Why do you think African nations are very poor and underdeveloped, is because for centuries their young and strong were taken away as slaves to work to make the white man rich so that they can have all the privileges while the blacks had nothing but anger and hate or do you think people of African nations are just lazy and stupid by nature..
Western countries have been pumping serious amounts of money into Africa for bloody years fool!! Where are the improvements?? There aren't any!!! They have tried everything to try and improve there lot, sending tractors and other agricultural equipment, sending pest resistant grain, materials for homesteads etc, Almost everything you can think of, has been tried, it's like a money pit!!! If it's not done for them, everything sent to help them is left to rust or rot. Money is syphoned away by those in government or there agents almost as soon as it lands in the banks..... So the answer to your question above is ...Yes they are bloody Lazy, and Yes they are bloody Stupid for electing known bent and corrupt politicians ...
Those young and strong Africans were taken by slavers over 200 years ago man. Are you seriously saying here, that they have had no young strong Africans since ?? You really do talk some crap and a half here!!!
Perhaps you can tell us of an African country that has been affluent in the past, but has since gained independence, that has continued that affluence and maybe improved on that affluence?? Let me answer that for you...NONE!!! Those that were, aren't anymore, and none came anywhere near improving on the affluence they inherited.... Are you starting to understand a little more now, or is your mind still 200 years back in History.....
Why then, would other nations plough even more money into Africa as it stands now?? Knowing that no-matter how much, or what they send is going to be time, money and effort straight down the toilet.
I say give to those African nations that are willing to put the work and effort in to improving there country, and that has a government that is basically free of the normal corrupt politicians. If there not willing or insist on having known corrupt politicians as there leaders, i say, don't give them a one penny more!!!