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Cyprus talks (III)

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Cyprus talks (III)

Postby boomerang » Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:04 am

After the 1974 intervention of Turkey and the 1975 exchange of population that created a Turkish Cypriot northern Cyprus and a Greek Cypriot southern Cyprus, a new living has started for Turkish Cypriots in northern Cyprus, mostly on properties left by the Greek Cypriots. Over the past 36 years production, consumption, financing in short life has shaped on those properties, a vast majority of Turkish Cypriots who migrated in 1975 for a third time since 1963 have made those properties homes, offices, workplaces, farmlands for themselves. That is they build new lives on those properties. Even though the socioeconomic structure in north might not be a perfect one, devastating it all together or creating a chaotic atmosphere by rendering Turkish Cypriots migrate and build a new life for a fourth time in a lifetime obviously cannot be conducive to maintenance of peace...

the rest of the article is hoqwash and aimed to please fibble minds...

if there was an agreed population exchange, how come then the property issue was not solved right there and looks to me it was a foced population exchanged thus the problem of today...

how come this journo doesn't call it for what it is...a landgrab by turkey...rather than mesmerising readers with we are turks therefore we did nothing wrong...

i have noticed most turkish journos, aim for an audience of underdeveloped...
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:10 am

...once again repopulation does not have to mean disaster for a Turkish Cypriot fabric to sustain itself on their island. however, with the introduction of enclaves into the poltical geography again, if done reciprocally, there will be the possibility for both Grecophones and Turcophones to expand the service they can offer island wide.

...counterintiutively, if you will, it will add to the security of both these populations because Turkey cannot be seen as a massive threat from across the border, while Greeks will not be able to act as though their majority is a mono clonal system with populations that live surrounded as well.
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