Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu you have sucessfully become the mouth piece for GC propaganda. According to your aboce comments the TCs inflicted all the pain and suffering on themselves and are wrong whereas the GCs are sqeeky clean and right. Well you can rest assured when you are dead and buried and long gone no one will give a rats arse about your biased one sided views because at this rate the TRNC will still be around only difference being it will be a recognized state thanks to people like you who continue to fuel the fires of division and total mistrust of unity camaflouged with dangers and pitfalls you call a true federation and democracy for all.
shahmaran wrote:I am sorry Kikapu, but why would you or anyone in the right mind, expect us to live under a so called "democracy" where my voting power will clearly hold no weight EVER, because I am not from the ethnic background of the majority?!
Kikapu wrote:shahmaran wrote:I am sorry Kikapu, but why would you or anyone in the right mind, expect us to live under a so called "democracy" where my voting power will clearly hold no weight EVER, because I am not from the ethnic background of the majority?!
So what are you saying, Shah, that every numerical minority should seek self determination by carving part of the country for themselves, because there are always numerical minorities in every nation. The only thing that keeps equality of all citizens rights is True Democracy, nothing else.!
So what are you going to do now, since the settlers are now the majority and the TCs are the minority in the north. Have you decided which part of the north the TCs are going to declare self determination from the settlers yet.???
shahmaran wrote:I mean just look at America, who really rules the country?
Kikapu wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu you have sucessfully become the mouth piece for GC propaganda. According to your aboce comments the TCs inflicted all the pain and suffering on themselves and are wrong whereas the GCs are sqeeky clean and right. Well you can rest assured when you are dead and buried and long gone no one will give a rats arse about your biased one sided views because at this rate the TRNC will still be around only difference being it will be a recognized state thanks to people like you who continue to fuel the fires of division and total mistrust of unity camaflouged with dangers and pitfalls you call a true federation and democracy for all.
You obviously have a very serious comprehension problem with the written English language, VP. This is not the first time you have been accused of that by me. I have placed blame where blame belongs which did not absolve the GCs nor the TCs. Each had their own agendas and each had their own method of executing it. My post was only designed to show Shah why the north is a corrupted society and how it came about and how it is kept as such. If there is anyone who fuels "fires of division", you should look at yourself and your kind who are Racist Fascists who would do anything and everything to bring about partition and keep stolen land of others. You ideology after all does not differ from Denktash's, and that's exactly what he did to achieve it with the help of Turkey, even if it meant to step over his own peoples Human Rights. Fascism is a mental decease and irrational. You are a perfect example of what I'm talking about where anything rational put to you is refused by you for a settlement, just because a unity is not what you are after but partition and keeping "spoils of war" at the same time. You have your favorite word, "biased" to label anything and everything and anyone just to absolve yourselves and the TCs of any wrong doings. I'm not that easily deterred by your simpleton expressions or choice of few words to try and deflect a constructive arguments put forward by myself. The fact that you are unable to refute or challenge them, but instead you just throw the overused "biased" word around to hide behind it. It seems like, that's all about what you can do.!
Viewpoint wrote: invalid.
You really need to eat some humble pie for as long as your posts remain clinical and racist (wont use biased) towards TCs no TC will take you seriously,
Kikapu wrote:shahmaran wrote:I am sorry Kikapu, but why would you or anyone in the right mind, expect us to live under a so called "democracy" where my voting power will clearly hold no weight EVER, because I am not from the ethnic background of the majority?!
So what are you saying, Shah, that every numerical minority should seek self determination by carving part of the country for themselves, because there are always numerical minorities in every nation. The only thing that keeps equality of all citizens rights is True Democracy, nothing else.!
So what are you going to do now, since the settlers are now the majority and the TCs are the minority in the north. Have you decided which part of the north the TCs are going to declare self determination from the settlers yet.???
Malapapa wrote:shahmaran wrote:I mean just look at America, who really rules the country?
BTW blacks Americans are a minority. And the US, like Cyprus, had major ethnic issues in the 1960s. Luckily Africa wasn't in a position to invade and divide it.
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