miltiades wrote:Zan , paranoid as always , you do have a problem mate and you are not the least repressentative of the T/Cs who have become a mere minority in the occupied parts of Cyprus .
Now back to our Dominic and Malcolm who both feel gratified that " even GR is having a go at me "
Imagine GR having a go at Miltiades , GR the Al Qead Cypriot repressentaitive the bloody fool who considers war against Turkey as the ONLY option , enough abot morons lets see what our Malcolm has to say about me.
"The lies John is spreading, you wouldn’t want to be associated with such an unpopular person on Cyprus Forum I guess. "
Unpopular I might be with the extremists but popular with the moderates and the true Cypriots , T/Cs and G/Cs , many Brits to Malcolm, sorry to disappoint you but those with whom I,m not popular with are extremists , those that do not consider that Cyprus belongs to all Cypriots ./ There are on the CY Forum many " heavyweights "
none has registered their disrespect for my person , only featherweights , GR and his brother Runaway and one or two insignificant minions.
Malcolm and Dominic , I aim to keep this thread alive even if I have to debate on my own , I consider your attitudes to Cyprus a bloody disgrace and I shall not give up exposing you . Do please tell me now how many T/Cs were massacred 6 YEARS BEFOTRE TURKEY HAD TO "INTERVENE IN ORDER TO PUT A STOP TO IT " Peace operation you told your innocent little grandson it was , you failed to tell him that 5000 plus G/Cs lost their lives as a result of the "piss operation , hundreds of T/Cs killed in the process more than 200,000 Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs uprooted from their ancestral lands , 3000 Turkish troops killed and hundreds gone missing , yet you Mr Cheapskate Malcolm tell your innocent grandson that this was a PEACE OPERATION.
Shame on you mate , I told you before that Im ashamed that people like you call themselves English because I too in many respects feel English.
You are a bloody disgrace to this great nation of ours , a nation that called upon the Cypriot people to enlist in the British army and fight for freedom and justice , my father was one of them , my father in law was another.
miltiades wrote:Zan , paranoid as always , you do have a problem mate and you are not the least repressentative of the T/Cs who have become a mere minority in the occupied parts of Cyprus .
Now back to our Dominic and Malcolm who both feel gratified that " even GR is having a go at me "
Imagine GR having having a go at Miltiades , GR the Al Qeada Cypriot repressentaitive the bloody fool who considers war against Turkey as the ONLY option , enough about morons lets see what our Malcolm has to say about me.
"The lies John is spreading, you wouldn’t want to be associated with such an unpopular person on Cyprus Forum I guess. "
Unpopular I might be with the extremists but popular with the moderates and the true Cypriots , T/Cs and G/Cs , many Brits too Malcolm, sorry to disappoint you but those with whom Im not popular with are extremists , those that do not consider that Cyprus belongs to all Cypriots . There are on the CY Forum many " heavyweights "
none has registered their disrespect for my person , only featherweights , GR and his brother Runaway and one or two insignificant minions.
Malcolm and Dominic , I aim to keep this thread alive even if I have to debate on my own , I consider your attitudes to Cyprus a bloody disgrace and I shall not give up exposing you . Do please tell me now how many T/Cs were massacred 6 YEARS BEFORE TURKEY HAD TO "INTERVENE IN ORDER TO PUT A STOP TO IT " Peace operation you told your innocent little grandson it was , you failed to tell him that 5000 plus G/Cs lost their lives as a result of the "piss operation , hundreds of T/Cs killed in the process more than 200,000 Cypriots , G/Cs and T/Cs uprooted from their ancestral lands , 3000 Turkish troops killed and hundreds gone missing , yet you Mr Cheapskate Malcolm tell your innocent grandson that this was a PEACE OPERATION.
Shame on you mate , I told you before that Im ashamed that people like you call themselves English because I too in many respects feel English.
You are a bloody disgrace to this great nation of ours , a nation that called upon the Cypriot people to enlist in the British army and fight for freedom and justice , my father was one of them , my father in law was another.
miltiades wrote:So happy was Malcolm and Dominic that I had been attacked by GR !!!! The Al Qaeda disciple who took a break from telling the world what a bastard Obama is to enter the debate , plonker.
miltiades wrote:So happy was Malcolm and Dominic that I had been attacked by GR !!!! The Al Qaeda disciple who took a break from telling the world what a bastard Obama is to enter the debate , plonker.
As for his side kick , the forum idiot Runaway , well can one say Malcolm , the thread is continuing and will expose more of your own prejudices and that of your so called North Cyprus Free Press , more like North Cyprus Low Down Press who publishes all propaganda detrimental to the interests of the entire island and has re written the Cypriot History in order to justify their involvement in stolen properties , the ones that are now being repossessed by the corrupt to the bone Banks. Where is the support from ATCA , Embargoed , have they written in word in the support of those of you who paid your money and thought that the properties in question were yours only to discover that the original thieves mortgaged them to the crooked banks and now they want them back since they firmly believe that a sucker is born every minute , in the case of the UK every bloody second it seems.
Just another word on Dominic's denial that Miltiades has been banned. When successive posts are not posted , when such posts contain not one iota of foul abusive language , when our hero boasts that he is now in control and will sort Yiannis out then surely that means a ban. Like a footballer that is not allowed by the ref on the pitch !!!
You will take notice of what I say , I ain't finish with you mate !!
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