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Turkey Moves Towards the Acquisition of Nuclear Weapons

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:15 pm

Israel Training PKK

An unnamed PKK leader has told a Turkish newspaper that Israeli soldiers have visited PKK training camps in the Kandil Mountains area to train members to use heavy weapons and bombs.

The unnamed man who defected from a Kurdish training camp said that Israeli officers have trained the PKK, a Kurdish separatist organization that has led an armed resistance against Turkey, for years. He told the newspaper that the Mossad has long been present in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq, a relationship that dates back to 1967 to the time of Kurdish leader Mullah Mustafa Barzani who had a close relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Levi Eshkol.

Accusations of Israeli support of PKK have been on the rise in recent weeks. Chairman of the ruling AKP party, Hüseyin Çelik, accused Israel of being behind the PKK bombing in İskenderun earlier this month which left seven Turkish soldiers killed. ... aining-pkk
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:32 am

your day is coming Turk just dont have it to be a world power and you will crumble..
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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:40 am

bigOz wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:or maybe
Turkey is setting herself up as a target .......that would be nice :lol:

Try taking a shot at it COWBOY! :lol:

Dot worry Israel and the USA already have plans for this. :wink:
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Postby bigOz » Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:03 am

bigOz wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:or maybe
Turkey is setting herself up as a target .......that would be nice :lol:

Try taking a shot at it COWBOY! :lol:

Dot worry Israel and the USA already have plans for this. :wink:

With no supporting evidence as such and plenty to support the opposite in everyday media, I can only say this is only a "wishful thinking" by an Armenian. :D
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Postby ARMENIAN CYPRIOT » Sat Jul 31, 2010 1:14 am

bigOz wrote:
bigOz wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:or maybe
Turkey is setting herself up as a target .......that would be nice :lol:

Try taking a shot at it COWBOY! :lol:

Dot worry Israel and the USA already have plans for this. :wink:

With no supporting evidence as such and plenty to support the opposite in everyday media, I can only say this is only a "wishful thinking" by an Armenian. :D

Sorry to burst your bubble but the media in the States has become anti Turkish since the incident with Israel. Has nothing to do with wishful thinking today the USA gave the green light for Armenians too sue Turkey as a nation for compensation. I am sure it has nothing to do with the Incident with Israel
. The American press has already began the dehumanizing process towards Turkey.To be honest I am not a Fascist as yourself and realize not all Turks are rubbish as yourself so no I wouldn't be please to witness the loss of human life since they would leave Turkey in great shape such as Iraq or Afghanistan.
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Postby bigOz » Sat Jul 31, 2010 9:45 am

bigOz wrote:
bigOz wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:or maybe
Turkey is setting herself up as a target .......that would be nice :lol:

Try taking a shot at it COWBOY! :lol:

Dot worry Israel and the USA already have plans for this. :wink:

With no supporting evidence as such and plenty to support the opposite in everyday media, I can only say this is only a "wishful thinking" by an Armenian. :D

Sorry to burst your bubble but the media in the States has become anti Turkish since the incident with Israel. Has nothing to do with wishful thinking today the USA gave the green light for Armenians too sue Turkey as a nation for compensation. I am sure it has nothing to do with the Incident with Israel
. The American press has already began the dehumanizing process towards Turkey.To be honest I am not a Fascist as yourself and realize not all Turks are rubbish as yourself so no I wouldn't be please to witness the loss of human life since they would leave Turkey in great shape such as Iraq or Afghanistan.

You could not burst a soap bubble with a fucking javelin - you friggin idiot! :evil:
You are an ignorant pig of an "Armenian"(?) because your reply has to entail an insulting title! Why call others names when you reply you prick? Here you go - I am replying in kind using thesame style but worse!

I am no fascist, but if hating back-stabbing, lying, Greek Orthodox fanatic Armenians like you makes me one - then YES I am definitely a fascist!

Who reads or gives a shit about what the American press says, or who the Americans give red or green lights to? Americans are the scums of this world thanks to lobbies by other scums that have joined their society. They are on a fast downhill ride to economic and social disaster - and just in case you have not realised they are no longer the world power they hoped to be!

You chat shit, know absolutely nothing about true history, express strong personal feelings rather than realities, and from what I read in your post THICK AS TWO PLANKS! Hade re orospu çocuğu, go lie in your smelly bed with a carrot up your arse and let men get on with discussions...

I have no interest someone calling himself ArmenianCypriot, neither will I read any of your replies ever! I rather talk to most fanatic GCs all day! Now, bugger off! :x
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Postby Nikitas » Sat Jul 31, 2010 10:40 am

Like with the man who wants the biggest whatnot in the world, the next question is "what are they going to do with them"?

For obvious reasons they cannot be used on enemies that are close, because that is like bombing themselves. So who are the distant enemies that Turkey would be holding off with nukes?

This is another one of those masturbatory fantasies of the Turkish general staff.
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Postby bigOz » Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:15 am

As they do not need nukes to beat Greeks - has it ever occured to you it could well be possessed as a deterrent? Towards other bigger powers who are in the habit of interfering with the economic and political development of less powerful nations.

Why don't you ask why Russia and USA had enough nukes to destroy the earth 100 times over? Who does Israel expect to use nukes against? AND Do you think any of the leaders of these nations are mad enough to unleash a nuclear war?

As the original post goes - it is nothing but an "analysis" and not necessarily reality because it includes a lot of opinions. Where does it refer to a Turkish general making a statement about owning nukes? I follow the news in Turkey and never saw any such statements.

So! First a fool decides to claim Turkey is fast racing to own nukes. Another one decides to accuse its top military of some mental sexual act, and soon you'll be asking ROC to start enriching uranium...

Do I sense some kind of paranoia here? We have a saying in Turkish: "It may take a crazy man to roll a boulder downhill into a lake, but it would take half a dozen wise mren to work out how to pull it ashore"! :roll:
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Postby AWE » Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:58 am

Nikitas wrote:Like with the man who wants the biggest whatnot in the world, the next question is "what are they going to do with them"?

For obvious reasons they cannot be used on enemies that are close, because that is like bombing themselves. So who are the distant enemies that Turkey would be holding off with nukes?

This is another one of those masturbatory fantasies of the Turkish general staff.

There is no evidence that Turkey is acquiring nukes - the original article is all conjecture, and weak at that, with the only 'fact' being the line that Turkey wants to reduce its dependence on Russia - this then begs the question since when was Turkey dependent on Russia? - as this has never been the case since the time of the Tzar one can only read that the whole thing is aimed at discrediting Turkey. Given that as mentioned already the Israeli lobby in the US is already planting stories to this end then this only part of this. Therefore, we can assume that Turkey is not acquiring nukes.
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