miltiades wrote:The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of British MPs care only for one thing and thing only. How to hood wing the accounts office and continue fleecing the tax payer with their preposterous expense claims. They are all , almost all, money grabbing , greedy bastards , title chasing - you know the stupid system that still exists in the UK where a Mr Jones becomes ....SIR !!! WHAT A LOAD O PURE SHIT - yet the British plonkers accept these ludicrous dated nonsense and rewards these crappy politicians accordingly. Look at ....Lord Prescott , what bollocks !!!
Britain is halfway towards becoming an Asian nation , make no mistake in 20 years or less the British people will accept Sharia law , the Archbishop of Canterbury , has already commented on the ...benefits of Sharia law !!!
Next our British women will have to wear the Vrikolakas costume and the men will have to grow beards !!!!
Talking about crappy British politicians its time that we the British Cypriots begun asserting our presence in the UK by demanding free distribution of Zivania , loukanika and of course halloumi.
I was in the local clinic a few days before I left for Cyprus getting my diabetic needs attended to , in front of me a head to tow covered woman collecting her freebies , amongst them ....3 packets of Durex !!! On the house !!!
And on the other hand this man tells us that he will TOLERATE TCs in his country