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Postby Oracle » Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:39 pm

They colonised our country, stole our wealth and minerals, exploit its geopolitical heart, anachronistically hold Bases; and, now they want "Title Deeds" for holiday homes? :roll:
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Postby Gasman » Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:39 pm

Oh wouldn't you love it if you had the yay or nay about WHO can live here?

Unfortunately for you - you don't. You modern frappachino sipping EUROPEAN you lol!

Connor O'Dwyer in conjunction with his lawyer has released a statement to the press.

How long now (if it isn't the case already) will it be before when people hear the words 'The Cyprus Problem' they think straightaway of the disgraceful property situation here?

Not long I reckon - bearing in mind hardly anyone outside Cyprus is aware of the other 'Cyprus Problem'. Some are unaware of the existence of Cyprus or, if they are, where exactly it is situated in the world.
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Postby CBBB » Thu Sep 30, 2010 2:20 pm

Gasman wrote:Oh wouldn't you love it if you had the yay or nay about WHO can live here?

Unfortunately for you - you don't. You modern frappachino sipping EUROPEAN you lol!

Connor O'Dwyer in conjunction with his lawyer has released a statement to the press.

How long now (if it isn't the case already) will it be before when people hear the words 'The Cyprus Problem' they think straightaway of the disgraceful property situation here?

Not long I reckon - bearing in mind hardly anyone outside Cyprus is aware of the other 'Cyprus Problem'. Some are unaware of the existence of Cyprus or, if they are, where exactly it is situated in the world.

Thank God for that or we would have even more whinging Brits here!
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Postby robertklein » Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:26 am

Now Karayiannas has approved to all of us about what Conor was saying. The story as Karayiannas’ website says has finished and the court has the decision and the sentence. I have translated all those pages through Google translator and read them, Conor is a BIG lier with all those stories he was telling us, here is the OFFICIAL TRUTH.
I was planning as I told you previously to buy a property in Cyprus and after all those posts I was reading I got afraid, but now I WILL BUY in Cyprus and I Will go and find this company Karayiannas and I will try to purchase from him, they seem to be REAL PROFFESSIONALS. You will understand why only after reading all those pages of the Decision and Facts and the Sentence that are in the website . Unfortunately I was forced to translate them through Google translator because it is in Greek, but as it says on the website, soon will be officially translated in English, hopefully this will come the soonest.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Nov 13, 2010 10:02 am

Robert Klien has only ever made four, in reality only 2. posts on this site, as two in identical terms Significantly only in connection inconnection with the conor karryanus dispute.

The first two refered to an affitdavit that Karyannis signed in 2007, witbnessed by the SBA authorities. Now witnessing by the SBAuthorities does NOT make the statement in any way true: all they have confirmed is that the oerson making bthe signature is who he says it.

As far as can see itt is mostly self serving opionion. I understand from what I have seenm the para 24 of the affitdavit is highly contentious. I undertand Conor has evidence which clearly shows he made a number of efforts to mett the payment requests but karyannis took steps to prevent paynment, including an attempt using a court appointed official, apparently to engineer an alleged breach by Conor.

Another unusal point of contention is whether or not the property in dispute could be sold to a third party, since my understanding is that there is a lady who lives in that house beliving it to be hers, having (So I understand) been sold the prioperty by Karyannis.

There are I understand some very interesting issues to abbout the allged withrdrawl of vthe contract from the land registry using what was claimed to be a forged POA and the role of lawyers in whole thing, with some seeming to represent and than not represent various people.

The second two virtually identical posts refer to the new website, which as outlined elsewhere, has only popped up in the past few days following the court decision.

So however I can read the site properly perhaps RobertKlein can explain how he got the scanned images translated by a google translator, since as far as I know to use these translators one needs to cut and past text in the form of Ascii charcters or similar, rather than the blackand white blobs that form the images on a scaned document?

I do neverthles suspect that if RobertKlein exists (and I have some doubts that he is anything more than a figment of the Karyannis immagination) he is a stooge acting for Karyannis, since it seems very unusual to me that he only has popped up twice in connection with this particular matter.

Come on "Robert" youve been rumbled!
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Postby robertklein » Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:40 am

My friend, you can believe what ever you want, but this is the truth. As far as the google translator, if you just save the pdf files on your computer and ther open them in your browser and run the google translator, it can translate them, so my friend first research and then post.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Nov 13, 2010 2:22 pm

TC666 wrote:i definately have two legs to stand on, well i did last time i counted them.

was that a yes or a no?

Sorry mate, but you have your work cut out if you expect as straight answer from GR. When he begins the abuse, you can then assume that he has NO answer. :lol:
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:23 pm

robertklein wrote:My friend, you can believe what ever you want, but this is the truth. As far as the google translator, if you just save the pdf files on your computer and ther open them in your browser and run the google translator, it can translate them, so my friend first research and then post.

Well I have tried but cannot get itto work: various problems such as page to large, etc., why not provide the translations to Karyannis and let him post them on his site? he can put on a dislaimer about the source of the translation and (of course ) if he feels the translation is not correct make a note and replace them with certified translations later.

Alternatively post them as a raw text file here.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:34 pm

robertklein wrote:My friend, you can believe what ever you want, but this is the truth. As far as the google translator, if you just save the pdf files on your computer and ther open them in your browser and run the google translator, it can translate them, so my friend first research and then post.

Robertklein, where are now, now your favourite builder has been found guilty again!
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Postby Milo » Mon Feb 21, 2011 9:50 am

robertklien aka rian aka peterjj and one or two more has been active on another forum or two this last week but was seen off :lol:

The case against the lyinbuilder websites/O'Dwyer were dropped by the AG in Cyprus before the court case actually started last week. Mind you there is more news. When one stops another starts :roll: ... /id=006923

Whats the saying about diggin a hole?
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