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Swimming to Cyprus

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Swimming to Cyprus

Postby AWE » Mon Sep 06, 2010 1:07 pm

Turkish swimmer sets new record as crossing from Turkey to Cyprus
A former Turkish national swimmer crossed the eastern Mediterranean from Turkey to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to set a new record.
Monday, 06 September 2010 10:44

A former Turkish national swimmer crossed the eastern Mediterranean from Turkey to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to set a new record.

Alper Sunacoglu swam the 75-km distance between Turkey's southern coastal town Anamur and the TRNC's Girne province in 26 hours 15 minutes, almost eight hours shorter than a 1974 record of swimmer Ersin Aydin.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Sunacoglu said he had hard times tackling in the night with waves as high as three meters.

Sunacoglu said he actually planned to swim to Athens, however, he had faced some bureaucratic problems, adding that he was set to swim from Izmir to Kusadasi next May or June.

Ersin Aydin, the previous record holder, is among the swimmers that crossed the English Channel.

Now some will say this is another way for Anatolians to enter Cyprus, others might say this is how they Turks will leave come the retaking of the North - I just say pretty amazing feat swimming for 26+ hours!
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Postby FragnaticDeath » Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:30 pm

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Postby AWE » Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:34 pm

go on then you do it, dare ya! ;)
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Postby Oracle » Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:46 pm

I'd like to see Viewpoint do it -- but, in the opposite direction! :lol:

In fact --- all of *you* can start practicing to swim back to Turkey! :D

( * ... Turks and carpetbaggers)
Last edited by Oracle on Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby CyprusNewsReport » Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:48 pm

Oracle wrote:I'd like to see Viewpoint do it -- but, in the opposite direction! :lol:

In fact --- all of you can start practicing to swim back to Turkey! :D

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Postby AWE » Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:54 pm

Oracle wrote:I'd like to see Viewpoint do it -- but, in the opposite direction! :lol:

In fact --- all of *you* can start practicing to swim back to Turkey! :D

( * ... Turks and carpetbaggers)

Glad I don't come from Turkey, nor have any members of my family bought any property in the northern part of Cyprus since 1968, but doubt that any of *them* will have to practice any swimming.
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Re: Swimming to Cyprus

Postby shahmaran » Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:59 pm

AWE wrote:Turkish swimmer sets new record as crossing from Turkey to Cyprus
A former Turkish national swimmer crossed the eastern Mediterranean from Turkey to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to set a new record.
Monday, 06 September 2010 10:44

A former Turkish national swimmer crossed the eastern Mediterranean from Turkey to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to set a new record.

Alper Sunacoglu swam the 75-km distance between Turkey's southern coastal town Anamur and the TRNC's Girne province in 26 hours 15 minutes, almost eight hours shorter than a 1974 record of swimmer Ersin Aydin.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Sunacoglu said he had hard times tackling in the night with waves as high as three meters.

Sunacoglu said he actually planned to swim to Athens, however, he had faced some bureaucratic problems, adding that he was set to swim from Izmir to Kusadasi next May or June.

Ersin Aydin, the previous record holder, is among the swimmers that crossed the English Channel.

Now some will say this is another way for Anatolians to enter Cyprus, others might say this is how they Turks will leave come the retaking of the North - I just say pretty amazing feat swimming for 26+ hours!

This is bad news! What if it becomes widely popular? :lol:
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Re: Swimming to Cyprus

Postby CBBB » Mon Sep 06, 2010 3:17 pm

shahmaran wrote:
AWE wrote:Turkish swimmer sets new record as crossing from Turkey to Cyprus
A former Turkish national swimmer crossed the eastern Mediterranean from Turkey to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to set a new record.
Monday, 06 September 2010 10:44

A former Turkish national swimmer crossed the eastern Mediterranean from Turkey to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) to set a new record.

Alper Sunacoglu swam the 75-km distance between Turkey's southern coastal town Anamur and the TRNC's Girne province in 26 hours 15 minutes, almost eight hours shorter than a 1974 record of swimmer Ersin Aydin.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, Sunacoglu said he had hard times tackling in the night with waves as high as three meters.

Sunacoglu said he actually planned to swim to Athens, however, he had faced some bureaucratic problems, adding that he was set to swim from Izmir to Kusadasi next May or June.

Ersin Aydin, the previous record holder, is among the swimmers that crossed the English Channel.

Now some will say this is another way for Anatolians to enter Cyprus, others might say this is how they Turks will leave come the retaking of the North - I just say pretty amazing feat swimming for 26+ hours!

This is bad news! What if it becomes widely popular? :lol:

Let's hope it does become popular, I am sure the Anatolian's that have invaded us so far wouldn't have managed the first 100M without drowning!
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