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'Twenty Million Homeless' In Pakistan Flood

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'Twenty Million Homeless' In Pakistan Flood

Postby Lit » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:24 am

Twenty million people are homeless after Pakistan's worst flooding in decades, the country's prime minister has revealed.

The figure was announced as new flood surges hit Pakistan's south.

The crisis began in late July when unusually heavy monsoon rains swept across the country from its mountainous northwest.

About 1,500 people have died as a result, and aid workers warned that diseases could raise that toll.

In a televised address to the nation, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani said 20 million were now homeless, but did not elaborate.

It was unclear how many of those people were briefly forced to leave their homes and how many had lost their houses altogether.

But hundreds of thousands of homes have been destroyed and many flood victims are living in muddy camps or overcrowded government buildings.

Thousands more are sleeping in the open, next to their cows, goats and whatever possessions they managed to drag with them.

"My house was swept away in the floodwater. I have no shelter, no clothes and nothing to eat. I am living in misery," said Allah Wasai, of Muzzafargarh - a flood-hit region in Punjab province.

Read the full story here: ... ilani_Says
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Postby Lit » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:26 am

UN chief: Never seen anything like Pakistan floods

By CHRIS BRUMMITT (AP) – 1 hour ago

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said he has never seen anything like the flood disaster in Pakistan, and urged foreign donors to speed up assistance to the 20 million people affected.

Ban's comments after surveying the devastation over the weekend reflect the concern of the international community about the unfolding disaster in Pakistan, which is battling al-Qaida and Taliban militants, has a weak and unpopular government, and an anemic economy propped up by international assistance.

"This has been a heart-wrenching day for me," Ban said Sunday after flying over the hard-hit areas with President Asif Ali Zardari. "I will never forget the destruction and suffering I have witnessed today. In the past I have witnessed many natural disasters around the world, but nothing like this."

full story here: ... gD9HK87PG0
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Postby Lit » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:09 pm, ... 1564-.aspx

25 August 2010 17:24

Cash for Pakistan

NICOSIA – The Council of Ministers on Wednesday approved a donation of €100,000 for the flood victims of Pakistan as coordinated effort to raise funds in Cyprus is already underway.
Floods have isolated over 800,000 people in Pakistan who are now only reachable by air and aid workers need at least 40 more helicopters to ferry lifesaving aid to the increasingly desperate people, the United Nations said.
Massive problems face the relief effort in Pakistan more than three weeks after the floods hit the country, affecting more than 17 million people and raising concerns about possible social unrest and political instability.
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Re: 'Twenty Million Homeless' In Pakistan Flood

Postby Get Real! » Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:56 pm

Lit wrote:Twenty million people are homeless after Pakistan's worst flooding in decades, the country's prime minister has revealed.

Delaying your NATO supplies is it? :roll:
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Postby apc2010 » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:15 pm

their neighbour Indian has donated 100,000 towels...

it was all they could think of off the top of their heads....
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Postby IMPOSTALIEDUS » Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:39 pm

The last time i was in INDIA the world news were showing people in behar who were in a similar mess, and the world aid programs asked for tents etc ,,,,, three months later the markets were full of ex indian army tents ,being sold, you can only imagin what happened to the new ones that had been donated, the poorer people of pakistan will get vertually no help what so ever , just like the people of haiti have had nothing,
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Postby Lit » Wed Aug 25, 2010 9:22 pm ... 2.asp?id=3


The Cyprus government has decided to grant financial aid to Pakistan following the fatal floods that have hit the country in the past month.

Government Spokesman Stephanos Stephanou announced after Wednesday’s Cabinet meeting that the government of Demetris Christofias has decided to donate 100,000 euros to help relief efforts in Pakistan.

The worst floods in Pakistan`s history have affected 14 million people. They were triggered by unusually heavy monsoon downpours over the upper Indus river basin, over three weeks ago.
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