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From other side of the COIN ..................

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:14 pm

humanist wrote:
The only isolation that exists is the one you have created

Its called survival.
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Postby insan » Thu Aug 12, 2010 11:36 pm

humanist wrote:
The only isolation that exists is the one you have created

It was created by the global political circumstances... particularly for the sake of keeping Greece in NATO and deploy the huge American fascilities into her soil...

Humanist, if you suggest that TCs would be far better in a Cyprus annexed to Greece or ruled by the Hellenes; why don't you believe that GCs also might have been far better in a Cyprus annexed to Turkey or ruled by the Turks?

Try walking in other's shoes and see how it feels... :wink:
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Postby halil » Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:38 pm

insan wrote:
humanist wrote:
The only isolation that exists is the one you have created

It was created by the global political circumstances... particularly for the sake of keeping Greece in NATO and deploy the huge American fascilities into her soil...

Humanist, if you suggest that TCs would be far better in a Cyprus annexed to Greece or ruled by the Hellenes; why don't you believe that GCs also might have been far better in a Cyprus annexed to Turkey or ruled by the Turks?

Try walking in other's shoes and see how it feels... :wink:

@Humosh ........
From other side of the COIN .................. :!: Try to walk with other side BABUSH too ...... :wink:
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Postby DT. » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:05 pm

halil wrote:
insan wrote:
humanist wrote:
The only isolation that exists is the one you have created

It was created by the global political circumstances... particularly for the sake of keeping Greece in NATO and deploy the huge American fascilities into her soil...

Humanist, if you suggest that TCs would be far better in a Cyprus annexed to Greece or ruled by the Hellenes; why don't you believe that GCs also might have been far better in a Cyprus annexed to Turkey or ruled by the Turks?

Try walking in other's shoes and see how it feels... :wink:

@Humosh ........
From other side of the COIN .................. :!: Try to walk with other side BABUSH too ...... :wink:

I don't think i've ever seen either one of you provide this forum with a little understanding of what the GC side is talking about.
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Postby insan » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:11 pm

DT. wrote:
halil wrote:
insan wrote:
humanist wrote:
The only isolation that exists is the one you have created

It was created by the global political circumstances... particularly for the sake of keeping Greece in NATO and deploy the huge American fascilities into her soil...

Humanist, if you suggest that TCs would be far better in a Cyprus annexed to Greece or ruled by the Hellenes; why don't you believe that GCs also might have been far better in a Cyprus annexed to Turkey or ruled by the Turks?

Try walking in other's shoes and see how it feels... :wink:

@Humosh ........
From other side of the COIN .................. :!: Try to walk with other side BABUSH too ...... :wink:

I don't think i've ever seen either one of you provide this forum with a little understanding of what the GC side is talking about.

I well understand "the GC side" except what you are talking about DT. :lol:
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Postby halil » Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:01 pm

DT. wrote:
halil wrote:
insan wrote:
humanist wrote:
The only isolation that exists is the one you have created

It was created by the global political circumstances... particularly for the sake of keeping Greece in NATO and deploy the huge American fascilities into her soil...

Humanist, if you suggest that TCs would be far better in a Cyprus annexed to Greece or ruled by the Hellenes; why don't you believe that GCs also might have been far better in a Cyprus annexed to Turkey or ruled by the Turks?

Try walking in other's shoes and see how it feels... :wink:

@Humosh ........
From other side of the COIN .................. :!: Try to walk with other side BABUSH too ...... :wink:

I don't think i've ever seen either one of you provide this forum with a little understanding of what the GC side is talking about.

Didn't I tell u DT at our private meetings that i would like to show on the forum there is a other side of the coin as well and people are have to get what the others are saying or what was the other side involvement at Cyprus problem.... What u wanting DT is always to put one side views and pretend u were the angels and others are devils.

our aim is to show u lots my friend that both sides are suffered in CYPRUS.

we never denied your losses.....

yes there is a differences between u and me .... looking on the Cyprus problem. I believe that best solution for the Cyprus problem is BBF soluton.Since 1977 the two sides are talking it.
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Postby halil » Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:16 pm

Don't u think DT below news from Cyprus mail shows how both sides are suffered and troubles are not started at the morning of 20 july 1974 ....

shouldn't we talk how we came to these days .....IF we should, yes there is a other side of coin as well..... yes I am against the Isolation of our people and our human rights. Yes I am against what i produced in my home i can not sell it ...... ... s/20100813

HUMAN remains found in one of the three wells excavated in the Parissinos area of Strovolos are believed to be those of Turkish Cypriots who went missing during the 1963-64 intercommunal strife.

Excavations have been underway in the Nicosia area since last week, by members of the tripartite Committee for Missing Persons (CMP).

The spokesman for the Greek Cypriot side, Elias Georgiades, said yesterday the human remains were found in the first well, which was also full of water and mud.

“Excavations continue,” he added. “The procedure is extremely difficult, as we not only have to keep emptying the water from the well, but we also have to transport the mud to a special area, so it can be passed through special sieves.”

Georgiades said it was difficult to know exactly when the Committee’s work would be complete. “All efforts are being made to avoid delays, which is why there are many scientists and many machines operating voluntarily, during holiday season, working overtime and during weekends,” he explained. “The aim is to complete work by the end of the month.”

The remains are counted, recorded and photographed on the spot, before being placed in specially encoded containers and transported to the anthropological workshop that has been set up especially at the UN-controlled airport in Nicosia. There they will be analysed by archaeologists and identified.

“Samples will be sent for DNA testing and the DNA will then be compared to the DNA samples that were provided by Turkish Cypriot relatives to determine their identities,” said Georgiades.

He pointed out that the time it would take to identify the remains would depend on their condition.

Georgiades concluded that the UN and Turkish Cypriot side were continually being updated on the unfolding events.

Officially some 500 Turkish Cypriots are listed as missing persons.

Last week seven Greek Cypriot families were informed that the remains of their missing relatives had been identified, 36 years after they had gone missing in the Turkish invasion. The remains had been found during excavations in occupied Mesaoria.
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Postby DT. » Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:58 pm

Halil when someone posts as often as you do only the turkish side then when you title a thread "the other side of the coin" I expect you to post something from the other side. I never claimed to do this, you have. So Mr 2 sided coin....why do you only post when remains of TC's are found? Its not like the GC mass graves dug up by your mehmetchik are few and far between...a while ago we were finding one new mass grave of GC's every week...what did you post then?

I certainly don't remember the other side of that famous coin of yours when the Liasis family was found ... 0195286201
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Postby B25 » Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:44 pm

DT, don't expect anything from the little propoganda shit stirrer full of shit, low down cheating, lying scheming mother fucker scumbag Halil.

Its in his blood to post such crap, after all thats what he's paid for. other side of the coing my ass, its always his side.

the rest of his merry men, VP, Shahmaran, Zan and a few others are all the same, mine mine, yours mine. They just play the victim status but are all guilty of the Cyprus Problem. They are the Cyprus problem.

We just have to bide out time, not sign any ridiculous agreemtns to cement anything until the time comes when we can reclaim our lands.

The turks are the cancer of this world, they make me sick.
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Postby Malapapa » Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:39 pm

Only tossers go on about "other side of coins".
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