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Postby EricSeans » Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:48 pm

miltiades wrote:A nun was prosecuted by TfL for failing to get off the bus at the stop to which she had paid for.
She fell asleep and missed her stop !!!

We were issued with a fine of £300 because a black bag with rubbish was deposited on the pavement outside our showrooms , in it the ...council ...detectives found evidence that the bag was indeed from Devons.
An officer came to see me , I told him to fuck off, as one does , reminded the bastard that my council tax is £12700 per annum and accepted that the bag was ours but denied strenuously that the placement of the bag on the pavement was carried out by us.
The country is ruled not by Common sense but by the good old British Traffic Warden mentality !!
Time to get out of this third world nation.
Have you heard that some ex politician made a statement that on entering Heathrow airport one could easily be forgiven for thinking that he had entered a third world country , and everyone is coming down on him like a tonne of bricks !!!
Common sense died a long time ago Deniz .

The burden of proof is on them that you were responsible for the sack ending up there. I reckon they just hope you'll pay up. Best of luck and screw 'em for costs. :twisted:
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:51 pm

ttoli wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
miltiades wrote:Our political masters are interested in one and only one issue. How to fiddle their expenses , take as much as they can from the system and like 2 jags Prescott retire with a ...Lordship. The country is gone fucking mad.
Civil servants , so called ...Community Support Officers , Police , government ministers - such as the Overseas Development recent scandal - all interested in their own pockets .

Don't start me off on Community Support Officers.... oh sod it! you have!....

Thousands of them employed at great public expense and what sort of support do they give communities? Feck all!..... all they seem to do is hang around in their expensive uniforms in pairs in the relative safety of our High Streets gabbing to each other!........ Millions of pounds of tax-payer's money wasted so these Bleeding No Good Whatsoever Leeches on the Public Purse can stroll though our shopping malls window shopping! ...... Has anyone ever seen them supporting local communities!!!!! Know that when have contacted them (as do regularly to keep them on their toes) get bugger all of a result.

... and yet when Law Abiding Citizens get in to very trivial, very minor "offences" like straying on to road junctions (without causing any inconvenience or obstruction to anyone) the full force of the law is mis-used to get them to empty their pockets on the strength of Dodgy Photographic Evidence using the most modern spy technologies..... Why the bleeding 'ell aren't these same computerised techniques used against the real trouble-makers?????? ...... cos these, the real scoundrels, are all on Benefits, paid to live their chosen life-styles by the likes of you and me!!!!! .... and they ain't got any money to pay the fines. It's all been spent on beer and illicit drugs... it ain't profitable to go after them.
You try sitting in a Police control room, instructing them to relieve a police officer on a crime scene as the officer is needed elsewhere, they ignore you and carry on doing what they want to do, and No, nothing will be done, because being mainly "Those from a diverse Ethnicity", they are only too quick to pull the race card, We once had an armed operation in Deptford, Suspects had not left the house, Armed Trojan units were keeping obs, low and behold I, could clearly see two of them strolling towards suspect location(CCTV),They ignored the instruction and were clearly seen on camera, lowering the FCUCKING volume on their P.R's!!!!!, Can you guess who got a bollocking for "Perceived" racial discrimination?.UK's gone to shit

"Perceived" racial discrimination?????? Jees.... That sounds like a bit of a catch-all!!!!!!

GB would surely have gone to shyte if the gov had wasted billions on that Repugnant and Scammy ID Card System.... The very thought of Englishmen, even sort of Englishmen like yours truly, being forced, at pain of fine and imprisonment, to carry those bleeding things makes me angrier than normally am about the demise of English Civil Liberties in recent years, cos that's what we are talking about, isn't it?
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:53 pm

EricSeans wrote:
miltiades wrote:A nun was prosecuted by TfL for failing to get off the bus at the stop to which she had paid for.
She fell asleep and missed her stop !!!

We were issued with a fine of £300 because a black bag with rubbish was deposited on the pavement outside our showrooms , in it the ...council ...detectives found evidence that the bag was indeed from Devons.
An officer came to see me , I told him to fuck off, as one does , reminded the bastard that my council tax is £12700 per annum and accepted that the bag was ours but denied strenuously that the placement of the bag on the pavement was carried out by us.
The country is ruled not by Common sense but by the good old British Traffic Warden mentality !!
Time to get out of this third world nation.
Have you heard that some ex politician made a statement that on entering Heathrow airport one could easily be forgiven for thinking that he had entered a third world country , and everyone is coming down on him like a tonne of bricks !!!
Common sense died a long time ago Deniz .

The burden of proof is on them that you were responsible for the sack ending up there. I reckon they just hope you'll pay up. Best of luck and screw 'em for costs. :twisted:

Absolutely, very sound advice. They're the feckers who have to prove the rubbish was put there by Devon's staff. Screw the bleeders.
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Postby bill cobbett » Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:57 pm

... and another thing, why have we become a society (in GB at any rate), divided in two????

...those who wear yellow high-vis jackets and the rest of us who don't!!!!... with the latter becoming victims of the former in so many areas of life!!!!!!!

(Where's the angry emoticons?... oh here they are).... :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Postby EricSeans » Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:58 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
miltiades wrote:A nun was prosecuted by TfL for failing to get off the bus at the stop to which she had paid for.
She fell asleep and missed her stop !!!

We were issued with a fine of £300 because a black bag with rubbish was deposited on the pavement outside our showrooms , in it the ...council ...detectives found evidence that the bag was indeed from Devons.
An officer came to see me , I told him to fuck off, as one does , reminded the bastard that my council tax is £12700 per annum and accepted that the bag was ours but denied strenuously that the placement of the bag on the pavement was carried out by us.
The country is ruled not by Common sense but by the good old British Traffic Warden mentality !!
Time to get out of this third world nation.
Have you heard that some ex politician made a statement that on entering Heathrow airport one could easily be forgiven for thinking that he had entered a third world country , and everyone is coming down on him like a tonne of bricks !!!
Common sense died a long time ago Deniz .

Dont I know it. The evidence is all around us. :roll:

I got a ticket from tfl last week. It arrived in the post. On it was a photograph of my car at a junction with the rear two wheels on the yellow grid box. I had NOT obstructed any traffic as the second photo showed the cross traffic whizzing pas my rear. f******g money grabbers.

Isn't it worth asking WHY common sense has died?

In large measure isn't it cos we don't contest and protest these politically correct interest groups and money grabbing, create worthless jobs in enforcing ludicrous by-laws, local authorities?? That we've brought this nonsense on ourselves largely through our bury our heads in the sand apathy and idleness, whilst the organised and active thought and behaviour modification plonkers have got every they can past us whilst we dozed, and whilst we sought a valued consumer materialism, lost the common sense whose value we have now come to appreciate?

That it's easier not to contest local authority and the thought controllers? So Protest and Contest comrades! Fight the mind-controlling politically correct pollocks brigade and contest each and every traffic ticket.

It's your civic duty.

Totally agree. I got a parking ticket when the lines had crumbled away and what was left was covered in snow. And there was no sign. Appealed it all the way to a date for a hearing with the independent adjudicator. Then got a letter saying the council had cancelled the ticket. Fascist bully boys!

Stupid as well: ...
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:15 am

Surprising that you people have realised now that the UK is in a state of moral decrepitude.

I saw that back in 1976 and left. A country with strict liquor licensing and restrictive tobacco sales regulation where you frequently see drunken behavior in the streets and kids as young as 8 publicly smoking is obviously going down the tubes. These are symptoms of the "mind your own business" mindset.

In Greece there are no liquor restrictions, all cafes sell alcohol, but I have yet to see a drunken Greek in the streets. It is also the No1 smoking nation but you do not see children smoking. The reasons are simple, people have the right to show their disapproval at a drunk and give the smoking 8 year old a clip around the earhole. These immediate responses are a thousand times more effective than any social worker mumbo jumbo.

Reading the posts it is obvious that the apathy of the 70s has turned into politically correct aphasia. You guys have stamina, to take this shit daily and still live there.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:30 am

In my case business circumstances dictate my remaining in the UK for a year or so longer. I try to come to terms with it by flying regularly to Paradise and back. I have actually just discovered another destination for a long weekend but Im not telling !!!
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Postby BOF » Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:10 am

And what is the Cry when people criticise anything (Greek speaking Cypriot) over here???
Milt who put the rubbish bag outside the premises? big boy did it and ran away?? it didnt walk - arguments you use here wont wash in the UK.
Come on, most of what you have been complaining about (notice i didnt stoop to use the word whinge) can find comparisons here, and that which isnt here yet (speed/ junction cameras) soon will be.
Already there are your beloved traffic wardens and corrupt practices and politicians.....and rusfeti, and crime is on the increase and the police?
the times they are a changing and cyprus wont be exempt im afraid.

Nikitas : no need to go to the UK to see what you claim doesnt happen in pure as the driven snow Greece, check out the booze related deaths on the roads here, and kids smoking and drinking underage? check out the local kids in bars in Napa. It happens all over the so called civilised world, maybe you just dont see it.
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Postby miltiades » Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:43 am

Successive British governments have manipulated the Great British public by feeding them with mis information and blatant lies. We used to think that corruption only happened in other countries until we learned that corruption here is of the highest order and in most cases it is legally enshrined in our non existent constitution.
We have become a nation of money grubbers , con artists , dedicated totaly to our ...greatest institutions , Eastenders , Coronation Street, Big brother and any other halfwits programme.
Our culture is under attack from third world prehistoric cultures that we are told we have to respect !!!
Multiculturism is promoted as sliced bread once was !
We have accepted the demise of our very own culture and embraced that of nations whose entry into the 21st century is centuries behind. What do we do to stop this rot , we rely on the ...Sun newspapers to tell us on the first page how many women Rooney slept with. For god sake man this is becoming a nation of bloody third world people !!
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Postby EricSeans » Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:34 am

Nikitas wrote:Surprising that you people have realised now that the UK is in a state of moral decrepitude.

I saw that back in 1976 and left. A country with strict liquor licensing and restrictive tobacco sales regulation where you frequently see drunken behavior in the streets and kids as young as 8 publicly smoking is obviously going down the tubes. These are symptoms of the "mind your own business" mindset.

In Greece there are no liquor restrictions, all cafes sell alcohol, but I have yet to see a drunken Greek in the streets. It is also the No1 smoking nation but you do not see children smoking. The reasons are simple, people have the right to show their disapproval at a drunk and give the smoking 8 year old a clip around the earhole. These immediate responses are a thousand times more effective than any social worker mumbo jumbo.

Reading the posts it is obvious that the apathy of the 70s has turned into politically correct aphasia. You guys have stamina, to take this shit daily and still live there.

Knowing you also have a home in Cyprus helps. 8)
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