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Greek Flags Everywhere

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Omer Seyhan » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:05 am

larnacaman wrote:Perhaps, ...Oracle should also add that the Greek Flag also now represents being ...Skint, Broke, Bankrupt!!!

No-ones fault, but there own either!! ...Perhaps she also wants Cyprus to follow suit on this score also??

Funny how these bigoted people have very short memories when it suits them!! ...Greece has been more of a problem to Cyprus than any homeland or friend ....and Cyprus has always had to pay the price!!!!

That carpet muncher has a lot to answer for. She would rather we were a backwater of Greece which we would subsidize through our own taxes than independent. Then I presume she would be off to Lesbos within weeks of the Anschluss taking place lezzing it up.

Well bugger me with a fish fork, I've never known such treachery.
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Postby larnacaman » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:13 am


Wouldn't be a bad start though would it???..... A lot of your problems with each other, is just petty shit that the bigots here and outside play on. Kick them into touch, get them out of any official meaningful discussions, because they will not remain meaningful, they will just hijack, (as usual) and replace with pushing there own prejudiced agenda's that they have spurted for the last 30 odd years... Get rid of them, kick them head first, out of any and all official positions, or positions where they have any influence. You might then find your problems are not as big as these bigots would have you believe!!!!
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Postby zan » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:17 am

larnacaman wrote:zan,

Wouldn't be a bad start though would it???..... A lot of your problems with each other, is just petty shit that the bigots here and outside play on. Kick them into touch, get them out of any official meaningful discussions, because they will not remain meaningful, they will just hijack, (as usual) and replace with pushing there own prejudiced agenda's that they have spurted for the last 30 odd years... Get rid of them, kick them head first, out of any and all official positions, or positions where they have any influence. You might then find your problems are not as big as these bigots would have you believe!!!!

Whose side do I kick out.......I can only be responsible for one side and if the other side is not showing any signs of changing then what right have I to ask mine to.
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Postby larnacaman » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:28 am

You and your sensible fellow Cypriots on your side, ....and the Sensible Cypriots on this side. Your all responsible for what is on, and is happening on your side of the line. The object being, to get rid of the dammed line and sides.....

Yeah i know is easier said than done, but quite honestly, while these entrenched bigoted, mind dead morons are allowed to continue in there positions of influence, ...Your all buggered!!!
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Postby zan » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:35 am

larnacaman wrote:You and your sensible fellow Cypriots on your side, ....and the Sensible Cypriots on this side. Your all responsible for what is on, and is happening on your side of the line. The object being, to get rid of the dammed line and sides.....

Yeah i know is easier said than done, but quite honestly, while these entrenched bigoted, mind dead morons are allowed to continue in there positions of influence, ...Your all buggered!!!

That third group of "Cypriots" are here as well Larnacman.......If they carry on kicking out all those that they think are not worthy of Cypriotness then you will have an island with only those that visit Miltiades coffee shop.... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby larnacaman » Mon Aug 09, 2010 2:48 am

I DID say ''Sensible'' Cypriots on Both sides Zan.... These Bigots here and outside have the Least ''Cypriotness'' about them.... there the very last people you would allow to decide who is or who isn't

I was saying to get them out of place of influence, not kick them out of the country ... But then again, on this side if they wished to emigrate back to what they think is there homeland ... let the buggers go ... in fact pay there travel costs/air fare for!!!
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Postby SKI-preo » Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:40 am

Solution: impose a poushtokalamara flagwaver tax and turkish imperialist gang rapist squad flagwaver tax. All proceeds go to redevelopment of Mt Olympus Ski area snowmaking fund.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Aug 09, 2010 6:02 am

larnacaman wrote:Perhaps, ...Oracle should also add that the Greek Flag also now represents being ...Skint, Broke, Bankrupt!!!

No-ones fault, but there own either!! ...Perhaps she also wants Cyprus to follow suit on this score also??

Funny how these bigoted people have very short memories when it suits them!! ...Greece has been more of a problem to Cyprus than any homeland or friend ....and Cyprus has always had to pay the price!!!!

What would you know ANGLO?
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Postby shahmaran » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:00 am

I'm in!

I will start by taxiderming Piratis so that everyone can see and remember how NOT to be a Cypriot!

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Re: Greek Flags Everywhere

Postby EPSILON » Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:46 am

Malapapa wrote:
EPSILON wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
EPSILON wrote:Greek flag is provided by ROC's constidution by dear- if you and some others have a problem with this just do not make it our problem

Hang on a minute, my dear. That piece-of-shit constitution, foisted on the Cypriot people by foreigners and imperialists for their benefit and not ours, also gave Turkey intervention rights. Me and some others have a problem with this. How about you?

Or don't you care, so long as you have the right to fly the blue and white stripes of Modern Greece?

May be you forget the reason for which this bshet (i agree) consitution given -

No, I already mentioned the reason above. It was to benefit foreigners and imperialists. Unless you have another theory?

EPSILON wrote:may be you forget that, before this consitution, only Greek flags were available in Cyprus (exempt of course the British occupators flag).

And even this provision for Greek flag in consitution was provided just to lagalize the right of a Turkish flag to be also use (from no where of course)- i do not have any info that any Turkish flag was available or someone wanted to have ,including T/cs , before 1954. Do not mix up the two cases (Ethinicities ) rights in Cyprus.There is a basic difference which G/cs trying to forget or are pushed to forget just to hide their and particularly their leadership disability to defend their history and rights in the Island.

I don't follow you. I'm not sure whether it's because of your incoherent English or because of your incoherent argument, or both.

Maybe that's the problem. Because you speak modern Greek only, you think like a modern Greek only.

I'm not impressed by the way modern Greeks think. They've made a huge mess of their own country – not to mention the huge mess they helped create in Cyprus.

Something specific on my point ? or you prefer to speak abt my and your mother or about the moon??
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