Piratis wrote:Turkes occupation is illegal. We are not asking for any compromises from Turkey. We are just asking from Turkey to stop the illegalities, and we even accept if she does so in gradual steps and not right away.
And not recognising the RoC as it exist today and without any precondtion por requirement is an 'illegal' act by Turkey?
From a TC perspective demanding that Turkey recognises the RoC as it exits today (not as it exited in 1960 agreements) is asking her to condone and legitimise the biggest 'illegality' against the TCr, comitted by the rest of the world (rest of the world = non aligned states + afew others) against all moral and legal imperatives. Namely the recognition by the 'UN' of the purely GC adminstration of the RoC as the sole and legtitmate governbment of all of Cyprus.
The basis of the claims by GC that the RoC as it exits today is 'legal' are based on a _political_ decision made by the UN general assmembly back in 64. In this vote more countries abstained than voted in favour of this resolution. Turkey did not protest because she was lied to and betrayed by members of the security council (UK and USA) who assured here that the resolution was not recognition of the GC only RoC and because she was balckmailed by the deaths of TC that were occuring in Cyuprus at the time.
UN resolutions are not 'international laws'. They can be and are often are a guide to such but they are not in themselves such. If there were a competent court to make a _judicial_ decsion about the 'legality' of a purely GC run RoC as sole legitimate government of all of Cyprus - I can see no way that it could rule it as 'legitimate' (nor can I see any moral basis either for that matter). All there is that suuports the claim that the RoC as it exits today is 'legitimate' is a cynical and shameful (interpretation_ of a UN resolution made on political criteria (not legal or moral) that only passed because of the _political_ support of the GC RoC Political allies in the non alligned states grouping of the UN general assembly.
That is the TC perspective.