by shahmaran » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:15 pm
A load of shit!
Yes there were "terrorists" on that ship, trying to get aid supplies to the people who are illegally tortured before the whole world by these scum.
What they are actually saying is, there were people on that ship who wanted to humiliate us before the whole world so we had to kill a few of them to show who the boss is.
1 - How can fully armed commandos be "defending" themselves, when no one else was armed with fire power and they just happened to kill 9 people, having started firing from air, with videos clearly showing 3 commandos firing multiple shots to a man who was on the floor, AFTER they beat him to the ground with rifles and kicks. Being threaten to be "thrown into the sea" is hardly "life threatening" is it? Just swim back to your ships or back on if you really want to have another go.
2 - If you really believe that this was going to be a "dirty" mission then why did you bother doing it, as they were not in Israeli waters nor on their way to Israel, they were in international waters, meaning what you just did is nothing short of what pirates would do, except you just paint it a little while throwing in a few "terrorism" words.
3 - If they are so innocent, why did they not allow an independent investigation?
4 - If they are so innocent, why did they return the ship perfectly cleaned up and over 250 bullet holes covered up, never mind the fact they they have confiscated all footage and only released the ones they choose.
5 - As a sound designer I can vouch that the response that so called "Arab" with an American accent is utterly and cheaply fabricated (almost every single Israeli I met speaks with a US accent), it cannot be more obvious that it is fake. Any moron who can compare the sound of the initial warning which came from the Israeli soldier, as we have seen all over the news, with that stupid response, can understand the quality difference. These are meant to be "warning" and "response" recorded over the same line yet sound so different, I can add that "radio transmission" effect to any recording in 2 seconds. And what blatantly cheap choice of insults.
It is ridiculous that a so called innocent operation in the name of "defense" has to resort to such cheap and moronic ways to justify their bloody fuck up.
Israel is full of shit, worse than Turkey can ever be.