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US issues arms deal ultimatum to Turkey

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US issues arms deal ultimatum to Turkey

Postby gauss » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:37 am

US issues arms deal ultimatum to Turkey

By Daniel Dombey in Washington

Published: August 15 2010 23:05 | Last updated: August 15 2010 23:05

President Barack Obama has personally warned Turkey’s prime minister that unless Ankara shifts its position on Israel and Iran it stands little chance of obtaining the US weapons it wants to buy.

Mr Obama’s warning to Recep Tayyip Erdogan is particularly significant as Ankara wants to buy American drone aircraft – such as the missile-bearing Reaper – to attack the Kurdish separatist PKK after the US military pulls out of Iraq at the end of 2011.

The PKK has traditionally maintained bases in the remote mountains in the north of Iraq, near the Turkish border.

One senior administration official said: “The president has said to Erdogan that some of the actions that Turkey has taken have caused questions to be raised on the Hill [Congress] . . . about whether we can have confidence in Turkey as an ally. That means that some of the requests Turkey has made of us, for example in providing some of the weaponry that it would like to fight the PKK, will be harder for us to move through Congress.”

Washington was deeply frustrated when Turkey voted against United Nations sanctions on Iran in June.

When the leaders met later that month at the G20 summit in Toronto, Mr Obama told Mr Erdogan that the Turks had failed to act as an ally in the UN vote. He also called on Ankara to cool its rhetoric about an Israeli raid that killed nine Turks on a flotilla bearing aid for Gaza.

While the two men have subsequently sought to co-operate over Iraq’s efforts to patch together a coalition government, the US makes clear its warning still stands.

“They need to show that they take seriously American national security interests,” said the administration official, adding that Washington was looking at Turkish conduct and would then assess if there were “sufficient efforts that we can go forward with their request”.

US law requires the administration to notify Congress 15 days ahead of big arms sales to Nato allies such as Turkey. Although technically such sales can proceed – unless Congress passes legislation to stop them – resistance on Capitol Hill can push administrations to abandon politically unpopular sales.

Turkey has sought drones for several years. But its drive has taken on greater urgency both because of the continuing US withdrawal from Iraq and the tensions with Israel, which has provided Ankara with pilotless Heron aircraft.

Turkish officials characterise the military relationship with the US as very good but declined to comment on specific procurement requests. The administration has not notified Congress of any big arms sale to Turkey to date this year.
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Postby insan » Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:51 am

It doesn't matter anymore... American hypocrisy has no bounds... They are preparing the circumstances of the "big bang" ... whether Turkey is with them or against; they will "bang" it... 500 million population is what they want for the new world order...
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Postby insan » Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:07 am

How The Zabbateans Will Destroy Israel
2005 06 12

By Jack Manuelian |

When the Zabbatean Zionists created the modern state of Israel they also made plans for the creation of an anti-Israel "force" in the Middle East that would be used to destroy their experiment of modern Israel. The Zabbatean Zionists would be both the creators and indirect destroyers of the state of Israel. Nowadays inner Zabbatean Zionists are activating the "self-destruction" mechanism of modern Israel; their plan is to bring a Turkish muslim dictator as a ruler of Turkey, a Muslim Hitler-like destroyer, a Turkish Bin Laden who will unite the various factions in Turkey and lead them to the old glory they once knew. Presently the invisible rulers of Turkey are not real Turks but rather infiltrated secular "Turks" who are the secret followers of the anti-Mohammed and anti-Christ prophet Zabbatai Zevi, who was the founder of the Turkish Donmeh Zabbatean sect and of the Zabbataean movement in general.

In Turkey books such as Mein Kampf (of Hitler), The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and The International Jew are freely displayed and sold in kiosk stands all over Turkey. Those books are not found for sale in the bookstores of USA and Europe and someone has to look for them in underground outlets, yet in Turkey those anti-Jewish books are best-sellers and can be obtained from anywhere and at cheap prices. Not only this, but newspapers in Turkey have the total unrestricted freedom to publish any kind of anti-Semetic, anti-Jewish, and anti-Israeli articles and commentaries. A fact that made Schily, the German Interior Minister, say this past May during a press conference: "If the Turkish government does not have the necessary [antisemitism] laws, they should creat them." Schily did not say if this was one of the prerequisite for Turkey's admittance into EU.

All this in a country like Turkey that has very close military and economic relations with Israel and considers Israel to be its ally in the Middle East. However, according to Zabbatean Zionist plans, the "force" that would be able to destroy Israel has to rise now and made ready to destroy their "house-of-cards" in Palestine, which is sometime in the next ten or fifteen years when World War III is ignited in the Middle East. Israel was created just after WW II for the purpose of another great war, that of WW III; when it starts then Israel, having accomplished its mission, can be disposed of like an old rag, this according to their plans--which may come to pass or may not.

The invisible secular rulers of modern Turkey (most belonging secretly to the Donmeh Zabbatean sect) know perfectly well that the Genocide of the Armenians was real, but they are doing everything in their power to hide, deny and supress that fact. Why? because they are afraid that their cover would blow up and they are going to be discovered as belonging to the ones who planned and organized that Genocide. A Turkish nationalist columnist, Selcuk Duzgun, recently wrote: "Wherever we turn we see impure, false converts. Whichever stone you turn over [in Turkey], there is a 'Jew' under it." Needless to say, a second holocaust of the Jews is on the horizon; those who executed so well the Armenian Genocide are capable of repeating the same--this time with the Jews as their victims. The Turks did not disappoint the planners and organizerers of the Armenian Genocide, neither they will with the second holocaust of the Jews.

A secular liberal Turkish columnist, Sakir Suter, wrote in June 24, 2004 concerning the Turkish Jews: "They have an obligation to show us that they are distanced from the terror [he means the war with the Kurds] that resulted in the death of thousands in Turkey... and that the Jews are not 'plotting' against us together with the [Kurdish] elements in northern Iraq." First it was the false accusation that the Armenians were collaborating with the Russians during WW 1, and now the same accusation is being directed to the Jews as collaborators with the Kurds against Turkey. It is the same old Genocide plan that is being revamped; there is nothing new under the sun. In the same article, Sakir writes directing his speech to Jews of Israel: "We, on our part, are offering one last chance before officially and openly declaring that the Jews are our 'enemy.' ... we have reached such a juncture that... millions in Turkey are all too eager to pour out to the streets and cry out: Death to Zionism!"

This antisemitiam is becoming a serious matter in Turkey; a mass movement like 1930s Germany. In an interview published in April 4, 2005, in Turkish newspaper Vatan, Rusen Cakie asks Barry Jacobs, the American Jewish Committee's director of Strategic Studies in the Office of Government and International Affairs, "Do you think anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism are at serious levels [in Turkey]?" Jacob's answer in part: "Yes, it's very grave. In fact, this is due to the recent rise in nationalism in Turkey. We see this nationalism in the Turkish military which has a very deeply rooted relationship with the American military, in the [Turkish] government and all the [Turkish] political parties."

As to the assessment of the status of the Turkish-American relations; Jacob's answer: "The relations are going through a difficult period. It would be exaggerated to say that this is a crisis, but in the past seven or eight months there have been serious problems. The American administration is disturbed by the increase in anti-American, anti-Western, anti-Israel, and anti-Semitic [manifestations] in Turkey, especially in the media."

The Turkish Prof. Dr. Ihsan Dagi has said in an interview published on February 28, 2005, in Turkish daily Radikal that "a new alliance is being created" in Turkey, and there is "a search for a new national unity in Turkey." The Professor explains: "It is a new and broad alliance against the Jews and the Donme, who are [said to] secretly plotting not only in the world but also in Turkey, who control Turkey and who need to be stopped...In this alliance you have groups from AKP (the current ruling part), the Left, Kemalists, the Republican People's Party (the current opposition party), Alevi, a whole world of people." from nationalistic-conservative and political Islam circles to the leftist and secular circles. Nationalism and radical Islam in Turkey have found a common ground in anti-Semitism.

Abdurrahim Karakoç, a columnist at the Islamic newspaper Vakit wrote in Aug. 17, 2004: "It was Hitler yesterday, and it is Osama bin Laden today." And may I add it is a Turkish Ben Laden tomorrow ruling over Turkey. It is clear now that this coming October there is not going to be any EU accession talks with Turkey until the present constitutional crisis is somehow solved. We read in a June 4, 2005 article in Economist: "There are, indeed, disturbing signs that Mr Erdogan may be pandering to a recent upsurge in nationalism that is being fanned both by anti-Turkish sentiment in Europe and by the country's hawkish generals, whose power may be eroded by EU reforms."

Turkey eventually will move away from Europe toward nationalism and aspire to become a great power again with a close solidarity with other muslim nations. She will choose the path of Anti-Zionism and advocate the destruction of Israel, this attitude or option alone will guarantee her a leading role in the Islamic world, specially among the Arab states and those of Central Asia: Their original homeland.

This article was written recently by Jack Manuelian and it is not copy righted.

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The game is too complicated but when you take into consideration what their goal is; it becomes too easy to understand...

... or does Jack try to sell his already the best seller book on Nostradamus' Prophecies and wwwIII? :lol:
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Postby Lit » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:17 am

US President Barack Obama has warned the Turkish prime minister that Ankara's position on Israel and Iran could lessen its chances of obtaining US weapons, a report said on Monday.,7340 ... 47,00.html
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:40 am

What a joke!

Rise of nationalism an anti-semitism in Turkey?

Where the hell have they been living for the past century?

First of all Turks are nationalists, always were, thats how they are brought up, end of!

Secondly, people hate Jews ALL over the world for they way they are dealing with the Palestinians, this is nothing new either.

Thirs, Mein Kampf is sold here and there, it can hardly be called a "best seller" and it is a poorly written scrap book that hardly ever made any form of recognition in order for it to draw any serious attention. Turkey is more interested in banning religious fatwas or anti-Atatürk book. Who the hell cares about Hitler?

This guy obviously knows nothing about Turkish history.

There is no conspiracy, you have a lot of money, you lobby the hell out of powerful nations and wallah, you are always right.

That pretty much sums up the existence of Israel, which is swimming in Palestinian blood regardless.

The new world order is MONEY! :lol:
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:26 am

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Re: US issues arms deal ultimatum to Turkey

Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:43 am

gauss wrote:US issues arms deal ultimatum to Turkey

The Turkish fallout with the West may well end up being the permanent solution to the Cyprus problem.
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Postby paliometoxo » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:45 am

good going turkey make america even more mad so they dont help you at all .. good ignore americas warnings as they probably will
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:55 am

vaughanwilliams wrote:Wallah?

= ve Allah/And by God = It will happen.
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Postby paliometoxo » Mon Aug 16, 2010 12:00 pm

williams your more pro turk and trnc then some of the tcs... you must really love the trnc
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