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Living in a state dominated by the other.

Everything related to politics in Cyprus and the rest of the world.

Would you be prepared to live in a state politically dominated by the other?

Yes, I'm a TC and don't need any guarantees.
Yes, I'm a GC and don't need any guarantees.
Maybe, I'm a TC but need 1960 style constitutional guarantees.
No votes
Maybe, I'm a GC but need 1960 style constitutional guarantees.
No votes
Maybe, I'm a TC but need EU legal protection.
No votes
Maybe, I'm a GC but need EU legal protection.
No, I'm a TC and will live alongside but in a separate space.
No, I'm a GC and will live alongside but in a separate space.
Total votes : 7

Postby Piratis » Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:04 pm

AWE wrote:
B25 wrote:
AWE wrote:
B25 wrote:Short of fooding Cyprus with illegal settlers they The Turks cannot dominate so your poll is null and void.

You are just trying to turn the tables so that you may catch a response that you can harp on about.

Anyway, why is an arrogant liitle english prick interested in what goes on in Cyprus, other than being a carpet bagger and wanting to protect your stolen goods. Just asking like ???

My 'goods' were brought by my father in 1968 so not stolen. It was lola-tulip's thread that got me thinking do GCs and TCs want to live together or not ... highlight=

so would you live in the TC dominated state?

AWE, you are asking a hypothetical question that can never happen.

I will not play your game.


Ok, so post solution in a BBF would you move to 'Girne'?

There is no going to be such a "solution".
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Postby B25 » Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:15 pm

AWE wrote:
B25 wrote:
AWE wrote:
B25 wrote:Short of fooding Cyprus with illegal settlers they The Turks cannot dominate so your poll is null and void.

You are just trying to turn the tables so that you may catch a response that you can harp on about.

Anyway, why is an arrogant liitle english prick interested in what goes on in Cyprus, other than being a carpet bagger and wanting to protect your stolen goods. Just asking like ???

My 'goods' were brought by my father in 1968 so not stolen. It was lola-tulip's thread that got me thinking do GCs and TCs want to live together or not ... highlight=

so would you live in the TC dominated state?

AWE, you are asking a hypothetical question that can never happen.

I will not play your game.


Ok, so post solution in a BBF would you move to 'Girne'?

Mate I don't identify the so called place you call 'Girne'.No such place in Cyprus, what country you talking about???
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Postby AWE » Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:35 pm

B25 wrote:
AWE wrote:
B25 wrote:
AWE wrote:
B25 wrote:Short of fooding Cyprus with illegal settlers they The Turks cannot dominate so your poll is null and void.

You are just trying to turn the tables so that you may catch a response that you can harp on about.

Anyway, why is an arrogant liitle english prick interested in what goes on in Cyprus, other than being a carpet bagger and wanting to protect your stolen goods. Just asking like ???

My 'goods' were brought by my father in 1968 so not stolen. It was lola-tulip's thread that got me thinking do GCs and TCs want to live together or not ... highlight=

so would you live in the TC dominated state?

AWE, you are asking a hypothetical question that can never happen.

I will not play your game.


Ok, so post solution in a BBF would you move to 'Girne'?

Mate I don't identify the so called place you call 'Girne'.No such place in Cyprus, what country you talking about???

Ok, Kyrenia, in English, what is the Turkish?
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Postby Schnauzer » Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:42 pm

kurupetos wrote:Bollocks!

And so to the next question. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Living in a state dominated by the other.

Postby Get Real! » Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:09 pm

AWE wrote:Would you be prepared to live in a state politically dominated by the other?

The question should’ve been…

“Are the incompetent and corrupt bankrupt piss-pots who call themselves "Turkish Cypriots" in a position to run anything?”

...and I think you know the answer to that! :lol:
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Postby lola-tulip » Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:27 pm

AWE, I think you have missed the point entirely. Proposing democracy is about doing away with domination by "groups". The power is back with the individuals where it belongs.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:34 pm

AWE wrote:
Piratis wrote:I lived in the USA for some years. I had no problem at all living in a state dominated by others.

Should I have demanded that the state I was living should be ethnically cleansed from all others so that the majority of that state are Greek Cypriots?

The issue is not who dominates a state. The problem is the ETHNIC CLEANSING and trying to dominate a territory by violating the basic human and democratic rights of the majority of the population.

So, I have no problem living in a state dominated by others if the others are the majority (like it was the case when I was in the USA). But I DO have a problem with being ethnically cleansed from our own territory so some others can dominated it.

The same is true for 100s of thousands of other Greek Cypriots, who are British, American, Australian etc citizens, but they do not expect their ethnic group to dominate the countries they live since their ethnicity is a minority in those countries. They accept democracy and equality of all citizens in those countries, and the same thing we demand for Cyprus.

Ok, but the question still stands would you as a GC be prepared to live in a TC dominated state and if so what assurances would you require?

what I am interested in here is not that TCs or GCs will live in a state dominate by an other but the other of the CyProb. TCs and GCs live in the UK, USA, Aus etc so that is not in question but can they or do they want live in the same space when one side dominates and under what arrangements.

Ok, but the question still stands would you as a GC be prepared to live in a TC dominated state and if so what assurances would you require?

In my opinion the whole question of the Cyprus problem can be solved by answering your question on the guidelines of human rights and civil equality....Unfortunately the Tc and Turkey do not want to solve the problem along the above stated guidelines but would rather impose aparteid in the occupied areas of Cyprus, the abolishment of court appeals to the level of the Tc state Supreme
Court, and the imposition of restrictions of free movement and employment and land ownership

What Mr Eroglue recently proposed falls within these guidelines of discrimination and repression, which he neglected to mention....

The Annan plan included all of these civil and human rights abuses that the Tc accepted and the Gc overwhelmingly rejected.
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Postby AWE » Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:27 am

I am all in favour of a single state with true democracy in Cyprus but I fear that it will not happen and partition is here unless something is done, this is where a BBF can be a step towards a single state not partition.

As TCs don't want to live with GCs, this may be due to the fact they don't feel that the GCs state will administer them fairly - we all know that in Cyprus laws are applied selectively. The only way to stop the partition is to prove to TCs that they will not be discriminated against in a GC dominated state.

Given the current situation that crossing the green line is as complicated as entering many countries a BBF would make it more akin to crossing from England in to Wales. The BBF agreement must have termination clauses so that the BBF is a step towards a single state and not partition.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue Sep 21, 2010 10:43 am

Our fanatical GC brothers and sisters are still holding on their long cherished dream of dominating,ruling, and punishing their hapless TC brothers and sisters for all the real and imaginary crimes of the Ottomans since 1571...The spirit of EOKA is alive and well...Just waiting for "the balance of power to change"...Then we will have the solution we all deserve...:(...That must be obvious to you now,AWE...What say you???
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Postby B25 » Tue Sep 21, 2010 11:39 am

BirKibrisli wrote:Our fanatical GC brothers and sisters are still holding on their long cherished dream of dominating,ruling, and punishing their hapless TC brothers and sisters for all the real and imaginary crimes of the Ottomans since 1571...The spirit of EOKA is alive and well...Just waiting for "the balance of power to change"...Then we will have the solution we all deserve...:(...That must be obvious to you now,AWE...What say you???

I think you need to wake up from you 1960's slumber. The people of Cyprus have moved on and your ridiculous accusations of mass discriminations are no longer valid.

The problem is with the TCs, thay had it too good for too long with their bread buttered on both sides and this is what they don't want to let go of.

Eroglu is testament to this attitude with his recent pathetic property proposals.

What the Turks got they keep, what they didn't mange to get, they now want. If we , the GCs comminity accepts such a discriminating proposal, we shoudl all line up and let the Turks shoot us dead.

AWE, is neither GC nor TC, just because his father bought some property in Cyprus in '68, he thinks he can tell us how we should surrender our country.

When people like AWE give the asians a seperate state in Bradford, the Jamaicans a seperate state in Brixton and have Ghandi as a rotating PM in the UK, then we might consider doing the same here. Untill then I wish they would all STFU.
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