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We burned the mosques in Cyprus....

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby lola-tulip » Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:37 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
lola-tulip wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
lola-tulip wrote:
Paphitis wrote:A Greek Article about these Turkish confessions can be found here:

[i]«Εμείς κάψαμε τεμένη στην Κύπρο» παραδέχεται απόστρατος Τούρκος στρατηγός

Λευκωσία: Αίσθηση προκάλεσαν στην κοινή γνώμη οι αποκαλύψεις Τούρκου στρατηγού, ο οποίος στο παρελθόν υπήρξε επικεφαλής της Διευθύνσεως Ειδικού Πολέμου, ότι ο τουρκικός στρατός προέβη συστηματικά στην Κύπρο σε προβοκατόρικες ενέργειες, μεταξύ των οποίων και ο εμπρησμός τεμένων.

Εξηγώντας στο τουρκικό δίκτυο Haberturk τη δράση της υπηρεσίας του, ο απόστρατος σήμερα στρατηγός Σαμπρί Γιρμιμπέσογλου παραδέχτηκε: «Στις Ειδικές Επιχειρήσεις υπάρχει ένας κανόνας: Για να ενισχύσεις το αντιστασιακό φρόνημα του λαού, κάνεις δολιοφθορές σε συμβολικούς στόχους δίνοντας την εντύπωση ότι πρόκειται για έργο του εχθρού. Για παράδειγμα βάζεις φωτιά σε ένα τζαμί. Εμείς κάψαμε τζαμιά στην Κύπρο».

Η ειρωνεία της υπόθεσης είναι ότι η αποκάλυψη του Τούρκου στρατηγού έγινε στην προσπάθεια του ιδίου να διαψεύσει προηγούμενη δημόσια ομολογία του, το 2006, ότι το πογκρόμ των Σεπτεμβριανών το 1955 εις βάρος των Ελλήνων της Κωνσταντινούπολης ήταν έργο της Διεύθυνσης Ειδικού Πολέμου.

“We burned mosques in Cyprus” admits ex-serviceman Turkish general.

Nicosia: The revelations of the Turkish general, who in the past was the head of the “Address of Special War” [Ergenekon?], that the Turkish army systematically carried out in Cyprus provocative measures, which included arson on mosques, caused a sense of guilt/unease in the common opinion.

Explaining in the Turkish network Haberturk, the action of his services, the ex-serviceman, general Sampr Girmimpesoglou, today admitted: “In the Special Enterprises exists a rule: In order to strengthen the revolutionary belief of the population, you carry out sabotages in symbolic objectives giving the impression that it is the work of the enemy. As an example, you start a fire in a mosque. We burned mosques in Cyprus”.

The irony of this affair is that the revelation of the Turkish general came about during an effort by himself to deny his previous public consent, in 2006, that the pogrom of Septembrianon in 1955 against the Greeks of Constantinople, was the work of this “Address of Special War” [Ergenekon?].

Best not to use google to translate.

The man says in the original language 'actually we bombed ONE'. Singular. Even that is one too many. Bastards.

Can you provide the direct Turkish quote to compare to the Greek account?

In the opening post of the thread, the man says, Mesela bir cami yakılır. Kıbrıs’ta biz bunu yaptık. Bir cami yaktık” dedi

Mesela bir cami yakılır. transl. = For example a mosque can be burnt

Kıbrıs’ta biz bunu yaptık. transl. = We did this in Cyprus.

Bir cami yaktık. transl. = In Cyprus we burnt a mosque.

In haste I previously said 'bombed'. That was wrong. It was 'burnt' [down].

What about this part?

"KIBRIS’ta 1955-58 yılları arasında 16, 1963-74 arasında ise 100’den fazla cami, mescit ve türbe Rumlar tarafından tahrip edildi."

Does it not say something like:

"Cyprus around 1955 in 58 are betwixt 16 1963 100’den to betwixt the 74 burnt many mosques and a mosque and a tomb from your Greek side destruction was done."

[Forgive me, but this bit is 100% Google]
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Postby bigOz » Thu Sep 23, 2010 11:55 pm

lola-tulip wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
lola-tulip wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
lola-tulip wrote:
Paphitis wrote:A Greek Article about these Turkish confessions can be found here:

[i]«Εμείς κάψαμε τεμένη στην Κύπρο» παραδέχεται απόστρατος Τούρκος στρατηγός

Λευκωσία: Αίσθηση προκάλεσαν στην κοινή γνώμη οι αποκαλύψεις Τούρκου στρατηγού, ο οποίος στο παρελθόν υπήρξε επικεφαλής της Διευθύνσεως Ειδικού Πολέμου, ότι ο τουρκικός στρατός προέβη συστηματικά στην Κύπρο σε προβοκατόρικες ενέργειες, μεταξύ των οποίων και ο εμπρησμός τεμένων.

Εξηγώντας στο τουρκικό δίκτυο Haberturk τη δράση της υπηρεσίας του, ο απόστρατος σήμερα στρατηγός Σαμπρί Γιρμιμπέσογλου παραδέχτηκε: «Στις Ειδικές Επιχειρήσεις υπάρχει ένας κανόνας: Για να ενισχύσεις το αντιστασιακό φρόνημα του λαού, κάνεις δολιοφθορές σε συμβολικούς στόχους δίνοντας την εντύπωση ότι πρόκειται για έργο του εχθρού. Για παράδειγμα βάζεις φωτιά σε ένα τζαμί. Εμείς κάψαμε τζαμιά στην Κύπρο».

Η ειρωνεία της υπόθεσης είναι ότι η αποκάλυψη του Τούρκου στρατηγού έγινε στην προσπάθεια του ιδίου να διαψεύσει προηγούμενη δημόσια ομολογία του, το 2006, ότι το πογκρόμ των Σεπτεμβριανών το 1955 εις βάρος των Ελλήνων της Κωνσταντινούπολης ήταν έργο της Διεύθυνσης Ειδικού Πολέμου.

“We burned mosques in Cyprus” admits ex-serviceman Turkish general.

Nicosia: The revelations of the Turkish general, who in the past was the head of the “Address of Special War” [Ergenekon?], that the Turkish army systematically carried out in Cyprus provocative measures, which included arson on mosques, caused a sense of guilt/unease in the common opinion.

Explaining in the Turkish network Haberturk, the action of his services, the ex-serviceman, general Sampr Girmimpesoglou, today admitted: “In the Special Enterprises exists a rule: In order to strengthen the revolutionary belief of the population, you carry out sabotages in symbolic objectives giving the impression that it is the work of the enemy. As an example, you start a fire in a mosque. We burned mosques in Cyprus”.

The irony of this affair is that the revelation of the Turkish general came about during an effort by himself to deny his previous public consent, in 2006, that the pogrom of Septembrianon in 1955 against the Greeks of Constantinople, was the work of this “Address of Special War” [Ergenekon?].

Best not to use google to translate.

The man says in the original language 'actually we bombed ONE'. Singular. Even that is one too many. Bastards.

Can you provide the direct Turkish quote to compare to the Greek account?

In the opening post of the thread, the man says, Mesela bir cami yakılır. Kıbrıs’ta biz bunu yaptık. Bir cami yaktık” dedi

Mesela bir cami yakılır. transl. = For example a mosque can be burnt

Kıbrıs’ta biz bunu yaptık. transl. = We did this in Cyprus.

Bir cami yaktık. transl. = In Cyprus we burnt a mosque.

In haste I previously said 'bombed'. That was wrong. It was 'burnt' [down].

What about this part?

"KIBRIS’ta 1955-58 yılları arasında 16, 1963-74 arasında ise 100’den fazla cami, mescit ve türbe Rumlar tarafından tahrip edildi."

Does it not say something like:

"Cyprus around 1955 in 58 are betwixt 16 1963 100’den to betwixt the 74 burnt many mosques and a mosque and a tomb from your Greek side destruction was done."

[Forgive me, but this bit is 100% Google]

What it actually says is:

"In Cyprus, between 1955-58 sixteen (16), between 1963-1974 more than 100 mosques, places of worship, and holy tombs were destroyed by the Greeks."
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Postby lola-tulip » Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:39 am

Does it not clearly state they "‘enter the level after takes for your houses add a close several bomb the admission had done."?

For this bit:

"‘işlerini ciddiye alıp hizaya girmeleri” için evlerinin yakınına birkaç bomba attırdığını’ itiraf etmişti."

If as you (or D) claim, only one mosque was bombed; then which one?

[Kindly decide on which were bombed and which were arsoned.]
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Postby lola-tulip » Fri Sep 24, 2010 12:56 am

Dear Mr Big Oz., please explain to me why if the Greeks were destroying "100 mosques" in that time, this Turkish General felt the need to come and bomb/arson just one mosque? Was it for good measure?

What difference would one more mosque make if indeed the Greeks destroyed hundreds in that time?

Are you not concerned about the lack of logic in what you believe?
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Postby lola-tulip » Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:35 am

From "Today'sZaman"

Haber Türk: Gen. Sabri Yirmibeşoğlu, a former secretary-general of the National Security Council (MGK) accused of being behind an assassination attempt on Turkey’s eighth president, Turgut Özal, told the daily that the Special Warfare Unit even set a mosque on fire in northern Cyprus as he was explaining about the unit, the daily reported in its main story yesterday. “As part of special warfare, we attacked places that were known to be valued by the public and made it seem as if it was done by the enemy to increase the anger of the public. We did this in Cyprus. We set a mosque on fire,” Yirmibeşoğlu told the daily.

How many more like him? each burning down a mosque?
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Postby SKI-preo » Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:47 am

In haste I previously said 'bombed'. That was wrong. It was 'burnt' [down].

Burnt down is different from bombed -so... fair enough hey. What a senile old :shock: donkey.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:21 am

That BOTH sides did such despicable acts to the other is never in question...To take this admission and use it to absolve one side of all their wrongs is mindless stupidity,to say the least...And to use this admission to condemn an entire nation as GR did is a serious cognitive distortion issue associated with mental illness...GR...Take Alan's advice please and stay on your medication...There is a good boy!
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:58 am

Of course Birkibrisli. Both sides behaved in the same way, after all we are all Cypriots. Here are two examples that spring to mind. We placed a bomb at the statue of EOKA man Markos Drakos, by CYTA and blamed the Turks. We did something similar at Ayios Kasianos school, the details of which I do not remember now, but I can look it up.

P.S. The logic of GR! It is despicable to be a Greek nationalist or a Turkish nationalist, but it is quite okay to be a Cypriot (sic) nationalist!
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:17 am

Bananiot wrote:Of course Birkibrisli. Both sides behaved in the same way, after all we are all Cypriots. Here are two examples that spring to mind. We placed a bomb at the statue of EOKA man Markos Drakos, by CYTA and blamed the Turks. We did something similar at Ayios Kasianos school, the details of which I do not remember now, but I can look it up.

P.S. The logic of GR! It is despicable to be a Greek nationalist or a Turkish nationalist, but it is quite okay to be a Cypriot (sic) nationalist!

All this nonsense you spout will never solve the Cyprus Problem, and the fruits of the talks will only result in far worse nationalists down the track.

YOU and Turkey are paving the way for other nationalists to take the reigns and after so much shit, the GCs will only be too happy to vote them in this time around!

Only a nationalistic fascist is capable of dealing with Turkey and the occupation! Christofias is just wasting our time.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Sep 24, 2010 6:43 am

SKI-preo wrote:
In haste I previously said 'bombed'. That was wrong. It was 'burnt' [down].

Burnt down is different from bombed -so... fair enough hey. What a senile old :shock: donkey.

They are different but the result would be the same . Full marks for name calling.

The guy is an imbecile. In Tulips above post he claims they did a mosque in in Northern Cyprus. Just think about it. Northern Cyprus became known as such after 1974. How credible is this guys evidence whilst on trial?
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