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Blacks Make up 12% Of London’s Pop but account 50% of crime

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Postby apc2010 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:54 pm

zan wrote:
larnacaman wrote:So it seems were now blaming 40 year old TV programmes now for UK's present day Violent Street crimes, ...jeezus what other straws are you lot going to catch hold of. hahaha,
I would hazard a wayward guess, that none of the present day offenders have ever seen an episode of ''Till Death do us Part''

Nothing to to with getting some easy money then, for those that have no intentions of gaining employment.... and everything to do with acquiring easy money for drugs???

We are talking cause and you are talking effect Larnacaman......... :?

as most know i very rarely agree with l/man , but Zan when you said you where happy with the mainland settlers going the menial jobs , is exactly what the uk citizens said in the 50s........

l/man is right YOUR space............
Last edited by apc2010 on Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby larnacaman » Fri Aug 13, 2010 11:55 pm

Why do you think African nations are very poor and underdeveloped, is because for centuries their young and strong were taken away as slaves to work to make the white man rich so that they can have all the privileges while the blacks had nothing but anger and hate or do you think people of African nations are just lazy and stupid by nature..

Western countries have been pumping serious amounts of money into Africa for bloody years fool!! Where are the improvements?? There aren't any!!! They have tried everything to try and improve there lot, sending tractors and other agricultural equipment, sending pest resistant grain, materials for homesteads etc, Almost everything you can think of, has been tried, it's like a money pit!!! If it's not done for them, everything sent to help them is left to rust or rot. Money is syphoned away by those in government or there agents almost as soon as it lands in the banks..... So the answer to your question above is ...Yes they are bloody Lazy, and Yes they are bloody Stupid for electing known bent and corrupt politicians ...

Those young and strong Africans were taken by slavers over 200 years ago man. Are you seriously saying here, that they have had no young strong Africans since ?? You really do talk some crap and a half here!!!

Perhaps you can tell us of an African country that has been affluent in the past, but has since gained independence, that has continued that affluence and maybe improved on that affluence?? Let me answer that for you...NONE!!! Those that were, aren't anymore, and none came anywhere near improving on the affluence they inherited.... Are you starting to understand a little more now, or is your mind still 200 years back in History.....

Why then, would other nations plough even more money into Africa as it stands now?? Knowing that no-matter how much, or what they send is going to be time, money and effort straight down the toilet.

I say give to those African nations that are willing to put the work and effort in to improving there country, and that has a government that is basically free of the normal corrupt politicians. If there not willing or insist on having known corrupt politicians as there leaders, i say, don't give them a one penny more!!!
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:08 am

I think the whole problem (and I would venture to suggest that this thread is in a sense discussing 'Black Youth ' AS a problem) is that the said 'Black Youth' are the end product of many years of unfair oppression by the 'White Man' which was imposed upon the Black.

Although there have been attempts by various politicians in recent years to apologise to those of the Black race, such apologies cannot erase the fact that many of the young Blacks of today can (quite justifiably) harbour feelings of extreme hatred for those nations which forced their 'Great Grandparents' into the bonds of slavery.

It is easy to state that 'Bygones should be Bygones' and hope that such expressions will serve to coax a little more co-operation from those who may feel offended by past atrocities, the trouble IS, the Black Youth' seem to have the capacity to remember too well the hardships imposed upon their forefathers and (at the risk of attracting a deal of criticism) "More Luck To Them For Remembering It".

If roguish behaviour is the result of ill-treatment of the past, then it is the past that sowed the seeds for it.

God Bless he who holds his memories dear, there are far too many 'Mentors' afoot who would seek to erase them. (IMHO) :wink:
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Postby apc2010 » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:16 am

Schnauzer wrote:I think the whole problem (and I would venture to suggest that this thread is in a sense discussing 'Black Youth ' AS a problem) is that the said 'Black Youth' are the end product of many years of unfair oppression by the 'White Man' which was imposed upon the Black.

Although there have been attempts by various politicians in recent years to apologise to those of the Black race, such apologies cannot erase the fact that many of the young Blacks of today can (quite justifiably) harbour feelings of extreme hatred for those nations which forced their 'Great Grandparents' into the bonds of slavery.

It is easy to state that 'Bygones should be Bygones' and hope that such expressions will serve to coax a little more co-operation from those who may feel offended by past atrocities, the trouble IS, the Black Youth' seem to have the capacity to remember too well the hardships imposed upon their forefathers and (at the risk of attracting a deal of criticism) "More Luck To Them For Remembering It".

If roguish behaviour is the result of ill-treatment of the past, then it is the past that sowed the seeds for it.

God Bless he who holds his memories dear, there are far too many 'Mentors' afoot who would seek to erase them. (IMHO) :wink:

as a wise man once said..............................what a load of bollocks ...if every person who had felt hard down by resulted to crime .....the world would be .......prety much like it is ....

the excuses come first ,, if you want to better yourself as an individual whether black /yellow / brown/or from a broken home/ war torn place is is up to you ,,,

btw if you are african/ american ... last time .... no i do not want to super-size.....
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:19 am

apc2010 wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:I think the whole problem (and I would venture to suggest that this thread is in a sense discussing 'Black Youth ' AS a problem) is that the said 'Black Youth' are the end product of many years of unfair oppression by the 'White Man' which was imposed upon the Black.

Although there have been attempts by various politicians in recent years to apologise to those of the Black race, such apologies cannot erase the fact that many of the young Blacks of today can (quite justifiably) harbour feelings of extreme hatred for those nations which forced their 'Great Grandparents' into the bonds of slavery.

It is easy to state that 'Bygones should be Bygones' and hope that such expressions will serve to coax a little more co-operation from those who may feel offended by past atrocities, the trouble IS, the Black Youth' seem to have the capacity to remember too well the hardships imposed upon their forefathers and (at the risk of attracting a deal of criticism) "More Luck To Them For Remembering It".

If roguish behaviour is the result of ill-treatment of the past, then it is the past that sowed the seeds for it.

God Bless he who holds his memories dear, there are far too many 'Mentors' afoot who would seek to erase them. (IMHO) :wink:

as a wise man once said..............................what a load of bollocks ...if every person who had felt hard down by resulted to crime .....the world would be .......prety much like it is ....

the excuses come first ,, if you want to better yourself as an individual whether black /yellow / brown/or from a broken home/ war torn place is is up to you ,,,

btw if you are african/ american ... last time .... no i do not want to super-size.....

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Postby larnacaman » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:24 am


They don't remember sod all!!! They are what they are, because that's how they WANT to be. Nothing whatsoever to do with past racism. These are just lazy but hardened criminals that want as easy life as possible. They don't care a jot who they harm, Blacks Whites Asians, ...there all seen as just easy prey to take advantage of, and not the slightest hesitation in conducting real violence to get what they want, with not a hint of conscience or remorse!!!

This political correctness crap, certainly has you lot well and truly hooked, you can't seem to find enough excuses for these out and out arseholes, no-wonder they seem to be on the increase!!!
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Postby apc2010 » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:35 am

larnacaman wrote:Schnauzer,

They don't remember sod all!!! They are what they are, because that's how they WANT to be. Nothing whatsoever to do with past racism. These are just lazy but hardened criminals that want as easy life as possible. They don't care a jot who they harm, Blacks Whites Asians, ...there all seen as just easy prey to take advantage of, and not the slightest hesitation in conducting real violence to get what they want, with not a hint of conscience or remorse!!!

This political correctness crap, certainly has you lot well and truly hooked, you can't seem to find enough excuses for these out and out arseholes, no-wonder they seem to be on the increase!!!

as much as i hate to agree with you ,,, this PC crap has gone too far,, if most uk voters where honest enough and did not care what people thought of them ,,, immigration would be monitored ,,,,,, what makes me laugh is they can find u if you speed over 30 mph ,,, yet they have lost 200,000 immigrants ........go figure ...
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Postby oopsy » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:37 am

[quote="larnacaman"][quote]Why do you think African nations are very poor and underdeveloped, is because for centuries their young and strong were taken away as slaves to work to make the white man rich so that they can have all the privileges while the blacks had nothing but anger and hate or do you think people of African nations are just lazy and stupid by nature..[/quote]

Western countries have been pumping serious amounts of money into Africa for bloody years fool!! Where are the improvements?? There aren't any!!! They have tried everything to try and improve there lot, sending tractors and other agricultural equipment, sending pest resistant grain, materials for homesteads etc, Almost everything you can think of, has been tried, it's like a money pit!!! If it's not done for them, everything sent to help them is left to rust or rot. Money is syphoned away by those in government or there agents almost as soon as it lands in the banks..... So the answer to your question above is ...Yes they are bloody Lazy, and Yes they are bloody Stupid for electing known bent and corrupt politicians ...

Those young and strong Africans were taken by slavers over 200 years ago man. Are you seriously saying here, that they have had no young strong Africans since ?? You really do talk some crap and a half here!!!

Perhaps you can tell us of an African country that has been affluent in the past, but has since gained independence, that has continued that affluence and maybe improved on that affluence?? Let me answer that for you...NONE!!! Those that were, aren't anymore, and none came anywhere near improving on the affluence they inherited.... Are you starting to understand a little more now, or is your mind still 200 years back in History.....

Why then, would other nations plough even more money into Africa as it stands now?? Knowing that no-matter how much, or what they send is going to be time, money and effort straight down the toilet.

I say give to those African nations that are willing to put the work and effort in to improving there country, and that has a government that is basically free of the normal corrupt politicians. If there not willing or insist on having known corrupt politicians as there leaders, i say, don't give them a one penny more!!![/quote]

could not agree more! have done my bit for charity...willingly... but there is only so much you can do. wouldn't it be wonderful if we sat on our arse all day and waited for everyone else to provide for us...YOU CAN ONLY BE EDUCATED IF YOU ARE WILLING TO LEARN... if you can only feed 2 children, take the free contraceptives and don't have 10!!!! decent, honest, HARD working people try to help those who do not try to help themsleves, sorry to offend but it psssss me off!!
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:41 am

Political correctness is a subject which I find particularly abhorrent, I do not consider the matter under discussion here to be in any way connected with P/C.

If one wishes to establish the reasons for misconduct, one should try to identify the causes of it.

In the case of that which is now being discussed, I personally feel that the memories of slavery (by both Black and White) are responsible for the unacceptable behaviour of the 'Black Youth'.

The Black (because, as a result of slavery he is made to feel inferior to the White man).

The White (because, as a result of slavery he is apt to consider himself superior to the Black man). :wink:
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Postby apc2010 » Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:42 am

what do you call a black with a tie on...................

the accused .................
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