kafenes wrote:Firstly I would like to thank everyone for their well wishes and I would like to give an explanation of my condition. Having a massive abdominal hernia for many years (after having 6 unsuccessful operations and giving up), a few weeks ago I had some abdominal problems and after a thorough test it showed my kidneys function was very minimal, virtually none. So, more tests showed I have kidney disease.
While on treatment and medication I had a 4 day continuous diarrhea attack which almost made me faint and had to rush to hospital. The intestines had been blocked. They cleaned me up and gave me medication for that and hope they will function better but in the meantime because of this my kidneys stopped working completely. I was rushed to the operating table and inserted two valves near the heart ready for blood cleansing (hemodialysis). I have to have 3 treatments per week of 4 hours per treatment at the general hospital for the rest of my life or until I decide what else to do and a transplant is on the books but needs some study first as the hernia isn’t helping the situation. Please don’t feel sorry for me as this is all because of not looking after my health properly in the past and leaving things too late. I am still in very good spirits and very hopeful as I am a fighter and don’t easily give up.
kafenes wrote:Firstly I would like to thank everyone for their well wishes and I would like to give an explanation of my condition. Having a massive abdominal hernia for many years (after having 6 unsuccessful operations and giving up), a few weeks ago I had some abdominal problems and after a thorough test it showed my kidneys function was very minimal, virtually none. So, more tests showed I have kidney disease.
While on treatment and medication I had a 4 day continuous diarrhea attack which almost made me faint and had to rush to hospital. The intestines had been blocked. They cleaned me up and gave me medication for that and hope they will function better but in the meantime because of this my kidneys stopped working completely. I was rushed to the operating table and inserted two valves near the heart ready for blood cleansing (hemodialysis). I have to have 3 treatments per week of 4 hours per treatment at the general hospital for the rest of my life or until I decide what else to do and a transplant is on the books but needs some study first as the hernia isn’t helping the situation. Please don’t feel sorry for me as this is all because of not looking after my health properly in the past and leaving things too late. I am still in very good spirits and very hopeful as I am a fighter and don’t easily give up.
[YEA] 07/24/2007: Brenda from Klang, Selangor, Malaysia writes: "I was having abdominal pain about 3 hours after meal for 2 weeks. The pain radiated to upper right abdomen and I felt like bending over when the pain started. My GP sent me for blood test and scan with negative results. After desperately looking for an alternative therapy, i found your web-site & figured out it could be a bug. That evening, I had a teaspoon of turmeric powder, some cinnamon and half teaspoon of baking soda with warm water. The taste was actually quite nice with the cinnamon powder. I thought it was such coincidence that I did not feel any pain for the 1st time in 2 weeks the next day. And I continued with the concoction every evening for 5 days. Amazingly, the pain did not come back at all. To me, this is a miracle. Thank you for this site and to everyone for sharing."
The factors that lead to the complication of an inguinal hernia can be simple everyday activities such as straining for a bowel movement or lifting light weights.
It is important for you to know that the only kind of treatment that is available for an inguinal hernia is surgery. Simply put, there is no other way you can get rid of it completely. The only things you can do are post operative care measures. These would include adequate rest. It is essential for you to sleep for at least 12 hours a day after a surgery for hernia, at least for the first two weeks. This will not only allow your body to recover from the surgery, it will also help to ease your wounds. During this rest period, you should make it a point to drink a tall glass of milk every night before bed time. This must be hot and a teaspoon of turmeric powder must be added to it as well. Turmeric has healing properties which will help to heal your body from within. If you are having trouble with your surgery wounds, you can also apply a sprinkling of turmeric powder to them. This is completely harmless and has lesser side effects. It will also help to heal your wounds considerably. It is also important that you refrain from general usual activities that could cause strain in you lower body area. This would be simple things such as lifting more than five pounds of weight with your hands alone, or straining too much for a bowel movement. This activity can also lead to causing ruptures and a resurrection of the hernia. You do not want to take any such risk, so it is best to take precautions instead. The precautions should be especially strictly taken in the first two weeks after surgery, when you are the most vulnerable.
What Is Turmeric?
1. Turmeric comes from a plant belonging to the Zingiberacae family, making it a cousin of the ginger plant. The active chemical component is curcumin. As a spice, it is usually used in savory dishes and gives food a rich golden-yellow color. Turmeric has been used in ayurvedic medicine for centuries.
Diabetes Research
2. Researchers at the Naomi Berrie Diabetes Center at Columbia University Medical Center found that mice treated with turmeric had better glucose and insulin tolerance and better blood glucose levels.
Anti-inflammatory Effect
3. Earlier research at the center showed that immune cells called macrophages were found in fat tissue. These cells produce cytokine molecules that cause inflammation in the pancreas and increase insulin resistance. The researchers theorize that curcumin suppresses the macrophages, lowering the inflammatory response.
Other Uses
4. Turmeric has long been used in folk medicine to relieve inflammation, heal wounds and relieve pain. Curcumin has been associated with a small but significant decline in body weight and fat content, even when calorie consumption is not cut.
5. Turmeric is generally considered safe. There are no known toxicities with doses of up at 12 grams daily, although it may cause indigestion in high doses. Liver problems have been seen in animals given high doses, but no cases have been reported in humans. People with gallbladder problems should avoid turmeric because it may their worsen symptoms.
Read more: Turmeric Spice for Diabetes Treatment | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_5602427_turme ... z0whj4f8OR
kafenes wrote:How long will you be staying for Milti?
miltiades wrote:kafenes wrote:How long will you be staying for Milti?
I haven't booked yet but have pencilled in 24th August ( in time for grand daughters year old ....wild ..nappy party ) and back 7 days later.
Tried to get my ....Russian 82 year old to accompany me but she is waiting for her brand new set of teeth so she cant make it , she does have a granddaughter though I may , rather reluctantly , just ...bring her , only 28 !!!
I will call you from Limassol will definitely make it to Paphos on the Sunday , 28 year old permitting !!!![]()
kafenes wrote:miltiades wrote:Let us hope that your hernia will be soon sorted out and then decide on the kidney issue.
Naturally you are not at work so are you coping ok ?
Will be in Cyprus on the 25th August for a few days will give you a call.
Take care my friend .
ps. When Im not well I drink two rather than one bottle of red , but with your kidney problem I doubt very much if it is advisable !!!!!
I am hoping to go to work in the next couple of days. I feel strong enough to work and need it to keep my mind off things. I look forward to0 your call.
@Dangaman. Thanks.
kafenes wrote:What Is Wrong With Kafenes...
DANGAMAN wrote:kafenes wrote:miltiades wrote:Let us hope that your hernia will be soon sorted out and then decide on the kidney issue.
Naturally you are not at work so are you coping ok ?
Will be in Cyprus on the 25th August for a few days will give you a call.
Take care my friend .
ps. When Im not well I drink two rather than one bottle of red , but with your kidney problem I doubt very much if it is advisable !!!!!
I am hoping to go to work in the next couple of days. I feel strong enough to work and need it to keep my mind off things. I look forward to0 your call.
@Dangaman. Thanks.
how did u get the name Kafenes, he asked
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