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why the hate?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:23 pm

runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
miltiades wrote:
runaway wrote:
Cap wrote:Ask runaway

I hate you south cypriot

Shut up foreigner !!!

I hate you too foreigner gavur rum.

At least Milti is a Cypriot, unlike you, you foreigner.

rum piçi I am in Türkiye/Azerbaycan/KKTC, you and your gavur friend in UK. Siktir olup giden kim acaba cahil foreigner? :lol:

I see you are corrupting and abusing the Turkish language again. Shame.

Gerçekler acıdır götoş. Siktir olup gittin memleketimizden işte var mı ötesi??? :lol:

If ll you can do is be crude without debate, why on earth are you here?

Do you think that I am going to tell you to 'hade git, siktir oradan'; then you are wrong.

Ne debate'i lan götoş? Bana foreigner diyip gavur rumun yalakalığını yapıyorsun. Gerçekleri söyleyince de göt oluyorsun. KKTC is ours and you are out. Now go figure who is foreigner and who is local gerizekalı.

Foreigners have no business with Cyprus.

Seni Kıbrıs'a yerleştiren biziz piç. KKTC is ours and you are in exile. Nankörlüğün cezası bu olsa gerek. :lol: :lol:

My roots are in Cyprus. Long before 1571. Ignoramus. :roll:

Shall we check this info with GR or O.? :lol:

If you insist, you can check with me. I know more about the Cypriot population than you do.
Do you remember Nasreddin hoca's story of the 'cat who ate the liver'?

Besides, it is a fool who believes that ALL Turkish Cypriots are ALL descendant of the Ottomans who settled in Cyprus after 1571.
You have been reading the CF for a long enough times to see that is true. This comes from other Turkish Cypriots as well. From my grandmothers side, perhaps Turkic, but from my grandfathers side, I would not bet on it. That still makes me a Turkish Cypriot and you a foreigner. End of. :lol:

K K T C bizim NOKTA. Bizi çıkarmak için bir planın varsa öt. Gavur rum bulamadı çünkü. :lol: :lol:

Men seni yok anlamak.
Inglizce yaz bari, belki de yazdıklarını o zaman daha iyi anlarım. Yoksa Inglizcen kifayet etmiyor mu?

Sen beni tabii yok anlamak. Çünkü sende Türkçe yok. :lol: :lol:

Yeşil Çama benzedik desene :lol:

You mean Yeşilçam :? :? :wink:

Evet :oops:
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Postby runaway » Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:26 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Evet :oops:

İlk defa anlaştık o zaman. :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:30 pm

runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Evet :oops:

İlk defa anlaştık o zaman. :lol:

Acaba..................'Ilk ve Son' mu?
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Postby runaway » Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:35 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Evet :oops:

İlk defa anlaştık o zaman. :lol:

Acaba..................'Ilk ve Son' mu?

İnşallah değildir.
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:44 pm

runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
runaway wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Evet :oops:

İlk defa anlaştık o zaman. :lol:

Acaba..................'Ilk ve Son' mu?

İnşallah değildir.

Görelim bakalım. :lol:
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Re: thanks

Postby shalay » Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:51 pm

B25 wrote:
shalay wrote:

i actually researched the conflict both past and present extensively for a modern history assignment, and looked objectively at both 'sides' of the argument so i am familiar with what led to the partition e.g. push for enosis, rising tensions; attempts at reconciliation e.g. Annan Plan and current issues including Turkey's attempts at membership in the EU.

Well madam, you have failed your assignment, because if you did research as you say, you wouldn't be asking such a stupid question. Further, I notice you like to mention Enosis, but you failed to mention the Takism and the criminal TMT and the actions of your fellow TC traitors (talk about being one sided!). You need to go back and do it again. Please don't try to insult our intelligence with your wishy washy, I am new and naive to this problem.

FYI, Halil is the biggest shit stirrer on here and his Baycrap propoganda knows no bounds, yet he likes to play the peace man, my back side. Stay here long enough, you will soon get to know how much your fellow countryment hate us.

there's really no need to be rude and condescending. i dont believe my question is stupid. if it was a stupid question then why has there been no resolution?
I also realised that i mentioned only enosis, and to counter balance this is used the term 'rising tensions' as to be perfectly honest with you, my assignment was done two years ago and the name of the counter-turkish movement escaped me; however i completely agree with you that TCs were also to blame as catalysts for the partition.
you also referred to 'your fellow TC traitors'- this is exactly the prejudice i am talking about, thank you for providing such a beautiful example.
How am i a traitor? what have i personally done? i do not have any immediate family on the island and have not since 1955, i did not personally found the TMT, i am not living nor have ever lived in Cyprus , nor did i personally desecrate GC property or relics. I have done nothing to betray my ancestral homeland and it is irresponsible of you to hold me accountable as such.
I believe my research was thorough, and just because it did not perfectly complement your point of view does not render it invalid. I don't know about Cyprus, but in Australia a core aspect of the Modern History course in high school is that of objectivity and refraining from bias; had my assignment a hint of bias i would have immediately been marked down, as ofcourse my teacher was well aware that i was of C.Turkish descent. I received an 'A' or 'high distinction' for the paper. For the record my teacher was Caucasian.
you also reprimanded me for being 'one-sided' straight after using the phrases 'criminal' and 'TC traitors'. do you see the irony? it was almost like you were mocking yourself.
I never intended to 'insult [your] intelligence and i'm sorry you perceive it as such.
However, as I am someone who obviously is in favour of a peaceful, reconciled Cyprus; perhaps it is irresponsible of you to 'shoot me down' and then insult my own intelligence; as from what i can understand, the only shot Cyprus has of being peaceful and reconciled is people like me who are still willing to give it a shot.
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Postby shalay » Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:56 pm

Bananiot wrote:Shalay, the hatred you talk about is a characteristic of nationalists, Greek and Turkish Cypriots. There is another breed of Cypriots, who do not hate each other. We are great friends and strive to bring peace and prosperity to this island that has been wrecked by the mindless nationalist murderers of both sides.

this is brilliant to hear, and i am extremely glad this group of people exists.
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:07 am

Of course we exist. We are the future! Cypriots through and through.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Aug 02, 2010 2:52 am

Bananiot wrote:Shalay, the hatred you talk about is a characteristic of nationalists, Greek and Turkish Cypriots. There is another breed of Cypriots, who do not hate each other. We are great friends and strive to bring peace and prosperity to this island that has been wrecked by the mindless nationalist murderers of both sides.

Hatred is a natural emotion which most normal people experience when other people harm them in order to gain on their expense. There are very few "mother Teressas" and also some masochists, but the vast majority of people experience the hate emotion under such circumstances.

What is wrong is to hate people who have not harmed you but just because they are different (race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation etc). But hating those who support the violation of your most basic human and democratic rights is 100% natural and perfectly justified.

The main causes of hatred are well known and the only way to stop the hatred is to end the injustices that cause it. You can't excuse the injustices and then blame the people for hating those who discriminate against them.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Aug 02, 2010 3:36 am

I also realised that i mentioned only enosis, and to counter balance this is used the term 'rising tensions' as to be perfectly honest with you, my assignment was done two years ago and the name of the counter-turkish movement escaped me; however i completely agree with you that TCs were also to blame as catalysts for the partition.

What exactly was wrong with the enosis aim in your opinion?

Are you saying that because the Turkish Cypriot minority was formed in Cyprus during Ottoman rule that Cyprus could not be part of a Greek state even if this is what the vast majority of Cypriots wanted? If that is the case then there shouldn't be any Greek state at all, since most other Greek territories and Greek islands had Turkish/Muslim minorities on them from the time of Ottoman rule.

If Cyprus could be part of the Ottoman or British empires against the will of the Cypriot people, then why couldn't it be part of the Greek state if this is what the vast majority of Cypriots wanted? Cypriots would continue to live in Cyprus as before, but this time instead of being subjects of some foreign empire they would be equal citizens of a state they democratically choose to belong. What is wrong with this? Rhodes island, which also has a Turkish/Muslim minority, united with Greece in late 40s. Not a single nose broke over this.

The Cypriot people should have been allowed to democratically and peacefully decide the destiny of their own island, choosing among legitimate options. And union with Greece was a legitimate option, and this is confirmed with UN resolution 1541 (XV) which defines "free association with an independent State, integration into an independent State, or independence as the three legitimate options of full self-government." ... ration.htm

As it is known the British colonialists denied to us our rights, and this forced Cypriots to initiate an armed struggle against the British. This struggle was in no way turned against the TCs.

On the other hand the aim of partition entails the ethnic cleansing of 100s of thousands of innocent people and the violation of their most basic human rights. It is impossible to achieve partition without these human rights violations since the TCs were a minority in all parts of Cyprus and only by means of ethnic cleansing partition could be achieved. Therefore you can not equate the aim of enosis with the one of partition.

I don't know about Cyprus, but in Australia a core aspect of the Modern History course in high school is that of objectivity and refraining from bias; had my assignment a hint of bias i would have immediately been marked down, as ofcourse my teacher was well aware that i was of C.Turkish descent. I received an 'A' or 'high distinction' for the paper.

I am sure you got lots of As and hight distinctions since you seem like a very intelligent person. However I doubt that your teacher was an expert in the history of Cyprus and even if he wanted he probably would not be able to detect any mistakes or omissions in the facts you presented.
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