Oracle wrote:Oh, I see we have laid one or two idiotic arguments to rest only for Moaning Milo to scrape up some other trashy web-article quoting "politicians" (without naming them) making Milo-loving claims.
"A lawyer-run country, huh?"

And you are hoping to achieve
what by this?
What are Clinton, Tony Blair, Obama etc ???
It's a lawyer-run world ... and Cyprus is
not anything unusual!

You mean you made a point and expected everyone to shut up

Thats not very diplomatic is it? No nothing rests until these attrocities on the innocent are stopped.
Perhaps all your comparisons at least should make you think that we all are being F****d by Lawyers and that then makes Cyprus no different but for some reason no-one is allowed to point this out. Well that has changed. People now are learning.

shout at Antonis Loizou who wrote the article he lives in your fav place

Maybe you,re related?
Can,t help but notice how one or two desperately change the subject on to what the UK does instead wrong of finding out what Cyprus is doing wrong. Perhaps I should let you into a secret,

the Brits do actually KNOW what goes on in their country.

Can you say the same?