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Cameron 'anger' at slow pace of Turkish EU negotiations

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Re: Cameron 'anger' at slow pace of Turkish EU negotiations

Postby Kikapu » Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:41 pm

Me Ed wrote:David Cameron has promised to "fight" for Turkey's membership of the European Union, saying he is "angry" at the slow pace of negotiations.

Cameron should have also reminded Erdogan, that Turkey's road to the EU membership needs to go through the RoC eventually, if and when all others gave their YES vote.! :wink:
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:12 pm

Get Real! wrote:Shouldn’t David Cameron be more concerned with BRITISH WAR CRIMES in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and other parts of the world, instead of promoting a habitual violator of international law and Human Rights abuser like Turkey?

He sees Turkey in a different ligh than you, obviously. He is a fool anyway.
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:24 pm

Poodle in a mirror?


Another crucial point about Turkey further underlines the sheer amoral perversity of David Cameron’s gushing endorsement of that country, analysed below. As Martin Packard, a former UN mediating officer in Cyprus points out in a letter to the Times (£) today, for the past 36 years Turkey has been illegally occupying part of Cyprus:

In advocating Turkish membership of the EU Mr Cameron should remember that Turkey is an invader and illegal occupier of Commonwealth and EU territory, in contravention of numerous UN and EU resolutions. The aim of bringing Turkey into the EU is a sensible and commendable one, but Mr Cameron might best advance Turkey’s cause by persuading it to withdraw its troops from Cyprus.

But all Cameron said about this in his speech was

...we want you to continue to work towards a solution in Cyprus

to help

...convince the doubters

that the case for Turkey's membership of the EU was


It’s also striking, isn’t it, how there are never any Unison or university boycotts of Turkey, or angry demonstrations outside Turkish airline offices, or denunciations of Turkey’s illegal occupation by NGOs or the UN.

For as Leo Rennert observes on American Thinker, noting an ad in the New York Times against the Turkish occupation:

In these 36 years, the ad asserts, Turkey ethnically cleansed from their homes 200,000 Greek Cypriots, killed 6,500 of them, deployed 43,000 occupation troops, brought in 160,000 Turks to cement its occupation, destroyed churches, synagogues and cemeteries, while it continued to oppress Kurds in Turkey.

The ad contrasts these horrors with a pro-Western, anti-terrorism record of the other half of the island where a Greek-Cypriot government recently confiscated Syrian arms destined for Hamas, refused use of Cyprus ports to the Turkish flotilla, while partnering with Greece to provide humanitarian aid to Gaza, and worked closely with the U.S. on terrorism issues.

But now Britain’s Conservative Prime Minister has placed himself firmly on the side of the destroyers of human rights and against those who resist tyranny. Some have speculated that he has done so at the behest of Obama, who is keen (of course) for Turkey to join the EU. If so, it would add bitterly ironic reinforcement to the impression that Cameron is a mirror image of his role-model Tony Blair. Blair was styled ‘Bush’s poodle’ for yoking Britain to the White House in the defence of the west. Cameron may have volunteered to be Obama’s poodle, yoking Britain to the White House in the cause of surrendering the west. ... rror.thtml
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Postby humanist » Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:07 pm

He sees Turkey in a different ligh than you, obviously. He is a fool anyway.

yeah .... well other than Obama there aren't any other great leaders, Sarkowzi is prety liberal, I like him. We got a dud one as PM now and a dudder even, opposition leader ... lol ........ you think your in trouble ;)
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Postby Kikapu » Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:47 am

David Cameron is on a mission to help the Conservative party to take full control of the government and leave Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats at the alter. Cameron's tough stance in regards to Turkey's EU membership is all talk and nothing else. Even an idiot on the street knows, that Turkey's EU membership is in the hands of Turkey first. They know what they need to do to get there, but they are not doing it. Before Cameron can lecture the EU for not offering EU membership on a plate to Turkey, he ought to lecture Turkey on their own short comings as to why they have not become a serious EU member candidate. That's what friend's do with friends, is to tell the truth.

As I've said, Cameron is only paying lip service to Turkey and a lot of grandstanding, but no substance at all. What Cameron is trying to do, is to show himself to be a world power leader to try and convince those Brits back home that he is capable of running the UK without his side kick, Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats. Once he gathers enough support, he will no doubt call for a new general elections to win outright. Already many Liberal Democrats feel betrayed by Nick Clegg for siding with the Conservatives to become the "5th wheel" in the government and had foregone their basic principles. So expect Cameron to do a lot more "showboating" by endorsing some countries and pissing others off at the same time, as the case was with Pakistan and Israel, no matter how valid they may have been. The goal of Cameron however, is mostly how to get rid of Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrats from the Government.!
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Postby humanist » Tue Aug 03, 2010 10:57 pm

Cameron is a fascists and that is precisely why he is promoting a habitual violator of international law and human rights. However, one only needs to look at British history to see that they too have violated human rights 1955 their current queen ordered the hanging of Cypriot freedom fighters and today British forces have caused more chaos murder and killings in the Irag/ Afghanistan areas than if they did not embroiled under false pretences to bring down a regime that violated human rights. Basically the British have no conscience.
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Re: Cameron 'anger' at slow pace of Turkish EU negotiations

Postby Omer Seyhan » Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:00 pm

Me Ed wrote:David Cameron has promised to "fight" for Turkey's membership of the European Union, saying he is "angry" at the slow pace of negotiations.

However, its well known and widely commentated on that whilst the UK leadership wants Turkey in the EU, UK does not want Turks in the UK.

This is so funny, especially after Michael Elinas has spent a fortune on donations to the Tory party! :lol: :lol: :lol:

If this doesn't teach Cypriots that mono-communal lobbying doesn't work then what will!
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Postby insan » Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:37 pm

It seems everyone get upset when they don't hear the words they wish... :lol:

What a funny world we have been living in... ooops! I forgot to mention that some people make this world looks funny... especially those who jump on everything which suit to base their propaganda and self-satisfaction... :lol:

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Postby Lit » Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:37 am

Greek Conservatives anger over Cameron overtures in Turkey ... -4396.html

Reporting by John Kaponi

Greek members of the Conservative Party are believed to be "deeply concerned" over the overtures made by David Cameron the British Prime Minister, in his first visit to Ankara the Turkish capital with verbal and written representations expected to be made today to the Conservative party in protest. The Prime Minister is believed to have enraged Greek Conservatives when he said in Ankara:

"When I think about what Turkey has done to defend Europe as a Nato ally, and what Turkey is doing today in Afghanistan our European allies, it makes me angry that your progress towards EU membership can be frustrated in the way it has been".

"And we want you to continue to work towards a solution in Cyprus, despite our disappointment that a huge effort six years ago was unsuccessful. We will work with you in every way we can as you do this. Of course we won’t always agree on everything, but our common objective is to convince the doubters – whether they are the protectionists, the polarised or the prejudiced – that the case for Turkish membership of the European Union is indisputable, just as I already believe it is."

Responding to these comments the leader of the Greek-Cypriot Conservative group in London Andreas Papaevripides said:

"We as a community (Greek-Cypriots) are extremely concerned that the Prime Minister has not made any substantive efforts to address the clear intransigence in the current talks over Cyprus, emanating from the Turkish-Cypriot side."

"I am alarmed that Mr Cameron despite the concerns of many in this country, and in the European Union, he is (David Caneron) prepared to lobby for Turkey to become a member of the European Union despite the appalling record on human rights and intrinsic cultural differences that exist".

William Hague the Foreign Secretary spoke to an event organised by Greek-Cypriots before the general election and said:

"Ankara must give Cypriots the freedom to choose a settlement for themselves".

The Conservative party has depended heavily on the votes of Greeks in key battle grounds in London, and many of these MPs are expected to receive representations from concerned Greek-Cypriots over the Prime Ministers comments.

A senior member of the conservative party in London of Greek-Cypriot extraction said this morning:

"Giving a blank cheque to Turkey encourages Turkey to be intransigent over Cyprus. There is no mention over the withdrawal of the heavily armed 35,000 troops that Turkey has stationed in Cyprus. There is no mention over the plight of the missing people, there is no mention over the return of the stolen properties. Cameron has failed to win anything from Turkey".

Similar anger is being expressed by members of the powerful Jewish lobby in London, with the Prime Minister making a "ferocious attack" on Israel in Ankara according to a report in The Independent, and comparing the Gaza strip to a "prison camp".

photo credit: No10Downing St website Flick feed
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Postby miltiades » Sat Aug 28, 2010 6:51 am

The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of British MPs care only for one thing and thing only. How to hood wing the accounts office and continue fleecing the tax payer with their preposterous expense claims. They are all , almost all, money grabbing , greedy bastards , title chasing - you know the stupid system that still exists in the UK where a Mr Jones becomes ....SIR !!! WHAT A LOAD O PURE SHIT - yet the British plonkers accept these ludicrous dated nonsense and rewards these crappy politicians accordingly. Look at ....Lord Prescott , what bollocks !!!
Britain is halfway towards becoming an Asian nation , make no mistake in 20 years or less the British people will accept Sharia law , the Archbishop of Canterbury , has already commented on the ...benefits of Sharia law !!!
Next our British women will have to wear the Vrikolakas costume and the men will have to grow beards !!!!
Talking about crappy British politicians its time that we the British Cypriots begun asserting our presence in the UK by demanding free distribution of Zivania , loukanika and of course halloumi.
I was in the local clinic a few days before I left for Cyprus getting my diabetic needs attended to , in front of me a head to tow covered woman collecting her freebies , amongst them ....3 packets of Durex !!! On the house !!!
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