Gasman wrote:the way things are done in Cyprus
That old euphemism has worn thin. People are actually being prosecuted. Not before time.
Seems to me that the GCs wanted to join the EU for the wrong reasons - mainly because they thought the EU would kick Turkey out of Cyprus PDQ.
Didn't they stop to think for one moment that joining the club would give every citizen from any other country in the club the right to live and work here - whether the GCs like it or not?
So I'd say to you - if you don't like the way Cyprus is going now it is in the EU ....
YOU know where the door is!
If you can't find it - ask your pal Oracle to show you - she found it a long time ago.
When hundreds of thousands of Cypriots went to the UK, the US, and Australia in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s, they just got on with their lives! They didn’t get involved in the politics, they didn’t sit in front of a computer all day criticizing the government or write letters to the press complaining about everything, or demand that the country changes to suit their needs!
And all this despite having racist organizations like the National Front throwing rocks through their windows, spitting at them, and threatening them on a daily basis (and it wasn’t just confined to Brixton) while most of the locals were clueless of those happenings!
Turn the clock forward by a couple of decades and today you find yourselves in a situation where you are now the guests in a foreign country!
(And that’s mostly because you’ve screwed up your own country by uprooting millions of Arabs/Muslims from Asia via invasions/occupations, and bringing them over to yours as refugees! How stupid can you get btw?)
And instead of appreciating that there is a place here that has accepted you despite all the misery that you have caused the locals here in the past (both in Cyprus and in the UK), you have the audacity to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong and complain from morning to dusk about everything!
Eventually, what you’ll give rise to is a Cypriot National Front and you’ll know its began when you find that your cars are getting scratched, doors kicked in, windows smashed, and people beat up for no reason… and who would blame them? Who needs your shit anyway?
That’s where Cyprus is heading so keep it up…