This is an experiment. It seems weird to me that so many people are regulars here and have so many conversations with so many others, and yet no one so far has started such a thread.
In this thread, forum members can introduce themselves on their own terms (e.g., 'I am a 6-foot burly fireman and have slept with over one thousand women so far'

My name is Angelos and I'm not an alcoholic. I am a 25 year-old (I am actually 26, but that number just doesn't ring right to me, so I just tackle the 'ringing' issue in the simplest way possible) Greek Cypriot from Kaimakli, Nicosia (Kaimakli has got to be the most under-developed part of Nicosia and suburbs - kinda hate it). My dad is a refugee (from Kato Dikomo, I think TCs call it Dikmen?) and my mother is from another village in the south - Klirou. I have lived only in Nicosia, though, as the family moved there a few months before I was born.
Right now I am in Leeds, UK, wrapping up my Advertising & Marketing Masters year - definitely the best year of my life so far.
I smoke like a chimney - Camels rule all.
I have no idea what I want to do with my life, profession-wise. I know I want to teach at a college or uni, but way more often than not, that takes a PhD, and that's not really a feasible prospect right now. So, it pretty much looks like a great catch-22.

I love sports and games, and due to my freakishly competitive nature, I force myself to excel at everything (except for Cluedo; for some weird reason, that game seems to have been invented only for girls to win.

Lastly, I always sleep upside down in my bed (like, 'head-where-feet-should-be'). Not sure why. I suspect, though, that the puzzled look on your face when you read that sentence is the reason. I just love to do that.

OK, so that's about it for me.
Who's next?