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Couple left homeless by titles mess

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Couple left homeless by titles mess

Postby TC666 » Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:53 pm

apparently there are no repossessions caused by title deeds problem in the roc. Well here is one for all to see.

so much for joing the eu. it sems no better than the trnc ... s/20100905

i think i'll bid for this one. i do like larnaka.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:04 pm

Problem is they actually OWN the land and properties they peddle, whereas the overwhelming majority of land and properties in the occupied area is ETHNICALLY CLEANSED Greek Cypriot owned!

So where does that leave your thread? In the can… :wink:
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Postby TC666 » Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:12 pm

so it's ok to con somebody so long as you use your own property to do it with?
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:15 pm

TC666 wrote:so it's ok to con somebody so long as you use your own property to do it with?

Oh no! I think it’s cuter to con somebody when you don’t even fucking own it!

Get outta here you little punk! :roll:
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Postby TC666 » Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:22 pm

Get Real! wrote:
TC666 wrote:so it's ok to con somebody so long as you use your own property to do it with?

Oh no! I think it’s cuter to con somebody when you don’t even fucking own it!

Get outta here you little punk! :roll:

But in reality as the owner had mortgaged the property surly the land did not belong to him either. it belonged to the bank.
there is no doubt that it is cuter to con somebody with the land that does not belong to you, although technically it does becasue they do have land in possession of the roc in the south. tit for tat as they say, but you have not answered a simple question. are you having difficluty understaning it?

Is it or is it not ok to con somebody so long as the land belongs to you.
yes it is or no it is not.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 05, 2010 3:24 pm

TC666 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
TC666 wrote:so it's ok to con somebody so long as you use your own property to do it with?

Oh no! I think it’s cuter to con somebody when you don’t even fucking own it!

Get outta here you little punk! :roll:

But in reality as the owner had mortgaged the property surly the land did not belong to him either. it belonged to the bank.
there is no doubt that it is cuter to con somebody with the land that does not belong to you, although technically it does becasue they do have land in possession of the roc in the south. tit for tat as they say, but you have not answered a simple question. are you having difficluty understaning it?

Is it or is it not ok to con somebody so long as the land belongs to you.
yes it is or no it is not.

Dude, you’ve got no legs to stand on!

Now beat it!
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Postby TC666 » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:04 pm

i definately have two legs to stand on, well i did last time i counted them.

was that a yes or a no?
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Postby BOF » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:09 pm

the question isnt about the north - its about theft and collusion in the SOUTH.
NOW answer the F**king question........
And while your at it tell us how many greek speaking cypriots have been evicted from property they thought they owned due to the same situation?
unfortunately this is the first case of many waiting in the pipeline...
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Re: Couple left homeless by titles mess

Postby Oracle » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:11 pm

Why didn't these people use a solicitor? Were they just trying to save money? :roll:

TC666 wrote:But in reality as the owner had mortgaged the property surly the land did not belong to him either. it belonged to the bank.

Why don't they take it up with the bank?

TC666 wrote:apparently there are no repossessions caused by title deeds problem in the roc.

This has nothing to do with the RoC as you suggest but a private enterprise gone wrong!
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 05, 2010 4:17 pm

BOF wrote:the question isnt about the north - its about theft and collusion in the SOUTH.

Oh yes it is sunshine... :wink:

TC666 much for joing the eu. it sems no better than the trnc get your facts right!

NOW answer the F**king question........
And while your at it tell us how many greek speaking cypriots have been evicted from property they thought they owned due to the same situation?
unfortunately this is the first case of many waiting in the pipeline...

Why don't you enlighten us? :wink:

NB: You'd better know your shit thought because you risk making a fool of yourself...
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