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Obama's Oval Office speech on Iraq

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Obama's Oval Office speech on Iraq

Postby Lit » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:57 pm

There are those in this forum who would like to portray Obama as a War Criminal. They reproduce information from radical sites to pursue their agenda. The terrorist-apologists have a right to their opinion but they are trying to force that opinion down our throats. Here is Obama's full speech on the end of America's combat mission in Iraq . View it and make your own decisions:

Dated August 31, 2010, Obama Announces End Of Iraq Combat Ops Part 1 of 2:

Dated August 31, 2010, Obama Announces End of Iraq Combat Ops Part 2 of 2

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Re: Obama's Oval Office speech on Iraq

Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:36 am

Lit wrote:Here is Obama's full speech on the end of America's combat mission in Iraq . View it and make your own decisions:

War Crimes offences are NOT determined by whether or not someone makes a cute speech, but by factors like these... ... 02195.html ... -criminal/ ... -gtf5.html ... begin.html ... -in-chief/ ... -criminal/ ... g-campaign

If you’re still not convinced feel free to browse through the 40 page Obama War Crimes thread…
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Re: Obama's Oval Office speech on Iraq

Postby Lit » Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:19 am

Get Real! wrote:
Lit wrote:Here is Obama's full speech on the end of America's combat mission in Iraq . View it and make your own decisions:

War Crimes offences are NOT determined by whether or not someone makes a cute speech, but

You have a lonely pathetic existence. You need to tell yourself.... hmmm, what would make today DIFFERENT from any other day. So, you went to and did a search on: Obama War Criminal. You do that every single day and post the search results in this forum. Bravo. Time well spent, Box head.
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Postby Lit » Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:20 am

Some reaction to Obama's speech:

Obama delivers on Iraq

When then-Sen. Barack Obama visited The Chronicle editorial board in 2008, I had one question for him: Which Democratic candidate for president would be best at keeping Iraq from imploding?

"That would be me," Obama answered.

He called Operation Iraqi Freedom "an enormous strategic mistake." Nonetheless, Obama also noted that, once the war had begun, "We had an obligation to fund our troops and to try to make this work as best we can."

And: "Once we were in, we had some obligation, both strategic and humanitarian, to stabilize the country, and that we should be as careful getting out as we were careless getting in."

On Tuesday night, as I watched the president's speech on the war in Iraq, I felt that Obama delivered on that pledge.

Read more: ... z0yKTWMPbQ
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Re: Obama's Oval Office speech on Iraq

Postby Get Real! » Thu Sep 02, 2010 3:41 am

Lit wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Lit wrote:Here is Obama's full speech on the end of America's combat mission in Iraq . View it and make your own decisions:

War Crimes offences are NOT determined by whether or not someone makes a cute speech, but

You have a lonely pathetic existence. You need to tell yourself.... hmmm, what would make today DIFFERENT from any other day. So, you went to and did a search on: Obama War Criminal. You do that every single day and post the search results in this forum. Bravo. Time well spent, Box head.

Such strong arguments to counter the many links I supply that condemn Obama... you're just too good! 8)

Now open your eyes and ears O’ brainless one…

When NAZI war criminals were tried in Nuremberg they were judged and condemned based on their ACTIONS and certainly not on any of the speeches they had made! Nobody at Nuremberg ever suggested…

“Let’s hear Hermann Göring’s speech and then decide if he is a war criminal!”

Such a daft suggestion could’ve only come from a NAZI sympathizer! Image
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