None of the problems have anything to do with the RoC or a "title mess" as YFried claims.
This is sheer stupidity by the buyers. Sadly, they are rather old to benefit from this universally applicable experience ...
Oracle wrote:None of the problems have anything to do with the RoC or a "title mess" as YFried claims.
This is sheer stupidity by the buyers. Sadly, they are rather old to benefit from this universally applicable experience ...
Milo wrote:Oracle wrote:None of the problems have anything to do with the RoC or a "title mess" as YFried claims.
This is sheer stupidity by the buyers. Sadly, they are rather old to benefit from this universally applicable experience ...
Instead of going after the person responsible, they see the Brits/foreign buyers as easy targets. If Cypriots started to lose their new properties in their hundreds I suspect that alarm bells will go off.
The banks, lawyers and developers are all responsible for this insidious title deeds fiasco and all have their snouts in the same trough and as hard as it may be, it is only by stopping property sales that perhaps things might change.
If Joe Public is made aware of the lies and deceit perpetrated on innocent victims (because that's exactly what we are) and Cyprus is given a very wide berth maybe, just maybe the system will change.
If a mortgage, loan, or memo exists then instead of paying a developer/owner for your house (who may default payment to the bank) you hand your cheque to the bank who in turn hand over the deed. While the system allows for innocents to pay then this would at least protect them and make those who owe money PAY IT BACK THEMSELVES![]()
Simple solutions to a very unethical and widespread practice. Confidence would be returned and back the buyers would flock, until then its a dead dodo.
This case is not about the TD,s mess which is huge, but a part of a corrupt system which laughs in the face of a somewhat naivebuyer, even IF they did wrong by not having a Lawyer and listening to an Agent, they should at least be able to go after those responsible notably the estate agents, and make them pay, but this is impossible here.
Btw they don,t ALL operate like this. But far too many do, there are thousands of court cases coming up that have been dragged on purposefully for years, media will pick up on too many similar property scams coming up. The RoC can do something about this and do it now. Damage limitation will be costly but bring back confidence maybe to the tune of 6-7 billion to pay back the banks loans, BUT they won,t let it happen again would they
While the good name of Cyprus is bismirched by these idiots any property we all own is devalueing at an alarming rate. They need, as my Russian friend says 'getting rid of '.
Get Real! wrote:Must be one of the daftest British couples to ever arrive here!![]()
Throw them out! They're too stupid to be living in Cyprus!
beverley10 wrote:Once again Milo speaks common sense without the nastiness that goes with other posters on here.You restore my faith in this forum Milo,keep it up.Milo wrote:Oracle wrote:None of the problems have anything to do with the RoC or a "title mess" as YFried claims.
This is sheer stupidity by the buyers. Sadly, they are rather old to benefit from this universally applicable experience ...
Instead of going after the person responsible, they see the Brits/foreign buyers as easy targets. If Cypriots started to lose their new properties in their hundreds I suspect that alarm bells will go off.
The banks, lawyers and developers are all responsible for this insidious title deeds fiasco and all have their snouts in the same trough and as hard as it may be, it is only by stopping property sales that perhaps things might change.
If Joe Public is made aware of the lies and deceit perpetrated on innocent victims (because that's exactly what we are) and Cyprus is given a very wide berth maybe, just maybe the system will change.
If a mortgage, loan, or memo exists then instead of paying a developer/owner for your house (who may default payment to the bank) you hand your cheque to the bank who in turn hand over the deed. While the system allows for innocents to pay then this would at least protect them and make those who owe money PAY IT BACK THEMSELVES![]()
Simple solutions to a very unethical and widespread practice. Confidence would be returned and back the buyers would flock, until then its a dead dodo.
This case is not about the TD,s mess which is huge, but a part of a corrupt system which laughs in the face of a somewhat naivebuyer, even IF they did wrong by not having a Lawyer and listening to an Agent, they should at least be able to go after those responsible notably the estate agents, and make them pay, but this is impossible here.
Btw they don,t ALL operate like this. But far too many do, there are thousands of court cases coming up that have been dragged on purposefully for years, media will pick up on too many similar property scams coming up. The RoC can do something about this and do it now. Damage limitation will be costly but bring back confidence maybe to the tune of 6-7 billion to pay back the banks loans, BUT they won,t let it happen again would they
While the good name of Cyprus is bismirched by these idiots any property we all own is devalueing at an alarming rate. They need, as my Russian friend says 'getting rid of '.
Oracle wrote:-- on why they honour Cyprus Forum with their burdensome performances!
Milo wrote:Oracle wrote:-- on why they honour Cyprus Forum with their burdensome performances!
One reason is cause it pisses you off![]()
And Amen to that![]()
The second reason is to balance things up a bit, which again pisses you off![]()
The main reason is, cause I can![]()
This also pisses you off.
So get the incontinence pants back on and prepare for battle, when I,ve got the time that is, BFN
Been away a while did you miss me? I so missed your charming intellectual load of bollocks. Gasman may have gone but Milo is back![]()
Hey what shall we talk about though, not much happening is there??? Quite quite boring yawwwwwwnnnnnnnnn
yialousa1971 wrote:Milo wrote:Oracle wrote:-- on why they honour Cyprus Forum with their burdensome performances!
One reason is cause it pisses you off![]()
And Amen to that![]()
The second reason is to balance things up a bit, which again pisses you off![]()
The main reason is, cause I can![]()
This also pisses you off.
So get the incontinence pants back on and prepare for battle, when I,ve got the time that is, BFN
Been away a while did you miss me? I so missed your charming intellectual load of bollocks. Gasman may have gone but Milo is back![]()
Hey what shall we talk about though, not much happening is there??? Quite quite boring yawwwwwwnnnnnnnnn
Back from Iran? You should be under house arrest!
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