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Sooner or later Turkey and Azerbaijan should quit occupied

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:54 pm

People have very short memories indeed...Thankfully I am here to remind them :

1-Makarios went about plotting to dismantle the ROC even before the ink was dry in 1960...So those who are talking about countries not obeying the agreements they signed are on very shakey grounds indeed...

2- As far as Turkey is concerned they are not occupying any foreign country...They are in Cyprus in accordance with the Treaty of Guarantee to safeguard the independence of Cyprus... :) Independence of the RoC is now an accomplished mission...A soon as there is an agreement between GCs and TCs to achieve a peaceful and lasting solution the TA will withdraw... :wink:

3-Has anybody ever thought that no other country recongnised the trnc simply because Turkey never asked anyone to do so??? It suits Turkey and her allies (USA and Britain) to have things exactly as they are...When the situation changes,and it is in Turkey's interests for the trnc to be recognised you will be surprised how many countries will do so... :lol:

There you are,the other side of the coin...You can smoke it in any utensil you can find... 8)
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