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Christofias' December Time Bomb!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Lit » Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:44 pm

shahmaran wrote:
Lit wrote:
shahmaran wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
shahmaran wrote:I mean just look at America, who really rules the country?


BTW blacks Americans are a minority. And the US, like Cyprus, had major ethnic issues in the 1960s. Luckily Africa wasn't in a position to invade and divide it.

This guy is a hoax, an illusion, he is a white republican dressed up as a black democrat.

The people who voted this man into office do not see black or white. What they saw in this man were different policies from his predecessor. To you there may be know difference...but that is not how the majority of Americans feel. Indeed there is deep division in the US with many on the right of the political spectrum calling this president a socialist because of his policies on health care, changes to the financial system, policies on labor unions, unemployment benefits, etc, etc. What picture do you form in your head of a true Black democrat? Someone with a feather hat and a bone sticking out of his nose singing kumbaya to world leaders? And if Obama is a white republican dressed up as a black democrat...what do you call Michael Steele who is the chairman of the Republican National Committee? A black American leading the Republicans. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Continuing his war mongering ways just like Bush did, that's all that matters to me.

Uhuh. So your not a war that what your telling us? You only support Turkish expansionism is that it?

While campaigning for the presidency, he stated that there would be a gradual withdrawal from Iraq. That is indeed occurring. Did you expect him to come to office and the very next day there wouldn't be any Americans in Iraq? Do you think his predecessor would have done this: ...

shahmaran wrote:I do not give a shit about his health care policies or how "democratic" he is in his own country, to the rest of the world, he is a white-American interest defending cowboy.

What are white American interests and how do they differentiate from black American interests? You sound foolish. And Whose interests did you think he was going to serve? Jamaca perhaps? No, he is going to serve American interests, after all, he is an American president.

shahmaran wrote:His first job was given to him by Rockefeller for fucks sake, so you smoke that...

250 years to elect a black president that would do everything the white would do, is hardly a way forward.

Did you really think that they would have voted for another white republican after 2 years with Bush?!

George W Bush served 8 years as President of the United States not 2. You haven't a clue.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:55 pm

Acikgoz wrote:It took centuries for the Swiss constitution to get to its current state. The US is a terrible example for Cyprus.
Belgium would be closer and a review of the political issues in Belgium today underline the issues at the very least that would be relevant to a pan-democratic unified Cyprus.
Work in progress, basic confidence steps needed if you want to avoid bloodshed, political intransigence and racial issues.

Why is the US system terrible for Cyprus, Açikgöz.?? :? :? :?
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:20 pm

shahmaran wrote:250 years from the declaration of the state, considering the amount of torture the non-whites put up with there, Obama is hardly good news Kikapu.

Actually, it is a big news, Shah, because out of the almost 250 years of the formation of the US, ONLY about 50 years has been close to being a True Democracy. The non whites, non land owners, women and immigrants had to deal with Racists and Non Democratic constitution in the US in the first 200 years or so. Only it is in the last 50 years or so that we have finally almost have reached the True Democracy in the US, therefore it is a big deal that a Black person has become a President of the USA, despite centuries of hardship.

shahmaran wrote:We have been at it for 500 years, the moment we were left to our own devices we started butchering each other, obviously the constitution wen tout the window first, because somebody wants it ALL.

That's because we had accepted a corrupted constitution in 1960 that was design to fail so to bring about Enosis and Taksim. We went back 200 years to the first US constitution days to accept a Racist and undemocratic constitution, and you wonder why we started butchering ourselves. And then we were asked to accept another Racist and undemocratic Annan plan in 2004. What do you think the US Civil war was all about.? It was what the Annan Plan was all about, to bring about unworkable Confederation Plan, so to split the land.!!

shahmaran wrote:And now you want to drag us into a ethnocentric democracy with the same people, which you call a "true democracy" and expect us to believe that, us too in a few hundred years, might be able to become presidents in our own country.

Fortunately we do not need to go back 250 years to start from the beginning of what the USA did. We can start from today of what the USA is. Why do you want to re-invent the wheel. And no, you do not even need to wait few hundred years to have a TC president. Actually, you don't need to wait too long at all, since as we speak, TC presidency is offered on a platter to a TC once a settlement is reached based on True Federation and True Democracy. It was the 1960 constitution which denied the TC a chance of becoming a President of the RoC, which you don't seem to have a problem with, but maybe that's because it was not important since Taksim was the main aim and not the Presidency of the RoC.!!
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Postby EPSILON » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:21 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Acikgoz wrote:It took centuries for the Swiss constitution to get to its current state. The US is a terrible example for Cyprus.
Belgium would be closer and a review of the political issues in Belgium today underline the issues at the very least that would be relevant to a pan-democratic unified Cyprus.
Work in progress, basic confidence steps needed if you want to avoid bloodshed, political intransigence and racial issues.

Why is the US system terrible for Cyprus, Açikgöz.?? :? :? :?

Because Cyprus system is much better than US one. Can you imagine Cypriots without CB? They would be-all of them-, of need of pshycholostis. life would be very borry.!! Can you imagine the tv news first title to be o Kotziolos eklepse ta arnia tou Mahnout? h o Tourkopoulos arrested the Ahmed's family becuase they were stoling aggourga ston Chloraka?Life in Cyprus is interesting-presenTly - if CB be solved then all Cypriots will move to Palestanine - they are used to live in a political problem they can not survive otherwise-now they are important-many people abroad speak about them -if CB solved then they will became like Beduine in Alaska !!
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Postby Omer Seyhan » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:38 pm

You guys are looking in the wrong area. Its the Belgian system that is the one you should consider seriously. Don't ignore the fact that Cyprus is now an EU member state. This is something T/Cs often overlook. Any solution must fit in to the EU....

No point looking over the Atlantic or at the non-EU Swiss model.....
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Postby EPSILON » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:43 pm

Omer Seyhan wrote:You guys are looking in the wrong area. Its the Belgian system that is the one you should consider seriously. Don't ignore the fact that Cyprus is now an EU member state. This is something T/Cs often overlook. Any solution must fit in to the EU....

No point looking over the Atlantic or at the non-EU Swiss model.....

Thanks Omer-can you explain this to Ertogan and all these stupid around him?

The worst are coming- by 2012 the West World will realize that there is only one way forward- The Greeks way - the Greeks phylosophy of life (ancient Greeks of course) -all others trials colapsed during the last 2500 years.

Greeks will come back-not as Nation but just as the only Phylosophycal guide.
Last edited by EPSILON on Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:43 pm

Omer Seyhan wrote:You guys are looking in the wrong area. Its the Belgian system that is the one you should consider seriously. Don't ignore the fact that Cyprus is now an EU member state. This is something T/Cs often overlook. Any solution must fit in to the EU....

No point looking over the Atlantic or at the non-EU Swiss model.....

What are you saying, Omer, that only EU know what True Democracy is.?? :?
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:44 pm

EPSILON wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Acikgoz wrote:It took centuries for the Swiss constitution to get to its current state. The US is a terrible example for Cyprus.
Belgium would be closer and a review of the political issues in Belgium today underline the issues at the very least that would be relevant to a pan-democratic unified Cyprus.
Work in progress, basic confidence steps needed if you want to avoid bloodshed, political intransigence and racial issues.

Why is the US system terrible for Cyprus, Açikgöz.?? :? :? :?

Because Cyprus system is much better than US one. Can you imagine Cypriots without CB? They would be-all of them-, of need of pshycholostis. life would be very borry.!! Can you imagine the tv news first title to be o Kotziolos eklepse ta arnia tou Mahnout? h o Tourkopoulos arrested the Ahmed's family becuase they were stoling aggourga ston Chloraka?Life in Cyprus is interesting-presenTly - if CB be solved then all Cypriots will move to Palestanine - they are used to live in a political problem they can not survive otherwise-now they are important-many people abroad speak about them -if CB solved then they will became like Beduine in Alaska !!

:? :? :? :?
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Postby DT. » Tue Aug 10, 2010 5:47 pm

Kikapu wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Acikgoz wrote:It took centuries for the Swiss constitution to get to its current state. The US is a terrible example for Cyprus.
Belgium would be closer and a review of the political issues in Belgium today underline the issues at the very least that would be relevant to a pan-democratic unified Cyprus.
Work in progress, basic confidence steps needed if you want to avoid bloodshed, political intransigence and racial issues.

Why is the US system terrible for Cyprus, Açikgöz.?? :? :? :?

Because Cyprus system is much better than US one. Can you imagine Cypriots without CB? They would be-all of them-, of need of pshycholostis. life would be very borry.!! Can you imagine the tv news first title to be o Kotziolos eklepse ta arnia tou Mahnout? h o Tourkopoulos arrested the Ahmed's family becuase they were stoling aggourga ston Chloraka?Life in Cyprus is interesting-presenTly - if CB be solved then all Cypriots will move to Palestanine - they are used to live in a political problem they can not survive otherwise-now they are important-many people abroad speak about them -if CB solved then they will became like Beduine in Alaska !!

:? :? :? :?

Ahem..allow me Kiks

CB= Cyprus Problem
Kotziolos=Ahmed's sheep thief
Aggourka=Cyprus Cucumbers (extra bendy)
Bedouine in Alaska= Eskimoes
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Aug 10, 2010 6:09 pm

DT. wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Acikgoz wrote:It took centuries for the Swiss constitution to get to its current state. The US is a terrible example for Cyprus.
Belgium would be closer and a review of the political issues in Belgium today underline the issues at the very least that would be relevant to a pan-democratic unified Cyprus.
Work in progress, basic confidence steps needed if you want to avoid bloodshed, political intransigence and racial issues.

Why is the US system terrible for Cyprus, Açikgöz.?? :? :? :?

Because Cyprus system is much better than US one. Can you imagine Cypriots without CB? They would be-all of them-, of need of pshycholostis. life would be very borry.!! Can you imagine the tv news first title to be o Kotziolos eklepse ta arnia tou Mahnout? h o Tourkopoulos arrested the Ahmed's family becuase they were stoling aggourga ston Chloraka?Life in Cyprus is interesting-presenTly - if CB be solved then all Cypriots will move to Palestanine - they are used to live in a political problem they can not survive otherwise-now they are important-many people abroad speak about them -if CB solved then they will became like Beduine in Alaska !!

:? :? :? :?

Ahem..allow me Kiks

CB= Cyprus Problem
Kotziolos=Ahmed's sheep thief
Aggourka=Cyprus Cucumbers (extra bendy)
Bedouine in Alaska= Eskimoes

Ahhhhhh.! Now all fits in place.! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Not really! :lol:
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