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The War on ‘Terror’

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The War on ‘Terror’

Postby fig head » Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:22 pm

The War on ‘Terror’

Propaganda is a tool that has been used in every corner of the World and in almost every page of history. With every governing regime we find that, the targets of the propaganda, the purpose and the medium that it is delivered at differ to a great extent. However, the fundamental principle of creating a single tide of thinking has not, we find the Western World has been subject to some of the most derogative Propaganda and this has always run in sync with their foreign policy.

September 11th 2001 is often described as ‘the day the world changed’. The reality is, it didn’t. The Western regimes decided that this was the opportunity to bring their animosity into the public arena and feed it to the world. The pictures of the twin towers collapsing were broadcasted all over the world, dominating the mainstream media for over a month. America launched their ‘War on Terror’ the same year with George W. Bush separating the world into two camps. ‘’You, are either with America and its Allies or you are with the Terrorists’’. Therefore there is no middle ground in their eyes, the world is either with them, or against them.

Picking at a wound is what prevents it from healing; and this was the tactic that was deployed to justify two separate wars in quick succession. The general public were reminded of the attacks on a regular basis to maintain public anger and Fear, and this was the Glue that bonded the World against Islam and Muslims. The Generality of the phrase ‘War on Terror’ meant that America and its’ Allies could add any country to the Terror list, and label any kind of opposition as a ‘Terrorist’ or an act of ‘Terrorism’.

It was the Propaganda minister of Adolf Hitler that said:

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” (Joseph Geobbels)

Does this not clearly represent what we see happening today? What is the Truth in our Reality and what is the Falsehood? It is difficult to miss the apparent similarities between Nazi Germany and the Western Governments of Today, the basic principles are alarmingly identical. The aim is to focus on a group of people, ideology or belief and make the public unite against them. This is done by purposefully attacking them in a manner that even the target is unaware of what is happening.

The same rhetoric has been parroted by the leaders of the World and their lies have been repeated over and over again. It is interesting to note how the world has become intolerant with anything to do with Islam, and why it has happened. The media is the piano that the Government play, and society sings the tune.

Not a single day goes by without the Mention of Islam or Muslims on the Television Channels, Tabloids, or Broadsheets. Every time a Muslim commits a crime, or a state that is predominantly Muslim is in turmoil it is made clear that these people are Muslim and the people are made to believe that this is what Islam is about. Yet we never ask questions, or raise the issue of why this is the case. Why is it, that we very rarely see someone’s religion being attached to their crime unless they’re Muslim? Is this not something strange?

Sometimes the truth seems stranger than the fiction, but the Truth is that Islam is under open attack. The politicians of the world guise this and say that it is the ‘Fundamentalists and Extremists’ that are the problem, and that ‘not all muslims’ share these ‘Radical’ beliefs. (A very devious, but effective strategy to divide the Muslims and use them to fight against Islam.) If a Muslim rejects parts of Islam to please the people who are working against Islam, he ceases to be Muslim.

The fallacies of Freedom, Democracy and Liberalism are also the lies that are fuelling this war against Islam. The western regimes claim to be fighting Terrorists for the sake of freedom, but we know that ‘One man’s terrorist is another mans Freedom fighter’. The Question is; Can someone who is fighting for freedom fight against Freedom Fighter?

The lies can no longer be maintained as America and its allies are facing the political, economical and Military Consequences of their War against Islam. Their Economy is in turmoil. They have been exposed with the atrocities and war crimes that they have been committing; hence it has lost its higher Moral ground. American, British and Nato troops are returning home in Body bags. Islam is the Truth, and this is what they are fighting, and thus it is the ‘Greatest Enemy’ of their state.

Today is the last day of Ramadan , Tomorrow is the first day of Eid Al Fittr Al Mobarak..

may Allah bless all Muslims around the world
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Postby Cap » Thu Sep 09, 2010 5:21 pm

The 'Islam vs the world' war was happening long before 9/11.
Cyprus is split because of EXACTLY that.
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Postby Robin Hood » Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:45 pm

Fig Head,

I apologise unreservedly to you as I had you down as a bit of an air head but, what you have said is abundantly true to those that WANT to listen. Isn’t it strange that the mass of the western population will accept quite happily what they see on the major TV news channels and are fed by their Governments but mention conspiracy and they are not interested .... until it is too late. That is something the Americans are now beginning to understand with the implementation of the Patriot Act and all the so called ‘anti-terrorism’ legislation. So much for American freedom, they have less freedom now than the North Koreans!!!!

You want to hear the conspiracy possibilities (not conspiracy) then try’s interesting and just one of dozens of similar documentaries on the same site that shows just how stupid and compliant we are when fed a load of crap by our Governments.
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Postby fig head » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:13 pm

Hellooo it's rude to say you thought Im bit of air head ! Not surprising at all as I don't mind being seen as air head "realistically people don't tend to have expectations for the silly ones witch give them the element of surprise" ...
And I do tend to keep my smartness and very indeed unique intelligence till when I need it and not for a show off , when you think about it! It's wiser to watch , listen and keep a calm surface than to to through useless debates and lots of times make a fool out of your self.

Back to the main thread !! It doesn't need a real genius to figure out what's going on in the world .. It only need logic and keeping it simple..

As simeone wise said: watch the money !! And reason can answer questions ...
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Postby Cap » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:25 pm

fig head wrote:Hellooo it's rude to say you thought Im bit of air head ! Not surprising at all as I don't mind being seen as air head "realistically people don't tend to have expectations for the silly ones witch give them the element of surprise" ...
And I do tend to keep my smartness and very indeed unique intelligence till when I need it and not for a show off , when you think about it! It's wiser to watch , listen and keep a calm surface than to to through useless debates and lots of times make a fool out of your self.

Back to the main thread !! It doesn't need a real genius to figure out what's going on in the world .. It only need logic and keeping it simple..

As simeone wise said: watch the money !! And reason can answer questions ...

Its relative.
exposing Muslim atrocities as a means to an end...
Nobody lied.. they just perpetuated it, brought it out to the West for their own gain.
Otherwise Muslims would still be stoning and beheading and suicide bombing like they were doing for centuries, only back then the 'big' west never gave a damn.
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Postby SpartanGamer » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:45 pm

I have absolutely nothing against Muslims, so if i do say something that can be taken offensively then i am very sorry. (oh and if your American and your in the CIA).

America brought 9/11 on themselves years back when they built military bases on Muslim holy land. So America should leave the middle east, for good.

But Al-Qaeda won't stop because Osama bin Laden is just some ex-Taliban who's angry at the west because he doesn't like McDonald's and Starbucks :lol:
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Postby Schnauzer » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:05 pm

SpartanGamer wrote:

America brought 9/11 on themselves years back when they built military bases on Muslim holy land. So America should leave the middle east, for good

And take Israel with them, if they TRULY want peace in the world. :wink:
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Postby fig head » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:13 pm

The abused soon to be the abuser ! Cap Muslims aren't normally blowing them self up ..

If you wanna know about real terror you need to learn about the tragedy and the long war for Muslims not because they are Muslims but because the middle east is basiclly a very important region in the world ! It's full of resorces and its location in the middle of the world where it conects 3 highly populated contenents Asia. Africa and east Europe ! The materialistic purely financial and economical war is the only way to be in control , powerfull ! Money control the world , now say that Islam or Muslims are terrorests ! I tell you being a Muslim doesn't help indeviduals that considered cremimals ! Seen that guy that drove by and killed lots of people ! He had a bad day ! And lots of others who did acts of terror from serial killers to kids shooting in schools !! But they weren't Muslims , they should be though they are terrorests after all
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Postby Robin Hood » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:22 pm

But it isn’t about Muslims, Al Quaida or Osama bin Ladin, is it? This is the excuse to take your mind away from the truth. This is all about big corporations, International Bankers, corrupt politicians, Bilderberg Group, The Trilateral Commission, The Illuminate etc. and when you look into it all these groups have some involvement in what is going on in this world. 9/11 was not as the US Government would have us believe, there is too much argument to the contrary, it is merely a means to an end.

A ‘theory’ becomes a ‘possibility’ when you have evidence. When the evidence becomes substantial you have a ‘probability’ and when that evidence becomes irrefutable you have a ‘certainty’. I have seen a lot more evidence to support the existence of a conspiracy and a so called New World Order than would support any contrary argument.

We are brain washed from the day we are born which is why Muslims tend to have children who are also Muslims and Roman Catholics have Roman Catholic children. Tell somebody a lie for long enough and they will believe it and the bigger the lie the more likely it is to be believed. That is what is happening here! We are being told one gigantic lie and the vast majority will believe it without question and have absolutely no interest until it affects them, by then of course it will be too late.
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Postby Cap » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:25 pm

fig head wrote:The abused soon to be the abuser ! Cap Muslims aren't normally blowing them self up ..

If you wanna know about real terror you need to learn about the tragedy and the long war for Muslims not because they are Muslims but because the middle east is basiclly a very important region in the world ! It's full of resorces and its location in the middle of the world where it conects 3 highly populated contenents Asia. Africa and east Europe ! The materialistic purely financial and economical war is the only way to be in control , powerfull ! Money control the world , now say that Islam or Muslims are terrorests ! I tell you being a Muslim doesn't help indeviduals that considered cremimals ! Seen that guy that drove by and killed lots of people ! He had a bad day ! And lots of others who did acts of terror from serial killers to kids shooting in schools !! But they weren't Muslims , they should be though they are terrorests after all

erm... yeah but you see..
Its called intolerance.
I wanna go swimming in my speedo with my hot girlfriend wearing a skimpy bikini in Saudi Arabia you see. And after that I wanna be French kissing on the beach for hours! And then I would like to go out for a martini and a bloody mary and a coupla beers at a local bar.
AM I ALLOWED? Guess not...

I'm offended!
We as Westerners demand rights!
Islam won't give us that! That's why its evil!

Get the drift?
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