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Postby garbitsch » Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:32 pm

Here's some stuff about me...

I am 21 years old. I was born in Famagusta in 1983. Then we moved to Nicosia when I was 10. My childhood passed in the open part of Varosha/ Marash, where I always used to dream of passing the border dividing our quarter and the dead city. Besides I had always wanted to see Greeks and Maronites when I was a kid. I was thrilled when we first made our visit to Korucam/Kormatiki. It was a very disappointing moment, since all of the Maronites were looking very similar to us: something I wasn't expecting. The very first interaction with a Greek Cypriot happened when I made a visit to London 10 years ago. His name was Gary and he was my cousin's best friend. At first, I was scared since I wasn't really prepared to see a Greek :) Then I realised that whatever is a person's identity, s/he is a human after all. So I stop hating Greeks, and declared myself as a humanist, which regards people with their personalities and attitudes, not with their nationality, colour or religion.
I did my BA in political science in Turkey and came to London to do Masters in European Politics. My prospective career was to get a job in one of the EU institutions but I was disappointed since one of the requirements was being able to speak two Community languages fluently (since Turkish is not a Community language I was expected to speak other languages apart from English). I can communicate in Italian and Japanese, but I need to practice them, since it's been a year since the last time I studied these languages. I am also looking for some job in London, but since I have no previous job experience, it is really difficult to get a job in this country. At the same time, I do not want to do my military duty, at least not this year.
My dad is from Limassol and my mom is from Paphos, but was raised in Nicosia. My sister holds a PhD and she has almost no interest in Politics. (She voted for UBP in the general electes and voted for Talat in the presidential elections). That's all I can say about me.
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Postby Main_Source » Tue Oct 04, 2005 3:11 pm

For certain industries in London, it seems the job experience is almost AS important, if not more, than university BA's come easily. If I was you, id try and fit in work experince around your studies, or join a recruitment agency which specialises in the work you wanna do.
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Postby garbitsch » Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:27 pm

Main_Source, thanks for the advice. I've been checking the recruitment agencies and I've even applied a couple of them, but there were no replies. The jobs that are related my studies are limited and I think my last chance will be applying to an unpaid traineeship in one of the international organisations in London...
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Postby Main_Source » Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:46 pm

what kind of industry do you want to get into?

and at 21, doin a work placement for 6 months or so isnt a bad will give you vauable long as you can help yourself financially in other ways.

As for your CV...its an unwritten law with recruitment agencies that you should ring them up to see if they received your CV...then ask what they think?..if they can help you? Do they have any placements available?

Dont just sit there and wait for them to call because they have like 30 people a week giving in CV's just like yours. You have to sell yourself.
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Postby CY » Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:48 pm

I live in London and always have but both my parents are from Cyprus (mother Lefkosia, fathers' parents originally from Davlos and Komikebir). I wish I was brought up in Cyprus but I guess I cant change that now!
I'm 17 and go to school here and am studying my A2s. i do French, Italian, Politics and Modern Greek (and I did Economics as AS level last year). I hope to go study Politics and Italian next year at uni. I love having political discussions and really enjoy speaking to people in italian too.
I go to cyprus 3/4 times a year and love it there..I go to lefkosia and protaras in the summer.
Wld be nice to get to know some greek cypriots who are around my age.
Bye bye.
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Postby Main_Source » Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:09 pm

My godfather / uncle is from Komi might be related.
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Postby CY » Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:22 pm

is or was? My grandmother is from there but obviously was forced out in '74.
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Postby Pekousek » Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:34 pm

I am age-group 1977. I'm living in The Czech Republic in Prague. I graduated from Charles University from Toxicology and Biochemistry. Now I'm employed in pharmaceutical company. At present I try to get job in Cyprus.
I have II. Degree black belt in Taekwon-do ITF and I teach it.
My hobby is electric guitar, eating and sleeping 8)
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