For as much as we would desire to distance ourselves (each from the other) whether it be through culture, religious belief, race or a multitude of other divisions, there is a fact that warrants a great deal of consideration.
We are ALL so closely similar (scientifically) that those similarities eclipse the differences to such an extent that we are actually almost identical.

Well you may laugh BUT..... consider this small example, a crude attempt to demonstrate an undeniable fact which, for the benefit of us Cypriots (and Charlies) will take the form of two very large and identical (if there be such) 'Patticha' (or 'Karpouzi' for the benefit of the Greeks

NOW, with a very small pin, make a tiny mark on the skin of one of them and take note of the difference between the two, THAT small indentation could be 'Roughly' representative of the difference between any two human beings on the face of the earth.
I use the term 'Roughly' guardedly, since the actual comparison would require the use of far larger objects than two 'Patticha' (or 'Karpouzi' for the benefit of the Greeks

Of course I am alluding to 'Comparisons' here, the point which I find most amusing is that (in the light of such scientific fact) the 'Hatred' we may feel for our fellow man could also be seen as 'Hatred' for ourselves, so closely related (according to that theory) that we are.
Therefore, do not dismiss with such rancour, the actions of your fellow man, he is as close to you as your brother (or sister.... forgive me ladies but the term 'mankind' encompasses us all) and harm to him/her is harm to oneself.
Actually, according to such scientific rules and conditions, there is not much difference between 'Osama bin Laden' and any one of us. !!