maya01 wrote:I don't know where you are looking, but Cypriot women aren't gorgeous at all. Many are unattractive and just plain. I have only seen like 3 good looking Cypriots since I've been living here for like 1 yr. I go out all the time to cafes, bars, and restaurants. The women have very strong masculine features. They are naturally hairy. Most of them cannot put on makeup if their lives depended on it. It looks like a mask. Plus if they were soooo attractive, why a lot of Cypriot men marry foreign women? Now Cypriot men are attractive! I love men who look very masculine.DD
maya01 wrote:Okay, I got ya. I would agree that foreign women here are better looking than Cypriot women, but I really hope thats not the case that the women here are the best in Europe. I haven't seen any gorgeous ones. Maybe the ones that you are talking about are in the strip clubs. Also, a lot of foreign women here look cheap.
maya01 wrote:See you proved me wrong. She is stunning!
miltiades wrote:The last time I used my Cyprus mobile , I always do so when in Cyprus , was on September the 1st when I was flying back to the Uk , a habit of mine over the years Nd it saves ne a packet not having to use my Uk mob which costs considerably more.
Getting ready for my forthcoming visit this Saturday do I always prepare by charging my Cy mob and get in the mood !!
Switched on this evening plugged in and immediately the usual ' spam' welcome to the Uk blah blah blah , started deleting until l came across 7 , yes 7 messages from an unknown origin , curious I opened the text and begun to read the first then the second then the third and so on till the last one , all from the same number from the same person ....a female from Belarus !!!!
To be continued .....
miltiades wrote:maya01 wrote:I don't know where you are looking, but Cypriot women aren't gorgeous at all. Many are unattractive and just plain. I have only seen like 3 good looking Cypriots since I've been living here for like 1 yr. I go out all the time to cafes, bars, and restaurants. The women have very strong masculine features. They are naturally hairy. Most of them cannot put on makeup if their lives depended on it. It looks like a mask. Plus if they were soooo attractive, why a lot of Cypriot men marry foreign women? Now Cypriot men are attractive! I love men who look very masculine.DD
Cyprus has the best looking women in Europe !!!! It does not mean they are Cypriot by birth or indeed Cypriot but ....Russian , Moldavian, Lithuanian etc etc !
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