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Lesbians in Paphos?

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Lesbians in Paphos?

Postby hffox77 » Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:15 am

I'm 33 and I'm looking to meet other gay girls for friendship and fun- obviously a life partner would be good but I won't push my luck!! Also, does anyone know the best places to meet other gay people in Paphos? I'm put off going to pubs and clubs because I'm on my own but if there is a nice, friendly place then I will go.
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Postby fig head » Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:12 am

Hi hffox ! there is one gay bar in bar street called different, but the gay people i know go out to normal clubs !! and the gay girls i know dont really care if other girls are striaght or not they try to pull and if it worked out they happy if girls said no then oh well at least they tried haha..

so why dont you just go out socialize and dont worry cause i assure you there is lots of girls who arent gay but would go home with you in the end of the night just for the sake of trying something new ! going to the dark side can be sometimes attractive so good luck
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Postby Kangarooster » Wed Sep 22, 2010 4:29 pm

haha yeap what fig pretty much said. you're unlucky since larnaca has a gay club like only for gay people try it sometime if you wanna, it's called secrets :) i got friends who are gay/bi , both male and female and they all agree that paphos is kind of a hard (no pun intented :P) area for them :)
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