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Compromise, but How?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby michalis5354 » Sun Jul 18, 2004 10:53 pm

You can understand that from the 2 British Base

Yes the British Bases are there but they do not serve any
stratigic purspose for the British! This is more of a COST To British than Benefit if you ask my opinion ! And it is not easy for them to admit this fact!

And TCs really need that veto right...

For me this is no problem at all. The Veto right if it is used in that right way is a usefull tool which improves the decision making at the end.

Even the EU members have a veto right but none of them uses this. It is just there for rather symbolic reasons and to avoid biased decisions to take place.

And Politicians are not small children which will play with the veto right . Today is Monday so I apply Veto and tommorow is Tuesday and I will not !
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