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Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

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Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 04, 2010 8:11 am

I'm sick and tired at the continued vitriolic attacks by irresponsible birdbrained individuals led by the unstable GR who has single handedly reduced this forum to one dedicated to the destruction of Cyprus - see his ONLY OPTION , WAR- , and his relentless attacks on the USA , Britain and the West in general. This besotted misplaced individual suffering from some form of psychopathy that needs to be nourished daily with a dose of anti USA garbage must not be tolerated by the readers but must be challenged. Cyprus has nothing whatsoever to gain by attacking the USA and the West , in reality Cyprus's interests are best served by the West and not Iraq, Iran Afghanistan and all other enemies of the West. His personal crusade against the USA is fucking annoying me and I will , moderators permitting , challenge this bloody fool at every given opportunity. I dont have the time that this lay about has , I work 60 plus hours a week unlike this moron who spends half his life on the computer spewing out crap.
Our American Cypriot brothers have never stopped working to promote the interests of Cyprus , ... 9&search=*
I wonder if this fucking moron can post a link of Pakistan , Afghanistan , Iraq , Iran , Al Qaeda , Hamas showing support for Cyprus.
He has over the years managed to hood wing many on this forum that he is some sort of an ...intellectual - my arse- one such devotee none other than the metamorphobic plonker that goes by the name of Zwazeefuckingidiot !

On another thread comments have been made regarding the perceived decline of the CF , I agree so lets rejuvenate this Forum , lets put an end to the constant anti West excretion by Plonker GR !
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Sep 04, 2010 9:25 am

But Miltiades, most people that write here are of the same ... calibre. At least GR speaks his mind out. I know some that think like him but are more diplomatic, so to speak, when they write something.
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:20 am

That is just it . He spends hours searching the net for any anti American postings in order to satisfy his psychopathic hatred of the West. Any one following this forum , and many I'm sure do , will think that ALL Cypriots are of the same mentality as GR , ie supporters of Hamas , Al Queda , Hezbollah , Taliban etc etc not realizing that the interests of Cyprus are best served with closer ties with the West .
He is totally besotted with his hatred of the USA , he can not see further than his long nose that it is America who by refusing under immense pressure to recognize the "trnc" is keeping the door open for reunification of our island.
America is the home of many thousands of Cypriots , you will not find many Cypriots in the nations that this fool lends his support , in essence Cyprus needs to be friendly with those nations, Israel included , that can be instrumental and supportive in its struggle to reach a just solution that will lead to the unification that we all aspire to.
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Re: Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

Postby Get Real! » Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:39 pm

miltiades wrote:Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

What you really meant to say was this…

Should GR be allowed to continue posting links to articles written by journalists from around the world that expose abysmal Anglo-American foreign policy, or should the forum become a pro-American safe haven by censoring such exposure?

Feel free to do a democratic poll Miltiades, but make sure you word it RIGHT like above! :wink:
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Postby fedexman » Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:45 pm

i have been watching the comments on this forum for ages,,,,,, and no matter what subject its about it always ends up in a slagging match between members!!!!!!!

yes you guessed it, about the cyprus problem!!!!!

be it someone trying to make friends, or whatever someone lowers the tone and brings up the cy problem......

get used to it people, its ancient history....

now i dont want anyone telling me what do i know about it, i was born here and my father rejoined the army in 74 and off he went to pentadaktylos not knowing if we were ever going to see him again.....

i guess we were lucky and he made it back ok, then we went off to uk and i have been back here for 3 yrs and i have no regrets so far..

but this bitching between forum members is so childish sometimes quite funny, but its not getting anyone anywhere......

you need to stop and think is it getting you anywhere apart from making a bad situation worse......

i am actually quite surprised this forum still exists and has not been shut down by the powers that be!!!!!!!!!!

for those that think they have the solution send your emails to the appropriate authorities and make sure you send your cv....

its getting a bit boring having to see the same story being chewed over and over again, it's gonna give you a heart attack!!!!!!!!!!!

this is not meant to offend anyone, i am all for a solution but can you really see it happening???

people are making too much money for there to be a solution, politics money and religion that's what it's all about.

i love my country but then i see other countries in a worse situation than here and its sad... cyprus is not the centre of the universe.....

count your blessings..... :roll:

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Re: Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:56 pm

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

What you really meant to say was this…

Should GR be allowed to continue posting links to articles written by journalists from around the world that expose abysmal Anglo-American foreign policy, or should the forum become a pro-American safe haven by censoring such exposure?

Feel free to do a democratic poll Miltiades, but make sure you word it RIGHT like above! :wink:

And why should so much energy be expelled concerning the USA ?
Is it not a case of you hating the USA passionately ?
Is it not a case that you are grossly disinterested in what is conducive to the interests of Cyprus ?Is it not a case that you have NEVER posted one word of condemnation against savages who indiscriminately blow them selves up killing innocent by standers ?
Is it not a case that your vicious hatred of the West stems from your own insecurities ?
Can you name just an infinitesimal benefit to the Cyprob by you continuing your anti USA posts ??
I suggest that you do not possess sufficient wisdom to understand your motives, I think you consider it as your duty ..... to continue with anti USA crap.
Have you realized that you are a perfect candidate for Al Qaeda , Hamas , Hezbollah , do us a favour fool go join them , maybe they will join you and declare war on ....Turkey !!
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Postby AWE » Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:23 pm

fedexman wrote:
cyprus is not the centre of the universe.....

Careful I fear many members of CF don't hold with such nonsense and you may end up incurring their wrath!
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Postby Oracle » Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:28 pm

AWE wrote:
fedexman wrote:
cyprus is not the centre of the universe.....

Careful I fear many members of CF don't hold with such nonsense and you may end up incurring their wrath!

It may explain why your "GPS" has died. :D
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Re: Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:04 am

miltiades wrote:And why should so much energy be expelled concerning the USA ?
Is it not a case of you hating the USA passionately ?

I'm just fascinated by them! I mean, take a look at this... :?

Pentagon declined to investigate child-porn purchases by employees ... -purchases

You could say that we’re BOTH fascinated by them Miltiades!

Only you want to be LIKE them and I, UNLIKE them!
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Postby AWE » Sun Sep 05, 2010 2:12 am

Oracle wrote:
AWE wrote:
fedexman wrote:
cyprus is not the centre of the universe.....

Careful I fear many members of CF don't hold with such nonsense and you may end up incurring their wrath!

It may explain why your "GPS" has died. :D

more likely that China is blocking the signal :?
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