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Living in a state dominated by the other.

Everything related to politics in Cyprus and the rest of the world.

Would you be prepared to live in a state politically dominated by the other?

Yes, I'm a TC and don't need any guarantees.
Yes, I'm a GC and don't need any guarantees.
Maybe, I'm a TC but need 1960 style constitutional guarantees.
No votes
Maybe, I'm a GC but need 1960 style constitutional guarantees.
No votes
Maybe, I'm a TC but need EU legal protection.
No votes
Maybe, I'm a GC but need EU legal protection.
No, I'm a TC and will live alongside but in a separate space.
No, I'm a GC and will live alongside but in a separate space.
Total votes : 7

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 21, 2010 8:08 pm

revolver wrote:Etnic Cleansing?

You dont know what etnic cleansing my friend.

Oh yes we do...

The official United Nations definition of ethnic cleansing is "rendering an area ethnically homogeneous by using force or intimidation to remove from a given area persons of another ethnic or religious group."

Ethnic Cleansing: The attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing sometimes involves the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group through the destruction of monuments, cemeteries, and houses of worship. ... -cleansing

Ethnic Cleansing: The elimination of an unwanted group from a society, as by genocide or forced migration
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Postby humanist » Wed Sep 22, 2010 12:44 am

I am a Greek speaking Cypriot who is happy to live alongside Turkish speaking Cypriots without any guarantees other than those that exists in any other multicultural democratic nation.
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Postby Jimski999 » Wed Sep 22, 2010 7:15 am

I’m one of an ethnic minority (English) who lives in the ROC and can only say me or my family have never suffered discrimination from the authorities or the local people. My wife is Kazakh (Turkic’) and she has always been treated courteously and generally local people are fascinated by this and want to know about her homeland. I can vote in the local elections and I have one vote which is equal to my Cypriot neighbour; that I believe is democracy.

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