zan wrote:Get Real! wrote:I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove here Zanny…
That every country has its criminals is a well known fact! That Cypriot male criminals must also somehow accommodate their 26 month National Guard service is another known fact here!
So, when they finish their jail sentences, the National Guard MPs will collect them straight away so they can finish their national duty too regardless of how old they’ll be!

Btw, I hope you don’t assume that the Turkish Army doesn’t have any bad lemons it puts away each year…
Its just that these fantastically trained guys cannot even start a fire without setting fire to themselves.....What a crack troupe you are boasting about!!!

Like I said… bad lemons exist in every country’s army.
During my basic training I witnessed a lot of crazy things …a few guys would wake up in the middle of the night and start running around naked shouting obscenities! Some of them of course, were trying to pass themselves off as mentally ill to evade the army and some were genuine, but all I know is that they were all taken away never to be seen (by me) again!
We had one guy who was caught urinating in everyone’s boots; which were lined up outside the dormitory in a row to keep the smell out.
We had a pick pocket helping himself while everyone else was asleep, caught!
We had two identical twins from the village of Konia in Paphos, taking turns at playing truant while the other would respond twice with a “Present!” during the evening callout count!
We had all sorts of weirdoes, but that’s what basic training is all about… it filters out a lot of the bad lemons!