B25 wrote:The government should organise summer camps for all boys from 10 years and up, train them how to shoot and survive. Girls too for that matter, you never know when you just need to defend yourself and your country.
No harm in that, instead of bollocks PS games, teach the kids something that will protect them and their country.
Great idea, trainign camps, now why didn't I think of that???
Well, I don't know what to say?
But there is a phrase in turkish says 'all turks born as soldiers'....
So we don't need to train our boys, they are already been trained.
bloody hell; this forum making me a fasict
But, B25, I understand what you coming from; having a scout camps is different on the other hand, but Mr Kiprianu talking about 'military training camps'.
So what is that plan;?
Teaching kids how to killed a turk?