AmericanGC wrote:She can be stopped just like JLo was. Stupid Turkish idiots, you lost and you will lose again. Keep trying to pay people to come and when they find out the truth they will run. Why don't you just get some shitty Turk singer to show up. Why is it you are trying to pay millions to a American, most Americans don't even know anything about Cyprus.
AmericanGC wrote: most Americans don't even know anything about Cyprus.
Lit wrote:AmericanGC wrote: most Americans don't even know anything about Cyprus.
Sad but true. But why would they want to? To them, we appear backward-looking. When they visit forums like this to get a better understanding of the issue ... they are bombarded with anti western/American rhetoric. Who wants to read that sh|t? What shall we call ourselves...who the f-ck are the Cherikitians? When ever Cyprus is mentioned in the US media like the LA Times, MSNBC, CNN, Washington Post, etc...said site becomes bombarded with some commentators who say thousands of TC's were killed, there needed to be an 'intervention'....and other commentators who talk of UN resolutions and invasion. When ever we demonstrate there is always a counter demonstration. It must seem childish to someone on the outside looking in.
Exibit A. Take a look at these videos below taken a few weeks ago:
kurupetos wrote:Who is Rihanna?
Omer Seyhan wrote:Dünyaca ünlü star Rihanna, Jeniffer Lopez’in Güney Kıbrıs baskıları nedeniyle ülkemizde sahne almayı reddetmesine inat Fashion Castle isimli otelin 15 Eylül’deki temel atma töreninde konser verecek.
Jennifer Lopez’in “bölgedeki politik gerçekleri” gerekçe göstererek gelmek istemediği adamız 15 Eylül’de Rihanna’yı ağırlayacak. İspanya Fashion TV’nin sahibi Yılmaz Bektaş, Girne’deki Belagiou Otel’i yıktırıp yerine yaptıracağı Fashion Castle isimli otelin 15 Eylül’deki temel atma töreninde konser vermesi için Rihanna ile anlaştığını açıkladı.
Jennifer Lopez geçen ay, aynı zamanda iki gün ailesiyle kalacağı Kıbrıs’taki Cratos Premium Otel’in açılışına katılacak ve bir konser verecekti. Ancak beklenen olmadı ve Lopez, Güney’in baskıları yüzünden Kuzey Kıbrıs’a gitmeyeceğini açıkladı. Ünlü popçunun internet sitesinde konserin iptal edilmesine gerekçe olarak yapılan açıklamada sert ifadeler yer aldı. ... anna-Lopez’e-inat-geliyor.html
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