressuring Turkey to accept the proposal put forth by Christofias to free Famagusta and start the redevelopment immediately in order to create atmosphere of trust in view of Unification as a BBF. It is time for Turkey to immediately halve the troops stationed in Cyprus, in view and as good will gesture toward Unification as BBF. It is time that the EU tied a solution to the Cyprus Problem with Turkey's accession to the Union.

I think we cannot change the past but we can move forward. The sooner Turkey frees Cyprus the sooner she'll make it to the EU.

However, Germany and France would like to use Cyprus because they have the need to remain a little open minded despite they not want to be lol

I can't believe the Cyprus Problem is as complex not to be solved after the Union of Germany lol

By bearing the same mentality in your minds that consider TCs as a minority besides considering the Cyprus problem as "liberating Cyprus from the Turkish invasion and the occupation"; is not possible to move politically even one iota forward, humanist...

First you must acknowledge that the Cyprus problem and the current defacto situation is the consequence of some past and on going; local, regional and global events that make all concerned parties responsible/mistaken/guilty to various extends... :wink:

Its high time that all players in the Cyprus problem awknowledge that it was created due to the cold war and what christophias' was implying was just that....It had nothing to do with minorities or enosis or whatever other bullshit has been spewed ....The cold war was the reason Turkey invaded And occuppied Cyprus...end of story....Turkey needs to mature to the point of telling that to its people so that a solution can be found that will be in line with human rights and absolute property rights.
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Postby Bananiot » Tue Oct 05, 2010 11:09 pm

Cymart, his Russian is just as bad as his English. I have heard tonight that Stephanos, his spokesperson, also suggested that he should have spoken in Greek but Christofias went into a fit! He really embarassed old Stephanos by the bitterness of his attack.

The other thing of course that made the Americans laugh a lot is his village-level talk about himself loving Turkish Cypriots. It reminded the Americans of their racist bums who always start by saying that their best friend is a black person ...
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Postby insan » Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:29 am

wyoming cowboy wrote:
insan wrote:
humanist wrote:It's time for Britain to do the right thing and release the bases back to the RoC, pressuring Turkey to accept the proposal put forth by Christofias to free Famagusta and start the redevelopment immediately in order to create atmosphere of trust in view of Unification as a BBF. It is time for Turkey to immediately halve the troops stationed in Cyprus, in view and as good will gesture toward Unification as BBF. It is time that the EU tied a solution to the Cyprus Problem with Turkey's accession to the Union.

I think we cannot change the past but we can move forward. The sooner Turkey frees Cyprus the sooner she'll make it to the EU.

However, Germany and France would like to use Cyprus because they have the need to remain a little open minded despite they not want to be lol

I can't believe the Cyprus Problem is as complex not to be solved after the Union of Germany lol

By bearing the same mentality in your minds that consider TCs as a minority besides considering the Cyprus problem as "liberating Cyprus from the Turkish invasion and the occupation"; is not possible to move politically even one iota forward, humanist...

First you must acknowledge that the Cyprus problem and the current defacto situation is the consequence of some past and on going; local, regional and global events that make all concerned parties responsible/mistaken/guilty to various extends... :wink:

Its high time that all players in the Cyprus problem awknowledge that it was created due to the cold war and what christophias' was implying was just that....It had nothing to do with minorities or enosis or whatever other bullshit has been spewed ....The cold war was the reason Turkey invaded And occuppied Cyprus...end of story....Turkey needs to mature to the point of telling that to its people so that a solution can be found that will be in line with human rights and absolute property rights.

What if there had been no cold war? Would TCs have diggested the unilateral annexation of Cyprus with Britain or Greece? What cold war had to do with Greek independence war which sparked Enosis fire in Cyprus in late 1800's?

Of course it has nothing to do with Latin, Maronite or Armenian minorities of Cyprus... :lol:

... but it has a lot to do with Enosis which was related to megali idea and costed too many lives and destruction during the Greek-Turkish wars... and always considered by TCs and Turkey as a threat towards our national security...

National security of TCs and Turkey was the main reason that was threatened by the GC and Greek ultra - nationalists, led Turkey and TCs to cooperate and put a full stop to the bloodshed and neverending intercommunal strife...

It's high time for everyone to get your facts right and move forward in the light of plain truths... :wink:
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:08 am

miltiades wrote:A 10 year old if presented with the facts as they occurred would have no trouble recognizing that the coup was
the green light for turkey to invade . No coup no invasion no coup no occupation .

ok Miltiades we understand brother, but the coup invasion and occupation was purpotrated by the same hand, ie the other side of the Soviet Union and the socialist communist, during the cold war. It had nothing to do with oppressing a minority or for wanting enosis. think about it. we keep falling into the same trap and its basically a never ending circle one side accuses the other and on and on.
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Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 06, 2010 4:48 am

...a proxy war that if we choose to stop, it will make us "less" Greek or Turk.
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Postby Bananiot » Wed Oct 06, 2010 6:24 am

What are you on about cowboy? Are you trying to rewrite recent history?
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Postby humanist » Wed Oct 06, 2010 8:32 am

First you must acknowledge that the Cyprus problem and the current defacto situation is the consequence of some past and on going; local, regional and global events that make all concerned parties responsible/mistaken/guilty to various extends...

Insan by engaging this comment I would be doing exactly what what we have been doing for the past 35 years.

However, I would like to ask question of you ... are you happy with the current situation?
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Postby revolver » Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:38 am

Oracle wrote:
gauss wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Bananiot wrote:Really oracle? Why the furore then?

I've already been through this with one misguided forumer; so, if you can find the quote where he allegedlly used those words, be my guest because I have read the original transcript of the speech and they are nowhere to be found, manually or by search engine.

So go ahead, disher of "bitter truths", find the original quote instead of feeding the frenzied masses!

Would it have killed you to provide a link to the transcript for those too stupid to find it themselves?

Bottom of p.7

Why don't you ask the threadmeister, "revolver", to supply the specific source on which he initiated this thread:

According to the Greek Cyprioty press, Christofyas has said "both of the motherlands occupied Cyprus and all guarantor countries played 'bad' roles in Cyprus."
I don't now if this is true or wrong, if he told that.
that is what we read at the translation of greek press.

Where is the source of which you speak, revolver?

Are you talking of English translations from Greek translations of manually recorded English transcripts delivered by a native Greek speaker? Or, do you have the President's speech notes?

Where is my source?
He spoke at the Washington Brooking Institute last week my friends, and all the Greece and south Cyprus press wrote about it.
So, stop asking where is your source and read the papers dear... :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Oct 06, 2010 10:03 am

wyoming cowboy wrote:
miltiades wrote:A 10 year old if presented with the facts as they occurred would have no trouble recognizing that the coup was
the green light for turkey to invade . No coup no invasion no coup no occupation .

ok Miltiades we understand brother, but the coup invasion and occupation was purpotrated by the same hand, ie the other side of the Soviet Union and the socialist communist, during the cold war. It had nothing to do with oppressing a minority or for wanting enosis. think about it. we keep falling into the same trap and its basically a never ending circle one side accuses the other and on and on.

Cant follow mate !
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