The definition of this well known expresion is "a medical condition characterized by the physical sensation of a "fluttery" feeling in the stomach. This sensation can be a physical sensation related to the body's fight or flight response or it can be an ineffable experience related to the psychology of love or nervousness and excitement."
On Tuesday I fly to Cyprus I think its my 5th visit this year and yet as each time approaches I succumb to the condition described above.
Cyprus to me is like food , you eat now and a few hours later you are hungry again or to the ....youngsters a bit like ( GR excluded he cant possibly have time to indulge in such activities he is always looking for anti West crap ) Its that summery feeling the hot air as you step off the plane now in the summer , Autumn is such a wonderful time of the year with still plenty of sunshine and cooler weather.
The heat does not bother me the least , neither does the cold come to think of it I just hate cloudy skies and constant rain.
Cyprus my darling here I come !!!
Message to granddaughter :
I have your indento game and super maria , no more this year you hear !!