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GC National Guard purpose

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby shahmaran » Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:29 pm

CBBB wrote:
shahmaran wrote:
Nikitas wrote:"If Turkey invades, we have little chance to defend or deter such an attack. "

The purpose is not to thwart or prevent an attack. The purpose of the NG is to fight long enough to make sure everyone is aware that there is a fight. If you want to see it in terms of win or lose, the ability of the NG to stand its ground is a victory, the failure of Turkey to capture new ground would be a defeat.

As for the supposed power of the Turkish armed forces, foreign analyses of 1974 are not all that flattering to the Turkish generals and tacticians, and their failure to deal with the PKK does not corroborate the "best in NATO" claims.

74 attack was not done with a fully prepared army.

The so called PKK are people who live in Turkey, very hard to deal with, not even the Brits managed to put a lid on such attacks and had to cave in to the Irish. What can you possibly do if the people you are supposed to `protect` suddenly turn around and throw a nade in your post?

But even then, the terror attacks were minimised up until AKP came in the picture and all kicked off again.

The point is she never got divided no matter for how long people have been trying.

Can we say that about Cyprus?

Cypriots could have learned a thing or two from Turkeys fight against division.

By shooting the shit out of everyone?

I think you did that already, obviously not the right people, or we wouldnt be in this situation right now. :lol:

You would find that the trick is to stick together, as opposed to starting racist attacks amongst ourselves.

Thats what Turkey did, executed anyone who tried to pull some "ethnic crap", the stakes are just way too high to think about that shit.
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:46 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Proti Anotera Taktiki Diokidi, Ammoxostos (behind fytorio)
Diabibasis oplon, ASM 13297

post yours if any...

We’re not convinced yet…

Sounds like KGB or CIA interrogation but I'll play along, see what is this leading to...

1. Ma ekames ena sovaro lathos me to tagma sou… sasto tsie xanagrapse mas to.

Proti Anotera Taktiki diokisi. I doubt you know where this HQ was because you are much younger than me so you probably never visited Barosi prior to 1974.

2. Inda vathmon en bou ishes?
Aplos stratiotis, odigos

3. Bios idan o dikitis sou?
Sianabas Christos, Elladitis apo Arta Ipirou.

And as a final test, tomorrow when you’re online I’ll ask you some quick, short, successive questions and you’ll be expected to respond IMMEDIATELY! No time to get help... :wink:

Eimai etoimos. esouni eisai?

If this is about my origin you will be surprised, I am more Cypriot than you... a veteran who actually took part in the 1974 war. We fought hard but when realizing the overwhealming force coming to us, we were ordered "anadiplosi" or retreat in English. All my fellow soldiers back then don't want to even hear about another war... you might have difficulty understanding this simply because you never participated in one. You are lucky you didn't so can never have a feel for it. Show respect to the Cypriots of 1974 and we will respect you in return.


PS. I am still waiting your CNG service record and ASM number. Please post it.

Those who fought valiantly for the defence of their own countries should be be proud of themselves. Ignore GR the keyboard warrior. He has never been in the 'sight' of an enemy gun.

I don't wish for anyone to enter into warfare hostilities... not a pleasant time by any account. It is a horrible situation... humans become animals... life means nothing. In the end, there can be only degrees of losing since friends or relatives get hurt or die from both sides. War is not a solution but a necessary evil. Post war, usually the problem still exists or becomes more bitter than before.

When observing the CNG obtaining more hardware, one can only think some sort of a preparation for future hostilities and tensions than can only lead to just more trouble, which we don't really need right now. Greece has fallen into this loophole for many years with no end in sight. I hope Cyprus can learn from that and maintain a decent & professional CNG.

It's not wrong to question the military budget of Cyprus.


PS Thanks for your response GR.

The CNG already has professional elements. It is important to purchase the hardware such as S300/400, UAVs, patrol boats, corvettes, Helicopter Gunships, Anti Ship SSM etc otherwise Cyprus is a sitting duck. Also, you might as well forget about any Oil and Gas, because Turkey will just come along and start drilling and there will be nothing we can do about it.

The CNG has come a long way since 1974.

So it is a case of spend big and reduce our vulnerability and also protect vital natural resources assets within the EEZ. In order to that, we need an Navy and a Coast Guard and this costs! Anti Ship Fast Attack Craft and Corvettes will give the Turkish Navy something to think about!

People laugh when I advocate close alliances with Israel, but there is an agenda and that involves Oil and Gas! If we behave the way you advocate, then Cyprus does not deserve these natural resources and the Cypriot People will be ripped of to the tune of 500 Billion to a Trillion Euros!

So Military Spending does not seem to be a big deal at all. And perhaps when Turkey stops spending on hardware and withdraws from Cyprus then we can look at cutting defence expenditure, but right now, we can't afford to do so. In fact, the defence budget should be doubled in my view. The RoC Government can do this by retrenching 5,000 useless public servants!

I would love to, finally, see those oil/gas reserves/resources but, after years of talk/speculation, not even a drop is unearthed. Yeah, there is talk about Turkey drilling these waters but so far just talk... We, are also planning to drill but when?

Alliances are also very interesting and favorable. So far, the only alliance we have is with Greece (Amyndico dogma). No other country has expressed interest expect Israel... too premature to count on that one. Cyprus has very good relations with all the Arab/Muslim nations in the region but don't count on any of them to come to our aid in time of war.
Any other alliances (Russia perhaps) out there?

No matter what CNG does to boost it,s capabilities, If Turkey invades, we have little chance to defend or deter such an attack. Our best defence is within EU ranks & values. That's why we joint the EU, mostly for security reasons, even if EU is about economics rather than a military safe heaven.

That's my perception of our current situation at the moment.

Well, if you want to see the Oil and Gas flow, then we must have very strong CNG Air and maritime capabilities.

Furthermore, we have many allies. Russia, France, Greece, and China amongst the most notable.

However, all pale into insignificance when compared to Israel. Cyprus and Israel are now rich in Oil and Gas resources, and Israel will be looking to build a massive pipeline through the Cypriot and Greek EEZ to Europe, and there is no way Israel will allow Turkey to fuck around with this. In fact, I very much doubt Israel will be keen about Turkey exploiting Cypriot Oil and Gas resources and the Israelis won't fuck around. Israel is not Greece, and will be quite comfortable to send the Turks packing. This makes Israel the most important country for us, because when they will want the open the tap, they won't let anyone mess with them.

Furthermore, it literally takes years to commence drilling, build oil rigs and what not. No country in the world has the logistical resources to turn the taps on in a couple of years. Even in Australia, it can take up to 10 years before the first rig is in place. It does not matter when Cyprus is able to drill for the Oil and Gas, but it is a question of being able to do so down the tack. And in order for that, you need a Navy, Coast Guard, UAV and a Surveillance capability as well as the capability to intercept ships within the EEZ!

And as I told you before. The CNG is not just about Turkey and whether it attacks us or not. It is about protecting our Natural resources, and if Cyprus is not prepared to do so, by maintaining a capable CNG, then we all might as well pack it all in and just tell the world that we are all too stupid to have our own sovereign nation. And just like Nikitas stated above, a capable CNG is capable of defending its lines, and this alone can be considered a victory! And should the TA be forced to withdraw even only a few kilometres, then it is even more than that!

So pull your head in Giorgios and drop this defeatist crap! :roll:

Does Turkey control fresh water supplies to Azrail through Syria?

I am sure they will come to some arrangement. :lol:

Is turkey gpoing to show Israel a thing or 2 about desalination and irrigation?

Don't make me laugh Deniz! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:51 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:How does the military alliance of France stand within NATO. What can Cyprus expect from the frogs? Plenty talk and that's for sure and a few jets. :lol:

Don't worry about the Alfredo frogs!

You should be more concerned about Israel. They now how to deal with Turks! :wink:

Let them try then. :lol: Hello WWIII, Khosh amdid!!

Yes we saw how Turkey threatened Israel if it boarded any of its vessels. Even Erdogan said he would be aboard the next boat! Where was he? :lol: :lol: :lol:

And where did the next Turkish vessel go? Did it run aground?

All talk no action! :wink:
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Sep 13, 2010 4:21 pm

The vessel has nothing to do with the Turkish Army.

It was full of religious monkeys supporting AKP.

If anything, the Generals were laughing their asses off as they got shot one by one.
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Postby georgios100 » Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:31 am

Since the "flotilla" incident both Turkey & Israel did some muscle flexing but that's about it. I don't see this going any further, Obama won't let them, period.

What does an alliance with Israel mean?

Is this equal to an alliance with USA?

If Turkey declares war in Cyprus, will Israel mobilize to our defence?

What if Israel goes into war with Syria? Is Cyprus going to dispatch CY troops there?

Can someone tell me how this alliance is going to work. Perhaps Paphitis can elaborate on this. He seems to have all this figured out.
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Postby B25 » Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:47 am

Here is a suggestion for the RoC, implement a tax on property of all those living overseas to further fund our military.

Since those people are not here to contribute and are out of any harms way, then the least they could do is make higher contributions.

What do you reckon, a brain wave or what!!! :lol: :lol:

The RoC needs to arm itself to the teeth, we need a defence thats to be reckoned with. We have no need to attack anyone, but others may wish to cause us harm.

Georgios, if you cannot see that, my respect for you was wasted.

Irrespective of Israel or any other alliances, we need to look after ourselves first and foremost, without depending upon others. If we get outside help, great, but we need to be prepared.
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Postby nick dimitri » Tue Sep 14, 2010 9:48 am

Varosioti mou na mou zisis. You are absolutely right to thing the way you do. Those that disagree with you on this subject, are not thinking positively. Yes we should have some defense, but when we buy we should buy the latest or not buy at all. As for you Mr B25 I'll say that every time you open your mouth you think War and Turks. I,m Greek Cypriot my self. Somehow you have the impression that by talking about defense and War or hate, you think you are a Patriot or by going to War and getting killed you are a Hero. Far from it, Patriots and Heroes my friend are those people who can earn the respect and the envy of their fellow citizen's, by loving their Country, think positive, respect others, be Humanitarians and be proud you are a Cypriot. This is what it means to be PATRIOT.
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Postby B25 » Tue Sep 14, 2010 10:11 am

nick dimitri wrote:Varosioti mou na mou zisis. You are absolutely right to thing the way you do. Those that disagree with you on this subject, are not thinking positively. Yes we should have some defense, but when we buy we should buy the latest or not buy at all. As for you Mr B25 I'll say that every time you open your mouth you think War and Turks. I,m Greek Cypriot my self. Somehow you have the impression that by talking about defense and War or hate, you think you are a Patriot or by going to War and getting killed you are a Hero. Far from it, Patriots and Heroes my friend are those people who can earn the respect and the envy of their fellow citizen's, by loving their Country, think positive, respect others, be Humanitarians and be proud you are a Cypriot. This is what it means to be PATRIOT.

Dear Mr Nick, very nice words, you should write poetry.

But in case you haven't realised, we are surroundered by turks who want us dead, we are surrounded by foreign military who wants to crush us., excuse me for wanting to defend myself, perhaps I should just throw some roses at them the next time they come over.

I am not trying to be a patriot, hero or anything else, what I am trying to do is keep reminding the defeatists amongst us that the turks are here to kill, rape and rob us, and we won't go quietly.

No one in there right mind wants a war, silly me, let me just blow my head off! File, we have the enemy at the door, you tell me, since you seem to know best, how should I/we react??

We have to be prepared, we can see the potential dangers ahead, should we do nothing?? Then what? Would you all freely give up your wives, sisters, mothers to the Turks, hade, talk some sense.

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Postby shahmaran » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:11 am

They might want you dead, and they should.

But I don't think the same would go for the rest of the GC's :lol:
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Postby nick dimitri » Tue Sep 14, 2010 11:13 am

My dear B25, I never said we must sit in our arse and do nothing when we are bitten up,by the all means. But on the other hand we mustn't encouraging it and lets be realistic not all the Turks think the same,and not all the Turks want to kill the Greeks or anyone (you know what I mean). In any Nationality you find the Good and the Bad. What I'm trying to say to you is if there is a chance, the slices chance for all of us to leave together in harmony then WHY not.


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