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The Cyprus Mail’s corrupt discriminatory practices...

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The Cyprus Mail’s corrupt discriminatory practices...

Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:39 pm

The Cyprus Mail’s corrupt discriminatory practices...

One by one, the Cyprus Mail is barring the IP addresses of Greek Cypriot comment posters from participating in the paper’s political comment sections (that follow immediately after an article), in an effort to assist a handful of well-known Cyprus Haters, mainly comprised of bitter Turks and Brits, who are left to freely command the “airways” on the newspaper’s electronic site to push their anti-Cypriot agenda!

This began in the last couple of months, when an incessant IP address-filtering policy by the Cyprus Mail appears to have enabled a handful of anti-Cypriot aliases to monopolize the “airways” at the Mail’s political comment sections, where they are running rampant with the blessings of the newspaper’s management!

The Cyprus Mail’s systematic campaign to undermine Cyprus, the government of Cyprus, and the people of Cyprus, appears to only be prepared to publish reader’s comments if they directly or indirectly promote one or more of the following…

1. The destruction of the RoC constitution!
2. Undemocratic political arrangements in violation of the UDHR and UN Charter!
3. Blatant anti-Cypriot racial hatred and discrimination.
4. Foreign serving Turkophile or Anglophile stances.

Furthermore, the website’s “mark as inappropriate” link to be found under each reader’s comment appears to only work if it favors the newspaper’s political agenda!

The predominantly foreign or half-baked “Cypriot” crew at the Cyprus Mail are clearly in constant violation of the 1997 established act of the “JOURNALIST’S CODE OF PRACTICE” to be found here…

The Cyprus Mail has become an anti-Cypriot breeding ground of foreign discriminatory interests not only in the biased stance of its articles, but more importantly in the gagging of public opinion, and for this reason I call upon the Cyprus Media Complaints Commission to investigate the matter further.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, GR.

NB: The Cyprus Media Complaints Commission has been directed to this thread.
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Postby CBBB » Fri Sep 10, 2010 8:55 pm

I have just had a look and there are plenty off hard liners (from both sides) commenting, including YBollocks.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:05 pm

CBBB wrote:I have just had a look and there are plenty off hard liners (from both sides) commenting, including YBollocks.

They can enable/disable whatever they please and no doubt they will play games when the commission investigates, but its nothing that I cannot defeat with before and after screen captures… :wink:
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Postby Oracle » Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:48 pm

Fascists! Controlling public opinion. :roll:

They are certainly the cesspit source for a number of sewage dwellers who love to display their holier-than-though colonialist, anti-Cypriot "observations" on this very forum!
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Sep 10, 2010 9:56 pm

Far too much opinion mixed up in articles, an opinion that comes across to me as being...

Pro Turkish Appeasement... and allow me to ask all a question... When was the last time you read the CYM being critical of Turkish positions???? It never happens does it? Yet at every opportunity the CYM will criticise those, especially opposition National Council members, who resist Turkey's "2-state, 2-people Annexation solution." The Island's leading English Language newspaper says nothing to upset Turkey and says everything it can to condemn those who stand for True Democracy!!!!!! Appalling.

Fortunately CF, The World's Most Popular and Most Authoritative Forum On All Matters CY, allows the world to see the the huge opposition to the Turkish Appeasers.
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s corrupt discriminatory practices...

Postby georgios100 » Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:24 pm

Get Real! wrote:The Cyprus Mail’s corrupt discriminatory practices...

One by one, the Cyprus Mail is barring the IP addresses of Greek Cypriot comment posters from participating in the paper’s political comment sections (that follow immediately after an article), in an effort to assist a handful of well-known Cyprus Haters, mainly comprised of bitter Turks and Brits, who are left to freely command the “airways” on the newspaper’s electronic site to push their anti-Cypriot agenda!

This began in the last couple of months, when an incessant IP address-filtering policy by the Cyprus Mail appears to have enabled a handful of anti-Cypriot aliases to monopolize the “airways” at the Mail’s political comment sections, where they are running rampant with the blessings of the newspaper’s management!

The Cyprus Mail’s systematic campaign to undermine Cyprus, the government of Cyprus, and the people of Cyprus, appears to only be prepared to publish reader’s comments if they directly or indirectly promote one or more of the following…

1. The destruction of the RoC constitution!
2. Undemocratic political arrangements in violation of the UDHR and UN Charter!
3. Blatant anti-Cypriot racial hatred and discrimination.
4. Foreign serving Turkophile or Anglophile stances.

Furthermore, the website’s “mark as inappropriate” link to be found under each reader’s comment appears to only work if it favors the newspaper’s political agenda!

The predominantly foreign or half-baked “Cypriot” crew at the Cyprus Mail are clearly in constant violation of the 1997 established act of the “JOURNALIST’S CODE OF PRACTICE” to be found here…

The Cyprus Mail has become an anti-Cypriot breeding ground of foreign discriminatory interests not only in the biased stance of its articles, but more importantly in the gagging of public opinion, and for this reason I call upon the Cyprus Media Complaints Commission to investigate the matter further.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, GR.

NB: The Cyprus Media Complaints Commission has been directed to this thread.

I agree with all of the above.

Cyprus Mail (like any other newspaper) is bound to report the news, not pass judgement or show any hind of favoritism towards political, social or ethnic groups. Furthermore, harboring opinions that undermine the ROC and biassly filtering comments posted in their webpages is unacceptable. We all have opinions or comments and reserve the right to be heard, not banned!

ROC should suspend Cyprus Mails publishing license indefinitely.

It is sad because Cyprus Mail is one of the oldest papers in Cyprus but nevertheless, this kind of behaviour can not be tolerated.

Shut them down, shut them down today!
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Postby Oracle » Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:29 pm

Is Bananiot associated with them?

I'm often puzzled at the similarity of comments ....
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Sep 11, 2010 8:09 am

We get it GR, the Cyprus Mail is committing crimes against humanity. Georgio, you are putting too much faith in the writings of these marginal fools.
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Postby bsharpish » Sat Sep 11, 2010 11:56 am

Oracle wrote:Fascists! Controlling public opinion. :roll:

They are certainly the cesspit source for a number of sewage dwellers who love to display their holier-than-though colonialist, anti-Cypriot "observations" on this very forum!

Another balanced , well constructed, not at all bigotted comment there :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: ...... get back to to your cave-- the suns coming and your cesspool is calling you
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Re: The Cyprus Mail’s corrupt discriminatory practices...

Postby vaughanwilliams » Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:11 pm

Get Real! wrote:The Cyprus Mail’s corrupt discriminatory practices...

One by one, the Cyprus Mail is barring the IP addresses of Greek Cypriot comment posters from participating in the paper’s political comment sections (that follow immediately after an article), in an effort to assist a handful of well-known Cyprus Haters, mainly comprised of bitter Turks and Brits, who are left to freely command the “airways” on the newspaper’s electronic site to push their anti-Cypriot agenda!

This began in the last couple of months, when an incessant IP address-filtering policy by the Cyprus Mail appears to have enabled a handful of anti-Cypriot aliases to monopolize the “airways” at the Mail’s political comment sections, where they are running rampant with the blessings of the newspaper’s management!

The Cyprus Mail’s systematic campaign to undermine Cyprus, the government of Cyprus, and the people of Cyprus, appears to only be prepared to publish reader’s comments if they directly or indirectly promote one or more of the following…

1. The destruction of the RoC constitution!
2. Undemocratic political arrangements in violation of the UDHR and UN Charter!
3. Blatant anti-Cypriot racial hatred and discrimination.
4. Foreign serving Turkophile or Anglophile stances.

Furthermore, the website’s “mark as inappropriate” link to be found under each reader’s comment appears to only work if it favors the newspaper’s political agenda!

The predominantly foreign or half-baked “Cypriot” crew at the Cyprus Mail are clearly in constant violation of the 1997 established act of the “JOURNALIST’S CODE OF PRACTICE” to be found here…

The Cyprus Mail has become an anti-Cypriot breeding ground of foreign discriminatory interests not only in the biased stance of its articles, but more importantly in the gagging of public opinion, and for this reason I call upon the Cyprus Media Complaints Commission to investigate the matter further.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, GR.

NB: The Cyprus Media Complaints Commission has been directed to this thread.

And you have proof/evidence of all this, we presume?
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