Yes, the hunting season has started again! What do Tourists think,while trying to walk in the forests or outer regions of villages.
These hunters are a rule unto themselves,they are not respecting the code and shooting everything that flies,crawls,slides and walks.
Sunday,we found a dead Barn owl in our backyard.(shot dead of course).
Organic farmers need sparrows to eat the pests off their crops,these sparrows are shot! The Barn owl keeps the mice at bay.
Should the Authorities find a location far away from residential areas.
Paralimni,Cape Greco and Agios Antonis,all had shooters banging away at 5.30am.
At dusk,they started shooting the small bats.
These men don't like confrontation,they leave their rubbish where ever they go and faciate near Olive trees and leave this mess for Tourists to see.
Each season,migratory birds are shot and left to rot,for what reason?
Why don't they save up all their money,instead of illegal gambling and take a trip to Australia,to cull Kangaroos and Rabbits and get paid for it!
Lets see,what to all have to say about this subject?