Greetings all!
Here it goes. Im 36, 5.11 Tall, weigh in at 170lbs. and my black hair is turning prematurely white. But that's ok because my wife likes it.
I was born in Mersin (Icel), Turkey while my parents were vacationing there during their stint in Germany. My parents are Turkish and I'm the eldest of three. One brother and one sister.
My father, having the nomadic and adventurous blood of Turks, decided to move us to the States when I was 5 and we've been living here ever since. I speak German, Turkish and do my best at English. My next language hopefully shall be Greek.
I attended university and received a degree in film and advertising. On the side I studied history. I am facinated with Greek, Roman and Turkish history. If I had to do it again I would be and archeologist digging up ancient sites in Turkey and Greece.
I never was able to pursue my passion for film because of reality. I had to make money. I worked with my father until he sold his business 4 years ago. After he sold, I took a nice long vacation in Turkey where I met my gorgeous wife. I told her that I was going to marry her the first night I met her. Six months later we were married in Turkey. She has been my newest best friend ever since. We plan on kids next year if the Gods smile upon us.
While I was in Turkey I visited the town of Bodrum where I hooked up with a couple of American Turks. One night while having ample portions of Jack Daniels, we decided to go to the island of Kos the next day. Even though I was apprehensive I went. This trip changed my whole outlook on Greeks. We were treated like rock stars even though the Greeks knew we were. Turkish. It then occured to me that the problems between Greeks and Turks were stemming from our politicians.

After I was married I got into the homebuilding business with a good friend and that's what I do for a living.
I was thinking about retiring to Cyprus. After watching you guys going at it on this forum I'm gonna wait and let the dust settle between you Cyps.
I truly think you guys are onto something. I hope mainland Turks and Greeks don't screw it up for you. You guys have the opportunity to build a nation. Ain't it cool?
Favorite music: Anything but American country....yeeeeeeehaaawwww!
Favorite films: The Tempest, starring Nick Cassavettis, all Stanley Kubric films, Hitchcock films and Francis Ford Coppola's works. Oliver Stone can kiss my arse.