Oracle wrote:Milo wrote:Oracle wrote:Milo wrote:Oracle wrote:Oh, I see we have laid one or two idiotic arguments to rest only for Moaning Milo to scrape up some other trashy web-article quoting "politicians" (without naming them) making Milo-loving claims.
"A lawyer-run country, huh?"

And you are hoping to achieve
what by this?
What are Clinton, Tony Blair, Obama etc ???
It's a lawyer-run world ... and Cyprus is
not anything unusual!

You mean you made a point and expected everyone to shut up

Thats not very diplomatic is it? No nothing rests until these attrocities on the innocent are stopped.
Perhaps all your comparisons at least should make you think that we all are being F****d by Lawyers and that then makes Cyprus no different but for some reason no-one is allowed to point this out. Well that has changed. People now are learning.

shout at Antonis Loizou who wrote the article he lives in your fav place

Maybe you,re related?
Can,t help but notice how one or two desperately change the subject on to what the UK does instead wrong of finding out what Cyprus is doing wrong. Perhaps I should let you into a secret,

the Brits do actually KNOW what goes on in their country.

Can you say the same?
Milo, you are seriously deluded if you think you're providing an eye-opening service to
anyone! Brits, Cypriots; most of us are aware lawyers work for money. It's not a secret!

If it was about just the money, then thats between you and them, though in Cyprus a simple conveyance carries a ridiculous fee

and takes months, but its of course much more serious than that.
The UK has at the very least a good recourse to getting unfit professionals struck off. Here the system does,nt allow for it, even one of your infamous countrymen has decided the provocation was too much. Thank heavens one extraordinary good Lawyer in Nicosia decided to buck the system and did challenge another Lawyers astonishingly bad work in the Courts and won.

compensation was awarded to the couple to the tune of 120k euros. Lawyers now have been warned to carry an indemity policy, something you would have expected to be in place
Why do you keep bringing nationalities into it? Its the system :roll:
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.Theodore Roosevelt
Source: “Citizenship in a Republic,” Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910 The Works of Theodore Roosevelt, Vol XIII, pp. 506-529
[Evidence for your delusions of grandeur wasn't what I requested but thank you for demonstrating how serious they are.

Milo, it's not causes towards improving the system which I criticise but your motives and lack of truth (you are an estate agent by all accounts, though you remain free to deny it for effect). Your anti-Cypriot-system generalisations remain unsupported by evidence and your examples might as well be fiction for all the validity they hold. Even above, whilst criticising lawyers, you contradict your very self by showing how the RoC has systems
already in place to rectify injustices.
Your arguments are seriously inconsistent. Why do I bring "nationalities" into it? I use benchmarks. Now, why do you? See above in red.
Errr no don,t see, thats a correct sytem that works in the UK Cyprus only had that system challenged for the very first time this year by another Lawyer as up untill now a Lawyer has
never been challenged by another in Court, niether was the Lawyer struck off, if a doctor thru malpractice kills a patient should they continue, if so would you pick them to operate on you?
You tend to compare people, I compare facts, anyway hun as you again are accusing someone of something they are not I HAVE NEVER WORKED A DAY SINCE ARRIVING IN CYPRUS! ESTATE AGENTS, DEVELOPERS LAWYERS AND one or two banks are on my most wanted list. They are the Devils own spawn for what they have done and still do to buyers. You are scratching around for a weakness about those that dare to challenge you in order that they may become unbelieveable to others a tactic you use often, keep going hun as you are wasting your breath again and casting doubt only because you have lost the arguement.
Someone told me you
hate the UK even though you live there, thats not true is it??
Do you have a heavily lined face, somehow I guess you do probably always frowning, wasting you life filled with contempt for others does your soul no good, but do you have one? are you a women which I,m never sure you are, but then am I? And frankly who cares?
I,m afraid I would,nt get up in the morning for the money they pay here!
Mind you do you work? I mean you and I joined or should I say you rejoined a few months apart and just LOOK at your post total compared to mine I think really that says it all, you have a 'can,t shut the gob problem'
Anyway I,m bored with this now as I am sure others are, so I won,t play tit for tat with you anymore. Just don,t expect me to go away totally yet just so you get a free rein on here, that would be rather silly don,t you think?I mean who would tell you off

One more thing, I to a point do not get personal, you step over the line far to often with many newbies on here, so I have decided that in future I will too. Until you decide to be nice
Btw hun I do know you are bored and thats why you post the way you do to entertain yourself a bit, sometimes I feel the same. BFN
Btw Lawyers in Cyprus do it in their Briefs