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Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

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Re: Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

Postby Lit » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:28 am

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

What you really meant to say was this…

Should GR be allowed to continue posting links to articles written by journalists from around the world that expose abysmal Anglo-American foreign policy, or should the forum become a pro-American safe haven by censoring such exposure?

Feel free to do a democratic poll Miltiades, but make sure you word it RIGHT like above! :wink:

This forum is never going to become pro American you asshole. So you have nothing to fear about that. We all know about Cyprus past history and about Kissinger and all that. But times have changes and you are stuck in the past. Your regular routine goes a little like this. You open your browser each day, type Obama/US war crimes and post the search results on this forum. You can do that with any of the 5 permanent members of the security counsel but you only focus the western countries because you are a hypocrite. If i google Russia war think i wont get any articles that mention Russia in a bad light? I personally believe that Cyprus should have great relations with all permanent members of the Security Counsel....that is just common sense. Box head, what benefits do you see with siding with an organizations like the Taliban? You think they are your allies? What sort of benefits can the RoC obtain from siding with extremist organizations like the Taliban? Do you think the Taliban cares that Cyprus has been divided for decades? Man you are are joke.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:43 am

With all this vitriol against the US of A - does it mean that GR will no longer post anti-Turk/TC reports on Cyprus as published by the USA 'CONGRESS'?

WOW!! :shock:
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Re: Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:58 am

Lit wrote:...what benefits do you see with siding with an organizations like the Taliban? You think they are your allies? What sort of benefits can the RoC obtain from siding with extremist organizations like the Taliban? Do you think the Taliban cares that Cyprus has been divided for decades? Man you are are joke.

Why don’t you post a link to an instance where I suggested an alliance with the Taliban!

If you cannot then you’re wasting our time with baloney aren’t you?
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:59 am

denizaksulu wrote:With all this vitriol against the US of A - does it mean that GR will no longer post anti-Turk/TC reports on Cyprus as published by the USA 'CONGRESS'?

WOW!! :shock:

The US Congress or the Library of congress foolish man...
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Postby lola-tulip » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:04 pm

Lit wrote:
lola-tulip wrote:" - I'm sick and tired at the continued vitriolic attacks - "

Hallo Original Poster

The West is big. It can take care of itself. Are you equally sick and tired of those who attack Cyprus? Verbally and Physically?

A bit of a contradiction here. Cyprus IS part of the western world, always has been, and yes, i am tired of countries like Turkey who attack Cyprus physically and verbally.

Hallo Lit
Cyprus is part of the big West as a collective. Historically and presently, it is culturally part of the western world. The OP appears concerned with someone "attacking the West" as abusing the most powerful decision makers and wielders. We could argue how much Cyprus contributes to this aspect. As I see it, being at the opposite extreme to the USA in its location, Cyprus provides advantages incommensurate with its size. To wit, the recent visit by the Israeli FM.
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Postby Talisker » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:04 pm

miltiades wrote:GR's intoxication with anti American posts is not a matter of critic but a matter of pure hatred against America. We can all be critical of any nation , I have on numerous occasions criticized the RoC concerning many issues .
What this man does is to unceasingly rummage the net looking for any demeaning and slanderous remarks / reports on the USA , Britain , Israel and other Western nation. I have yet to see a post of his that is constractive to the Cyprob.
He advocates war as the ONLY option in solving the Cyprus issue an act that would totaly destroy Cyprus and render it a third world nation for years to come , not forgetting the 10s of thousands that could perish .
He is a bloody menace as far as I'm concerned , one that would not hesitate to cause a bloody revolution in order to satisfy his warped fantasies.
There are many like him in Cyprus of the same pedigree that caused Cyprus's most enormous catastrophe in history
anxious to prove that they can still cause mayhem and destruction.
I support the West staunchly because I beleive that Cyprus's interests are best served by close attachment to the West , it does not translate acceptance of all that the West does but it does mean that protecting our interests and promoting them must take priority above all else. Throughout our short political history as an independent nation we succumbed to a myriad of political blunders not least our reluctance to accept the Zurich agreements and give them a chance to function , from day one we announced that the Zurich agreements were unworkable. We forged allegiances with weak ineffective nations ignoring the powers that could be instrumental in ensuring the survival of our nation in its embryonic state.

Actually Miltiades, I don't believe that GR! 'hates' the USA or Israel or 'the West' as you claim. My interpretation of his threads and posts which you proclaim as 'anti-West' is that he is using one of the most important values within Western democracy, the right to free speech, to point out unfair and unjust actions of some Western nations towards less fortunate nations, societies and individuals. These unfair and unjust actions are designed to maintain the advantages Western nations have over the rest of the world - increased financial, diplomatic and military clout allowing access to, and control of, vital resources necessary to maintain the standard of living of those same societies. And this results in suppression of the poorer and weaker nations and their peoples........

If one was to step back and consider the utopian view that each individual on the face of this planet has equal right to resources, healthcare, education, opportunities, etc then the current situation, where the rich and powerful dictate the destinies of the poor and weak, is indefensible. I know a GC lady who lives in one of the largest metropolitan areas in the USA, who maintains that she couldn't live without her 3.5 litre SUV! Huge amounts of 'gas' consumed for the short trip to the air-conditioned mall....... Imagine the geopolitical machinations that occur in order for her to maintain this lifestyle, let alone the environmental damage!

And I can't believe that any GC would support Israel in its land-grabbing from Palestinians, particularly when they are themselves still suffering from the effects of invasion and ethnic cleansing.

My reading of GR!s posts is that they are primarily to point out that political and military decisions by powerful western nations often have deleterious humanitarian consequences for the weak and suppressed. I also believe you make a mistake in linking his 'anti-West' posts with those on CyProb, just because you do not agree with him on either.

So, no, I would not support any move on this forum which prevented GR! having freedom to express his opinions (and often he is only providing links to informative articles), even if you do not agree with them. You can't on the one hand proclaim the USA to be 'the greatest nation on earth' and on the other propose suppression of free speech, supposedly one of the most important tenets of western democracy.
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Postby Lit » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:14 pm

Talisker wrote:
miltiades wrote:GR's intoxication with anti American posts is not a matter of critic but a matter of pure hatred against America. We can all be critical of any nation , I have on numerous occasions criticized the RoC concerning many issues .
What this man does is to unceasingly rummage the net looking for any demeaning and slanderous remarks / reports on the USA , Britain , Israel and other Western nation. I have yet to see a post of his that is constractive to the Cyprob.
He advocates war as the ONLY option in solving the Cyprus issue an act that would totaly destroy Cyprus and render it a third world nation for years to come , not forgetting the 10s of thousands that could perish .
He is a bloody menace as far as I'm concerned , one that would not hesitate to cause a bloody revolution in order to satisfy his warped fantasies.
There are many like him in Cyprus of the same pedigree that caused Cyprus's most enormous catastrophe in history
anxious to prove that they can still cause mayhem and destruction.
I support the West staunchly because I beleive that Cyprus's interests are best served by close attachment to the West , it does not translate acceptance of all that the West does but it does mean that protecting our interests and promoting them must take priority above all else. Throughout our short political history as an independent nation we succumbed to a myriad of political blunders not least our reluctance to accept the Zurich agreements and give them a chance to function , from day one we announced that the Zurich agreements were unworkable. We forged allegiances with weak ineffective nations ignoring the powers that could be instrumental in ensuring the survival of our nation in its embryonic state.

Actually Miltiades, I don't believe that GR! 'hates' the USA or Israel or 'the West' as you claim. My interpretation of his threads and posts which you proclaim as 'anti-West' is that he is using one of the most important values within Western democracy, the right to free speech, to point out unfair and unjust actions of some Western nations towards less fortunate nations, societies and individuals.

GR is a hypocrite. Free speech is fine but his attack ONLY focuses on the west or maybe i am wrong....can you direct me to a GR thread that talks about Russian or Chinese War crimes? I didn't think so.
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Postby Cap » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:30 pm

Just something different to get this bitter taste out of our mouths from all this fighting and bickering amongst forumers.

Bob at it again. An American attacking his OWN country :lol:

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Re: Should GR be allowed to continue attacking the West ?

Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:40 pm

lola-tulip wrote:He looks sweet. Is he known for navel-gazing before commenting here?

No, he's just looking for his penis...
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:45 pm

Lit wrote:GR is a hypocrite. Free speech is fine but his attack ONLY focuses on the west or maybe i am wrong....can you direct me to a GR thread that talks about Russian or Chinese War crimes? I didn't think so.

Well here's something "odd"...

Now how about a GR link that supports the Taliban, etc? :lol:
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